week 4 dq response


I noticed this was a solid engagement technique over the years, but specifically when watching the Morgan Freeman movie “Lean on Me”, where the main character was a high school principal with student body consisting of mostly black inner-city kids. A not small percentage of them would not be alive for their 20-year reunion.

He used that technique when trying to get across to their teachers, how dire their students’ lives have become. Most of them had already experienced some type of extreme violence in their lives. Some had family and friends killed already by either the police and/or gangs.

Making it personal by having them raise their hands until the questions no longer applied is a great way to ensure that “why should I pay attention” the student engages, since it is entirely about their future and safety.

For me I also rely on humor, I frame my talks from the masters, George Carlin, Robin Williams, etc. ironic “did you ever notice, x, people believe that stuff. really?” To allow them to get in on the joke, by feeling superior to others who do not get it yet. Although that is a bit nasty to do, but that is what most jokes and humor are based from. You see things better than others.