week 3 dq post follwup


In a post I made to Falicia Jensen, regarding locus of control and of course encouragement. I think based on witnessing the applications and schema’s Polytechnical colleges create for their students and teachers. That dynamic will work so much better field wide.

Applying the lessons of psychology not as a form of philosophy but as a form of engineering. The human body is an incredibly complex machine, that machine needs to be seen as said.

In addiction, which the field seems to be focused on. In a machine which is not working correctly, right before my first car died. The car had all kinds of problems. One of which was that when I want to turn it off, occasionally the engine would keep going despite turning the key to turn it off.

This can be compared directly with students with low self esteem and get “lost” in the confusion. Their internal “tapes” are playing x when in reality they need to be playing y. Same goes for addiction, for me I have not taken a drink of alcohol in more than 20 years. Not because of any other factor but I am allergic and my next drink will kill me, my throat will swell shut and I will have an issue breathing. So my tape was reprogrammed easy. Which seems to be a problem with others, reprograming the internal tape seems to be the issue. Similar issue with confused students. Change the tape playing in low self-esteem students by changing the environment of the class to a polytechnical schema rather than a philosophy class.