week 7 dq FJ


The difference between arrogance and self confidence. Self confidence is knowing exactly where your current strengths and limitations are; arrogance is to demand others as well as yourself ignore your flaws to focus only on how great and wonderful you are. Science for the most part hates with a passion the arrogant in its ranks. The arrogant in its ranks themselves are corrosion in an otherwise working system. Self confidence is the ability to tear yourself apart to find your weaknesses and msitakes. To never stop finding out what you do wrong. Once you know what you do wrong, spend your time either fixing it, or knowing it is present and not performing a job which that weakness will cause the whole to fail.

if you think what I am saying in a science and academically format is harsh, I am very concerned with several years from now when you go up against your dissertation committee. They are going to tear you limb from limb. They are not going to care one little bit about your feelings, emotions, or how much you want to be respected. if you cannot stand up to even the softest basic academic critism, you really need to think about your life choices.

Basic scientific criticism itself when it becomes harsh is like going round after round with mike Tyson. what I gave you was the equivalent of a harsh breath in your face. You have stated several times “respect”, this is a phd level class, you want to train to become a professional academic. What do you think professional academics do in their careers, do you think they simply sit aroudn all day and have word play for fun. No, the job is to take any given idea or established hard target fact and academically and scienticially tear it apart to make sure it is actually a fact and not just propaganda from which the culture has grown use to said ifcitons being truth.

Example; several years ago I performed a thought exparimetn that the nazi bell had no way in any shape or form the concept of being the fictionally claimed time machine. It was not a time machine, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever the nazi bell would be a time machine. The more I dug into it after 15 mintues, my scienticially trained mind started to find evidence and connections to allow my 15 minute academic thought bubble to actually be considered something to persue.

The job is to take ideas established facts, and test them destroy them make those ideas break in order to find more fundamental truths. To test the boundaries of reality by take an idea and test it till it breaks. Then determine exactly what its breaking parameters are.

General Wesly Groves started WWII as a bird Colonel. He ended the war a 4 star general. 3 years he had a meteoric rise, why he figured out how to hire the best sciencests, the best military people, in the perfect situation to build the atomic bomb. He delivered the atomic bomb to the world. He directed Oppy to built Los Alimos Labs in New Mexico. How, you cannot worry about feelings and emotions when dealing with finding out fundamentatl truths.

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Sciecne is all about looking into the abyss to find fundamental truths, but not taking on the junk of the fight to find fundamentatl truths. Do not let the fight become who you are. The fight is not about battle, but to fight past the arrogance, the ego, the other society blinders put up to find fundamental truths. To tear at the fabric of reality to determine what reality is. Emtions only get in the way.

What I gave you is the respect of the field. I found a mistake in your self confidencd and I pointed it out. Would you rather not know of that mistake in your fundamental truths, and proceed assuming your foundation is solid or would you like to be respected enough to be informed of your mistakes so you have time to correct them. With that attitude, you will not survive yoru dissertation boards.