week 5 dq 1 redo


second attempt, I hopefully I write this one better.

Disruptive students in a class need to be interacted with differently. The attention seeking students obviously need to be discouraged from posting off topic, and strongly encouraged to post on topic  (Webster, 2008).

Another way to direct their attention would be to use the scientific method to their posts, but from a mathematical standpoint. have them break the point down into an equation format, each step in the process be identified and a variable created. So they stick with just the topic of the equation and not anything personal. Sometimes personal fits, as in a cross comparrision of analyzing similar behavior patterns from several different events or people. have the student build a behaviorist model of actions, variable A is what, then they do B action, then C action. Will keep them on task and target of the subject with parameters which do not allow outside influences. Or they those outside influences are brought up, how do they fit into the established scientific equation format.

Most professionals in the fields of psychology and of course teaching have to create an algorithm form which to teach from.

Ok each student starts at x, I want to have them track through y steps, to reach z at the end of this class. Most teachers have that map in their head for each student. Which is why a break the curve students can be graded with the same sequence as a can hardly stay in the classroom and keep up students. An A for the first student is their own sequence, an A for the other end student is also their own equation model. How far did each student achieve from x to z  (Stavredes, 2011).


Webster, T. (2008). How to be successful in your first year of teaching college: Everything you need to know that they don't teach you in school. Ocala, FL: Atlantic.

Stavredes, T. (2011). Effective online teaching: Foundations and strategies for student success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.