week 7 dq response


" Still did not provide the feedback that was helpful for me. I felt defeated and frustrated." unlike our current teacher, some teachers have a set in their head parameters regarding what they are looking for. Example in the paper this week, the author had a clear idea in their head regarding the assignment but did not have the ability (or chose to limit) to communicate clearly the concepts. I want x but have little idea how to communicate said ideas.

In my last university, my last class I had one of my worst teachers total. This teacher graded according to treatment, not diagnostics. The class, the textbooks, the syllabus was entirely about diagnostics, but the teacher was violently militant regarding treatment. For that teacher, there was virtually no ability to communicate what they wanted. During not one but two separate phone calls, the teacher over the course of 45 plus minutes of just one call, described that teachers own personal hell classroom. That teacher attended a sequence of classes on Psychology, which drove that person absolutely mad with unhinged rage. The subject of the class was x, and the class kept wondering "off topic". This teacher told me 3 separate stories about their hell experiences in different classes regarding "off topic". This teacher told me about 40 to 50 times in one call alone how much they absolutely in all ways, shapes, and forms detested the very concept of being off topic in a classroom. Vowing (the 40 to 100 times) to never allow their classrooms to get "off topic". Saying how much this teacher hated my writing style and the way I process information is not measurable. Sufficient to say the 3 more classes I had to take with that teacher to obtain my degree was in all ways impossible. That person has a violently militant idea of what "on topic" is for their class and has less than no ability to communicate what those parameters are. No matter what questions; in class, email, or over the phone were asked. The answers came back "just give me what I want, on topic, and I will be happy.” But the teacher had less than no ability to communicate what "being on topic" was.

It is not malice; it was not deliberate. It was pure and simple inability to communicate internal cognition. Just give me what I want, and I will be happy, but no ability to communicate in any real form what those parameters are.

Example I am a grown adult, I was trained when I was still in diapers how to scientifically argue. I can hold my own on a number of different scientific discussions. However, what I learned about in my time living directly next door to MIT (not really but an exact equal polytechnical institute in another state) literally. About 2000 feet of our property borders. Is that there are good times to pull out the big academic guns and fire away, and other times when it is good to be the coward of the county. Just because you can fight and win, does not mean you need to. Sometimes allowing the bullies to bruise their knuckles on your ribs is far better than winning the fight. Knowing you can win and simply allowing them to not get your goat is the better form of valor. Science and almost all aspects of academics is Fight Club, you have to know how to fight academically. But you cannot inform the youngers of the rules; do not talk about fight club, do not talk about fight club. Why because you have to allow everyone to learn at their own pace. Plus, there is the whole hierarchal thing happening. Going to the dean and wiping the floor with that person academically sounds great, till you have to go to that person to sign off on your grant.

By refusing to communicate, was the teacher feeling embarrassed and humiliated.  Was that teacher trying to teach you something else. Did you communicate with that teacher in some way which caused that teacher to take that (grant) opportunity to hammer you hard.

Unless forced to, I would not allow you to be my teacher in class. I would drop you like a stone. I would not allow you to have that type of authority over me; unless I had no choice. I am sure you are a nice person, but when you feel challenged you come off like a wild Viking ready to perform all manner of academic violence. As a student I would not trust you for a second. Did you challenge that or a couple teachers that way and they took said opportunity to (grant) hammer you back.