week 6 dq post Colleen Slebzak 


how would you go about building a study guild.

Would it be closer to a dictionary, encyclopedia, or what format would you used?

word; sentence of description is an encyclopedia.

word; couple sentences, maybe a paragraph, possibly some visual aids is a very small encyclopedia.

would you stop at a small, or would you built it for each class.

Would you build your dictionary/encyclopedia by copy and paste from sources, or would you come up with your own definitions?

HTML: was first used by a professor who wanted to have a way to organize his decades and decades of syllabus, study guides, papers, etc. His website was nothing impressive, but it had the potential to be huge. He had the potential to build his own Wikipedia about 2 or more decades before that www.?.com was in existence. Or the creators were even born yet. However he chose not to dive in and create a virtual teaching environment in htm.

would building a teaching profile in a www. format would this be a solid good idea or a waste of time.