week 5 dq 2 post annoyed

After reading your post, do you realize you use the word respectful 5 times. Which is fine. Based on the sentence structure used to the fictional student and then with me, emotions, feelings, etc. are 95% of the situation with you. Which is fine, have emotions, have feelings. But what I was pointing out, to someone already feeling nose out of joint, this is a bad class way, etc. your post to someone like me would only inflame the situation. BTW; my post was nice, I thought of about 10 more points I could have used the scientific method and torn your post to that student if I was that student apart. That was nice based on the fictional criteria of the classroom. That student posts x, you posted y, a student already feeling out of sorts will very likely come back at you with that type of over the top aggression. Did you notice you used no less than 3 (grading) threats of violence against that student. In the past, teachers threaten my gpa, and that is way way way over the line of acceptable behavior. The classroom stops being a classroom and starts being a very inappropriate game. I was pointing out that a conflict was already present. That conflict has ruined a good teacher student relationship and it is all aggression after. But the power is all, all  on the side of the teacher, it is the teachers job to calm things down, not escalate to try and overpower the student. Push on a goats head and that goats instincts will be to attack, and not stop till something in the Ds situation changes. That classroom is now a combat zone, the student will spent the rest of the class and the rest of their time in that school being extremely angry with you. You will be the target of a great deal of very harsh emotions. Instead of calming things down, you chose to get aggressive. I redirected the anger and emotion to a "if you are upset, tear the theory apart, where is how. Here is the scientific  method, here is how to start to take actions and convert them to variables. (Here is how to built at least in extreme brief) how to build a statistical model to define why the person cannot stand the ideas present." you chose to, just do what I want done and respect my authority. If a student is already upset enough to post something like  that, they are already too annoyed to care about your feelings. As this students teacher, your feelings should not be part of there learning  experience. According to a couple areas in the DSM, when emotions are added to an conflict, it is almost by default an abusive situation.