week 8 response to sherry


Based on getting chewed out rather hard by the administration of this school I must start with an apology if I hurt your feelings or anyone else's feelings. The teacher could not have been any nicer or more kind. However, your understanding from a pure clinical aspect is wrong. I apologize again for pointing out any mistake which causes problems or issues. Clinically the equation needs to be in the following sequence, not the sequence you pointed out. The Roman Culture itself operated just slightly different than western culture does today. Very aggressive, hence the Gladiator games, and the full extent of the Janus ceremony which directly involved mass executions. The person would stand in a room, with at least one doorway; that doorway would be in some way a representative of the schema of Janus. Janus would then metaphorically whisper into the persons ear, the person would then take the whispered idea or concept, or improve the artists talent in some way (the spirit of Janus would possess the body of the artist and the painting, carving, writing, ?? etc. would improve based on the concept of being possessed by Janus) to then create the Genius Link. The Genius is not the act of the Janus possession but if the society accepted the "thing created" through the artist being imbued through Janus genius. It was Janus (the executions) and the society accepting what Janus had given them, is the equation. If the society/culture itself did not like what "Janus" gave to the culture through the whispering possession(act of genius) they would assume it was the dark face of Janus or assume Janus was unhappy/upset and either do something nasty to the thing created, the artist, or try and appease Janus in some way. 

Three amazing beyond belief aspects and facts about Janus which are impossible to disprove, one is that the letter for letter definition of Mezuzah (the thing Jews put in their “Doorways”, as a blessing) is the exactly (exact) same letter for letter definition as Janus. Two the double spine of Janus, matches on a molecular scale (yes I said molecular scale as in smaller than the naked eye can see) the Pyramids of Egypt are biologically (perfect, by perfect I means perfect, not subtle perfect but lab testable perfect) perfectly reflected in the Pyramids of Egypt. From mid back up is the west directed face mid back down is the east directed face. Now for all but a small handful of the rarest births what is expected 99.999999% of the time in homo sapien sapiens births, a brain at the top of a spinal cord. We study the brain/thinking, Greek for Psyche; take of the e off and add ology.

Now for the next tie it together historical facts, there was a temple of Janus approximately where the Dome of St Peters is now. That temple to a now obliterated and erased from history part of the Vatican Hill aka the Rock of Mars, sat to the west of the Vatican Hill, the small hill to the east is where the Romans executed Jews (connecting Janus with Mezuzah with Genius, with the Memento Mori Ceremony).  This ceremony is beyond the showers level disgusting, but it is also where the inspiration for the showers came from (please understand I mean the most vile and disgusting example of showers the human race has produced). The Romans assumed and performed this ceremony x number of times from 753 (very likely earlier during the 577 years from the end of the Trojan War 1330 until the city of Samhain fell 753 bce and was renamed Rome [Samhain in Latin All Hallows Eve in English Halloween October 31, where the veil between the worlds is thinnest so you can see both into the spirit realm and in the physical realm aka a slightly different definition of Janus]) until close to the end of the Empire when the culture converted on whole from Paganism to Christianity. The Janus Ceremony was stopped. But not really, it was stopped because the foundation of Christianity is founded on “Christ Died for you”.

The showers mention above. That comes into play, right here right now. Jews would be brought to the little hill on the overall Vatican Hill to the east of the other little hill on the Vatican Hill to the west. That little east hill on the Vatican large hill is where Jews would be executed, for the express purpose of. The Romans assumed that if they sent someone else to the afterlife in their stead, that stated idea (Genius/ from Janus; The physical east person stays in body, but they have another west body [the sacrifice almost exclusively Jews] would be sent to the afterlife in their stead. This action would provide them with immortality for a length of time. It was assumed (whisperings which the society would accept and be defined as Genius, the accepting of the idea was the genius part, not the coming up with it. The vessel was considered either annoying, or worst not appreciated for the sacrifice of being a vessel for Janus. In a weird way, the vessel could be considered the west {bad face} for the idea would be considered the good east face) by the concept of Janus. The person could face rather harsh punishments even if their ideas were great. The greater the idea the greater the accepted genius the more the artist at different times would/could/did face the consequences of taking on in the society the idea they were the very bad of Janus would have not brought out the very good in them. Separating (possession) the good from the demon, if the idea was great the person could be considered to be some embodiment of darkness/evil.

Mem; pharaoh Mem the face used by the Romans as good luck to go into battle. The namesake of the Memkaure Pyramid the farthest south on Giza; the farthest north of Giza is Khufu, which has a close to dead on the money with millions of stones carved to absolute perfection down to the micrometer symbol of the Hebrew Character of Shin as the Khufu Pyramids Horizontal Architecture. Easily provable, I can either send you a graphic or you can simply take an inside image of the Khufu Pyramid and put the Hebrew character of Shin over it, they line up close to dead on the money. Close as in the character changed a huge amount from 2500 bce to 1300 when it was slightly modified, slightly as in about 3% of the character was altered just a tad to its more modern look. But with handwriting changes over the course of 2000 years that can simply be poetic license acceptable.


These ideas are directly reflected within the concepts of “telling truth to power”. No matter how good the truth is, if the power(culture) does not like the vessel the form/way/shape/words from the person, the person gets punished and the person/leaders/culture deals with the information in whatever way. Identical to the scene from schindler's list where the female Jewish engineer was executed for pointing out the foundation was poured wrong. She was executed but her suggestions were implemented.

Also works similar to the start of this message, I apologize for x, y, z actions. The culture either accepts my (whispered from Janus) olive branch, in which case I take back on the east directed “good face” or rejected and I take on the west “bad face”. Which is the root of “saving face”. That would be the east face of Janus.

Direct physical evidence for the above can be found directly within the framework and structure of FreeMaonsry.

SW position the Temple of Janus (St Peters Basilica), alter would be Mount Zion the place of execution for Jews, and the Temple of Jupiter/the Curia Julii WM.