week 5 dq 2 Madyson Wier 


of course Freud’s work influenced psychology and of course is actual field psychiatry. He was a trained medical doctor. However he chose to not treat the body but the mind.

But the question becomes, where did he obtain his research from in order to found in a way psychoanalysis. That is an extremely good question, which has very little if any solid answers to it.

Did his ideas and theories birth their own ideas and areas of study, of course. Are some of this ideas still used, that would be a well duh. But the fields I like the most history and of course neuropsychology themselves take issue with freud’s work in a very different way.

His ideas did not just come “poof” out of no where. Which is one reason his ideas need to be criticized. He found some of hti sdieas in areas which still in the modern world are not that welcome a reference source. He stole some of his ideas, and did not give credit. Which needs to be taken into strong account when dealing with students who react badly to some assignments.

They may or may not be dealing with a bully issue, or a complainer issue. It might be the student is frustrated at knowing something is wrong with what they are learning and has hit a wall of being able to articulate the problem. The solution use the scientific method and mathematics to break the problem down into its base parts (variables) and explain what is wrong with the theory. Then of course spend some time working on some of those variables were picked up by later researchers and twisted into x, y, z. Dig in and find out if the mistake you found is found in those later theories.