week 6 response to teacher

I could not mean the following with less disrespect, I apologize if you read it wrong.

one of the things which most either intelligent to very intelligent people forget is that different people think and process information differently. Smart people can make logical leaps others cannot.

But what is forgotten is that the smarter a person is, the more different than thinking is from 2 deviations from the mean people.

I stated the word inappropriate because for an example. Yes, basic mechanics are accurate a meshershit, ford, chevy, Toyota, etc engines are for the most part the same. However, they are in all very hard reality very different when it comes to the specifics. These lessons of course apply in a general aspect identically, but they do not apply very well to the specifics of the difference in engineering. An ME engine works very different from a ford. Piston to crank shaft of course are identical, but how each engine differs is my point.

At this level of academics, we actually need to learn to identify and separate out the differences between different in effect ways of teaching which apply differently to different formats.