week 7 dq response


This week has been an interesting week for me. I was able to take some of the thoughts and ideas I had regarding classroom behavior and turn them into week 10 syllabus. Students like Sheldon, House, Walter Obrien, etc. are very rare but they do happen. When they do, few teachers have any idea how to interact with them.

It usually devolves into very inappropriate interactions very quickly.

Btw just because the following people are fiction does not mean for a second they are not based on very real people. Sheldon, House, the characters from the movie “Real Genius”, etc. Einstein flunked out of at least one math class. Alan Turing was severely punished in school by both the teachers and the follow students; thank alan for the thing you are typing on and looking at. Well thank him and Hedy Lamarr, she designed the gears he designed the OS. His part was not allowed into public consumption till just a few decades ago, her part is still classified. Being a Jew female born in eastern Europe did not help. The fact she was forced to marry a Nazi industrialist did not help either. Despite being a mechanical protégé and of course founding JPL, Nixon in the 1930s stripped her of any name recognition from the place period. Hedy, and Nixon were in the War Room when the event took place which that very real event turned into the movie “War Games”. Hedy and Alan were fictionalized into the character of Falcon. Nixon became just the politician present in the room being a jerk.

Each of the people I mentioned were treated for the most part with different levels of horror stories in their formal educations. Hedy was not allowed to attend the Sorbonne, being both a female and a Jew she could only “audit” classes, she was not allowed to actually attend.

The common denominator, some teachers and a lot of the students feel threatened by Sheldon, House, they students from the movie Real Genius, Walter Obrien, etc. an adversarial power dynamic begins very quickly and does not stop.

You know why Steven was at Cambridge and not oxford, he was asked to leave Oxford. He was a threat to the math's department at Oxford. The head of the math's department felt threatened by Hawking’s and made his life hell. I point this out because this week is about “classroom experiences”, pointing out the nightmares is how we learn. A future Nobel winner and of course came up with a couple theories which reshaped academics, science, and the field of mathematics. and he was asked to leave Oxford for hurting the feelings of the body of people. Their feelings regarding them being so much more important than to be nice and work with the “odd ball” in class and help them improve the species as a whole. The equation is almost entirely consistent “the odd ball hurt my feelings”, the response is revenge against a defenseless person. The “odd ball” hurt my feelings so I get to assault them in any way I want to in order to sooth my hurt feelings. I guarantee to you that the real people Sheldon, house, Walter Obrien, etc. are based from have not the slightest idea they have hurt your feelings. Not only was it not done deliberately, it was not even part of the thinking patterns regarding actions. Doing x, others feelings have nothing to do with the actions of x. Just because the x action hurt others feelings was not part of the thinking at all.

This must be addressed by every potential teacher, because it is literally academically abuse and word assaults. The damage is intended on the side of the person with hurt feelings, the damage was no intent from the side of the odd ball. Odd Balls do not come up often but are almost always thrown out of schools for hurting everyone’s feelings. You will not find many upper end odd balls with completed degrees, the better the skills the less likely they are to complete degrees. The extreme exceptions are in computer science, and medicine. Occasionally mathematics, but that is an oddity.