week 7 dq sherry

Interesting that others feelings have become the one and only topic being discussed when the comments back to me for the last month have been in my opinion more than a little entirely unjustified harsh. But since my feelings are not important I ignored not being treated well or not being treated nicely and went on with it. I focused on the work, focused on the classroom and the topics per week.


I find it fascinating that me commenting that "I will never take your class. I would never trust you as a teacher". Became a character big Meany to that person and not a "hold on a second, something is wrong. someone is feeling bullied and hammered on" issue. Which was the theme of the 6 classroom experiences I pointed out from historical figures. People who society bullied, harassed, and treated from very badly to tried to kill on several occasions. Silencing someone is academic death; which is on the student code of conduct extremely bad. But instead of asking me questions about why is it ok that those people were punished badly for their hurting others feelings, why not focus the other direction.

Hurting Nixons, the pope, crimes against humanity anti-homosexual laws, (you directed benefited from the victims ignoring the abuse and continuing on. while the bullies were able to have their feelings soothed by the culture, it becomes a popularity contest, the victim becomes the groups victim instead of just the popular ones. That can and obviously does happen in classrooms, because it is happening right here and now.) the fictional character of Sheldon had any number of bullies (sometimes including his friends), the fictional/real person Walter Obrien (had/has any number of fiction/real people who want to harm him and his scorpion team), Oppenheimer was bullied out of the field of science he invented by McCarthy, Wundt was bullied and threatened with execution on any number of occasions by the Prussians (the Prussians; were so nasty and aggressive from the second they took the name Prussian from Teutonic Knight, till the Munich Branch started to use the name NAZI. Still to this day the location Wundt was to create modern psychology the descendants of the Prussian in the immediate area refuse to acknowledge the facts and evidence of their own crimes against humanity.), William James traveled to Tiffin Ohio to study in the same place Wundt was in and the Prussians informed him that if he breathed a word of where modern Psychology actually began they would happily kill him, Mary Calkin signed up for the first class James offered at Harvard (20 male students also signed up for the class, when they found out that a female was going to be in class they all to a man dropped the class. Hoping if they dropped the class Harvard would remove her, and they could have their all male classroom. I brought his up twice, and no one asked a single follow up question) if William James was not as strong and popular at Harvard as he was the class would have been cancelled (James was a career tenured professor he did not care if he had one student or 200,  his position was solid) he just taught her in the first year, saying the black females at NASA were treated badly by most of the people in America would be a “strange fruit” understatement of mythic proportions (not only those 3 were treated badly, the whole room of black females were treated horribly, the head of computer programming at NASA is only a small footnote because she was a white female. No they could not find a male to do the job, they looked far and wide. She was the best person for the job),  saying Marie Currie was treated badly but kept on is also a very hard line understatement,  the notorious RBG talk about having to struggle to get through each class from day one college to passing her bar exam (no need to mention her current struggles in both politics and her SCOTUS colleagues being bullied by the rookies has made headlines), Hypatia her bullies did (fictionally) kill her for hurting their feelings, The Vatican tried on 5 public times and about 100 private (assassins) times try to kill Leonardo Da Vinci, Socrates, Plato, although not specifically in the classroom but for similar structures Julius Caesar was executed for being a Jewish/rabbi (that is a very long, complex, detailed, and insane story but the evidence when examined is beyond clear, evidence not the propaganda from the popular heathers/roman senate. He completed his rabbinical training in Bythila from age 11-19. I said long and very complex. Now that I think about it Caesar and Spartacus for a couple years were in a relatively same area for years. No reason at all to assume they did not have strategy sessions early on, that they implemented a decade later. A Ludis is a school, with has direct and serious connections with Judaism. Lus is Latin for light/teaching. dis is any number of ancient languages for a noun in direct action/interaction with a person. A person interacting with a noun; plate/dish/mist/themselves/etc. interacting as in absorbing from the noun. Lus is Latin for light, to interact with light at a given location. Which has direct correlations with the city of Vilnus, which was founded by Jews in the ancient past. Vilnius Nastavnic Tom Clancy’s captain was being called a Rabbi, obviously meant as an insult but at the same time a reference to Noah and his ability to navigate through the worst. Vilnus/Vilni was a huge Jewish city previous to 1941, by the end of 1945 it is doubtful if there were more than 5 Jews in the city of more than 300,000 prior to 1940. Viln is old High German for light, a take off from the Futhark word Jeru. Yes the first four letters of the capital city of the Jews Jerusalem. In Lithuanian Viln directly translates as Wool, but wool, sheep, sheep Jews/shepherds/the flocks are controlled by the motions of the light. Light Jeru, Jeru Futhark for Light of the new day luc in Latin/Italic. Luc light. to embrace the light lu dis. To embrace; di the light; Lu s. insert di between the u and the s. Lu di s. . Remember genocidal levels of anti-Semitism. The popular people have to feel good about themselves and bully the victims. The victims some do not go quietly into that good night, some stand and fight in different ways. buering secrets inside the language of the conquerors is a great way to make the bullies carry your education. They feel good about their nasty behavior, and they get to carry the lessons of their victims in pure ignorance.),  I am sure there are dozens of more examples of the bullies playing the part of the victim while the true victims become forgotten by the society the bully becomes a leader of.

The theme of those classroom experiences, the popular people were able to get away with the worst behavior because they knew how to control the functions and structures of the population. Use popularity to excuse their crimes. Ask Harvey Weinstein’s victims including Rose McCowan how she feels about the popular Harvey taking her career away from her because she hurt his feelings pointing out he is a super sexual predator. How many A list stars did he take their careers because they either refused to sleep with him or did then instantly regretted it, said something about it and were tossed on the pile with the rest of the victims. Same exact structural behavior sequence; treat me the way I demand to, your feelings have zero to do with it, treat me in x way or else. I am popular I can get away with everything. You are not popular you have to do my bidding. Also do not complain about it, because that will hurt my feelings and I will really get mad.

Instead of defending the person in the middle of the room crying for being spoken too harshly (what did we learn from week one about attention seeking; inappropriate classroom behavior. I think crying and attacking qualifies. I am on topic, I am talking about the subject of the class, the others are not), how about focus in on why the harsh words were spoken in the first place. I have been openly bullied and told very un-nice things in this classroom and not a single person minus the teacher has done anything other than piled on to the person being bullied or have flat out ignored the situation. Both of which are directly against the lessons we have been taught from week one. I was just told to "stop replying to me". My answer is since I am an adult and I am paying to be in this class to obtain a PhD in science as long as I comport to the rules of the student code of conduct (which I have. I did not call a name, I identified a repeat abusive behavior pattern. "why are they being mean to me" answer because you are very aggressive and have very inappropriate classroom behavior.) and I stay on topic I am not in junior high anymore so I can reply to who I want when I want within the classroom rules parameters. Which I have done. The number of questions that could have been asked of me in the dozens of topics I brought up, were for the most part ignored for the feelings of aggressors.

I am here to study the mind and to prepare myself for a career in the field of science. Facts rule, not feelings, facts rule. Unless the person is a test PhD facts are the one and only thing which matters. Feelings are left at the door. Thank whatever that the couple dozen scientific heavyweights continued to do their jobs and were not determined by the bent out of shape feelings people. The "hidden figures" who have been bullied, silenced, treated horribly, etc. some were even executed for hurting others feelings. Or the world would not have HUP, Christopher, and hundreds of other species positively affecting things.

thank the victims of popular bullies.  the bullies have their feelings soothed and cared for, when the victim keeps on trucking with science and ideas. There is an 80s movie that comes to mind about this, where cultural popularity is the medicine for inappropriate behavior.

Of course I have the scientific and academic skills to hammer back but that would not have done anything other than made me into a bully, when the classroom is about "how to teach" instead of how to be a teenager.

BTW no one noticed a threat of future violence was given weeks ago. It was simple and easy, "treat me nicely and be kind to me or I will be nasty to you in the future". "we are going to be in the same field in the future". I found it on the extreme side of funny that the student points out how their aggressive behavior is a normal thing, "why are they being mean to me". I answered the question according to this weeks question. Obviously my answers of "stop being bullies". The hammering back became " we are not bullies, we just demand to be treated with respect". I did treat with respect, x behavior pattern is wrong and here is how to fix it very nicely. That is academic and scientific respect. Academics is about finding mistakes and fixing them. Someone pointing out where your scientific method is wrong, that is supposed to be "thank you" instead of "how dare you hurt my feelings, you better not hurt my feelings in the future." You better not hurt my feelings in the future is the definition of bullying, a comment about further inappropriate behavior in the future. Which is a violation of the academic code of conduct. Talk about a bad classroom behavior, we are experiencing one.