week 8 dq response to teacher


Methods for teaching; like you I use the Socratic method every day. An academic argument can be made that the method is the foundation for how the scientific method came into existence. To always have more questions than answers.

For me in the last few years has led me to the ideas that maybe there is a better way to perform education. A better way to form and disseminate the information present in the world.

Obviously the website format is an amazing tool, but Wikipedia and the like both legit “Encyclopedia Britannica”, “World Book Encyclopedia”, and non-legit sources of information. They still operate based on the standard formatting of intro, the body being up to x number of sub topics all having directly to do with the main topic, conclusion, references.

But this dictates a problem. The problem being, just because you add links to “click for more info” does not mean that there is a specific page created to show the direct ties between subject A say the noun Caesar and subject B the noun Czar. A separate sub category needs to be created through the link structure or a drop down menu to show that the following nouns have a commonality.

Narmer, Scorpion King, Louis, Caesar, Czar, Tiwaz/Tier, etc. have the same exact meaning. They mean hunter, to inflict upon another, to strike, hit, impact, etc. the root of the word Caesarian section comes directly from Caesar. The Nick name of Versailles being “The Hunting Lodge” is actually an OC French joke regarding Versailles was named for Pharaoh Narmer. The Polytechnical College which is literally the definition and translation of Versailles its nickname with the joke added and translated into English The Scorpion Kings Lodge. The Scorpion King being the first Pharaoh of upper and lower Egypt. He ruled about 500 years before construction started on the Pyramid’s.

Each of those subjects need to be addressed. Since each one of those subjects itself has sub sub sub categories. The Pyramids, the Hyksos invasion of Egypt, the ATEN, the Sun King, Leonardo Da Vinci, Hedy Lamarr, etc.

Comparing with a future teaching career. I would want to take some of these ideas and figure out a way to make them in a way sop, which would be a career issue. To have each student and each institute create interactive databases; so that the most senior scholars and the youth just starting out can add their own information and interact in a database which has the potential to solve answer questions about how consciousness works. If every scholar from the youngest to the oldest each one is a symbolic synapse, then the input they give would be metaphorically the same as creating a neuropathway. Would make publishing new ideas much easier, discounting old ideas also much easier. Digging for facts can happen in a far better way. This would be a fantastic way to proceed with a future career in teaching. To reshape the apa formatting into a database formatting. Which would fundamentally change the entire structure of first psychology then the entire field itself. The results and fact finding in the field of psychology would bleed over into the other fields. Academically likes to go with “what works”, if y works better than x, than y wins. Hence the y use of a computer instead of on paper. The y use of a typewriter rather than handwritten x. The Future of academics seems to be a more elaborate form of a personalized website. Now the problems come up, how to have said global project funded. That is a semi easy answer, instead of the same way education has been funded for millennia. Have a huge bank account/trust fund and those connected to it and contributing to the database receive monthly stipends. Forget about the fraud, people like  me who cannot turn our brains off can make up for the I get money and all I have to do is pretend to write good stuff for 20 years. Sign me up. Instead of spending 99% efforts on reducing fraud. Spent 99% efforts on finding the diamonds in the rough who need funding and support but do not function well figuring out how to spend a year writing grants. 

A future teaching career focused on how to build that infrastructure. The challenges are at this point unknowable. Solve each problem by each problem.