week 8 dq 1


I was going to talk about the structure and function of the Socratic method. However, I am thinking that might not be the desired answer.  

I am not a typical student nor would I be a typical teacher. I am cut from a different cloth, in my classroom I present ideas and concepts which are usually bran new to the audience I am communicating with. There is a huge difference between how some people teach psychology and my ideas regarding the subject.

As for the question, to change society requires introducing ideas which fundamentally change the way the world aroudn the individual is perceived. Example in the 1980s, it was entirely inconceivable to have 1000s of songs on a very small device in your pocket. A personal tape-recording devise was the height of technology. One tape, either professional and or record yourself. That was personal music. A decade later and the ability to have an entire library of songs from dozens of artists in your pocket and listen to music for 12 uninterrupted hours. Same thing, the field of psychology allows for the introduction of ideas which can reshape the consciousness of the society.

A person can change the world. A person with a solid psychological headspace can provide extreme assistance to the world by helping individuals to see the world better.

example the teachers of the elementary school student “Catherine Johnson”, those teachers figured out that she needed far beyond anything they could teacher her.  She was college ready at age 10. She grad school ready at 15. Thanks to her NASA was able to determine orbital insertion and dissension dynamics. It took the correct psychology to recognize young Catherine’s potential. TO see beyond the little black girl in nothing ville west Virginia. She needed far more than what anything within that entire area of the state could offer. In Psychology it is the duty of the teachers to help our future students to recognize the potential in those special students who can and will reshape the society they are on. Instead of punishing the standouts, the stand outs need psychology to help those around them to see potential and not be threatened by it.

Not being threatened by those who can are far more talented academically is one of the primary goals of psychology students. Change the conversation away form a threat to encouragement. In my experience, many teachers and lots of students fail at this.