week 8 dq response 3

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For the last bit I have been working on researching Dante’s Inferno. This comes on the heels of spending the last year working on tracing the general ideas behind an idea about Leonardo Da Vinci I had about a year ago. That idea is that instead of spending his life hiding on various estates of his friends in Milan and surrounding areas, Leo actually lived in Paris for most of his life, being smuggled into and out of Italy dozens of times from around age 5 until he was finally ejected from Italy for high treason against the Vatican. Basic mathematics tells us that the Last Supper took about 5 months in total to paint at the absolute most. So why did he spent almost 6 full years painting it. Simple answer he was gone for months and months at a time, he would come in spend a few hours, days, working on it, then leave again for between a couple months and close to a year. Each time.

The Archbishop of Milan was more than a little angry that it took so long to paint it.

What Leo was (yes this has a direct physical impact onto academics, scholastics, society, and psychology.) doing he was in effect the head tactician in charge of the French Army invasion of Italy 1492-1497. If his plan had worked, well more appropriately the French King had not of deviated from his plan and conquered Rome itself instead of playing with Naples, the entire history of western culture would be radically different. Unknown number of things would not have occurred. Up to and including the rise of the Prussian Empire as a military threat, which is what led directly to the 7 years war, the American Revolution, French Revolution, War of 1812, American Civil War, etc. All of those events are a direct cascade from the French Invasion of Italy. The overwhelming majority of those events the nasty culture which financially and spy work backed those wars was the Prussian Empire.

Those events cascade effect provided the foundation for guild academics to move away from central control from the Vatican (all and I do mean all western culture schools had to have a Papal Bull to exist. I do mean every single one; previous to 1850. From 1680-1850, cultures took more and more responsibility for passing the laws to allow for education, but the transition was on the extremely slow. In America only those schools founded previous to 1780 had a Papal Bull, and only the most prestigious of them) to each culture’s government would control education and form some type of school counsel. The Prussian Empire was militantly behind the move away from the Vatican and towards civilian control over education. Thus, creating the modern educational system. Which has cascaded into the modern online university systems.

The Prussian Empire formed the concept of an academic advisory board.

Although the advisory board was not invented by the Prussians the Jews actually created the first documented version; with Imhotep as its first documented “Headmaster”. Which is in a very odd and heavily poetic license version of Vilnius Nastavnic; The Vilnius School Master.

To fight against the Prussian control over education, genocidally wrestling control of it away from the Vatican to control education themes. The Italian and French renaissance scholars hid their math's, papers, etc. inside artwork. The Prussians liked the whole Greco-Roman idea of a formalized e.g. APA formatted paper. APA is simply a modified version of the way Greco-Romans scholars would teach their students to write papers. Although a huge amount of modifications to the format were done. The basic format is similar. Similar metaphorically to that of a generalized mammal, 4 appendages, neck, head, x number of ribs, etc. The smallest mammal and the largest share similar biology.

The Renaissance artists chose to use the artistic aspects of education and hid their best ideas and equations inside art. So that the enemies of education could spend lifetimes looking at the Mona Lisa, David, the School of Athens, etc. and not see the code key involved. Dante Aligeri helped to develop those how to create scientific papers inside art/poetry/sculptures/songs.

Most people know that the masters hid stuff in their paintings, but what is not known is the true decode key to explore the depth of the information hidden inside those pieces of art.

It is from that information from which Wundt was educated by both the Ogle family of Tiffin, Ohio and the classics e.g. the story of Ǽneas. You see Dante was inspired by the Ǽnead poet written by Virgil, who was inspirited by the poems written about the journey of Ǽneas from Troy to various points in the Mediterranean to found Alba Longa and helped to beef up the defenses of the city of Samhain (pronounced in English Seven; e.g. the City of 7 Hills. The problem, the characters of seven and 7 did not exist yet.  The city was called {seven} but it was not spelled that way. However Manx Gaelic did have the spelling of Samhain and it sounds very similar to Seven) Brings into some very interesting ideas about the 7 Years war since only 2 of the 7 cultures involved used English primarily. Most of the rest did not use English; French, Gaelic, Prussian, etc. why call a war something which most of the primary fighters would not have used. They would use their own forms of communications, namely Gaelic. Gaelic would have spelled the 7 Years War the Samhain War. But Samhain is the name of two things, the City of Samhain and that war which occurred 1754. That war both shaped modern academics and cascade effect created the culture from which Wundt was born into who founded modern psychology.

Knowing the base of modern academics can have a profound affect on the functions and structures of your students lives. Just this little 1000-word post has changed your entire perspective as to where education came from. Add the schema of Janus from other weeks and the whole Samhain concept comes into a very interesting perspective. Small changes can have a huge ripple effect.