writing week 2 dq 2

Based on a review process created by Kember et al, some of the words used in a sequence of academic words are more important than others Those important key words need to be the focus of the summary (Kember, Fernandes, Tunbridge, Liu, Payá-Cano, Parsons, & Schalkwyk, 2010). What those key words are and why those words were used is how to summarize what was said. Why those words were used, and how those words were used becomes the base of the summary.

The specific article required is a summary of a simple scientific study regarding a 10-day trip to Honduras. Of the 39 participants all were tasked with journal entries. One group answered questions the other participated in an online discussion. The online discussion revealed higher levels of details remembered than the survey answers (Smit, & Tremethick, 2017).


Kember, R. L., Fernandes, C., Tunbridge, E. M., Liu, L., Payá-Cano, J. L., Parsons, M. J., & Schalkwyk, L. C. (2010). A B2 SINE insertion in the Comt1 gene (Comt1) results in an overexpressing, behavior modifying allele present in classical inbred mouse strains Kember et al. Genes, Brain & Behavior, 9(8), 925–932. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1111/j.1601-183X.2010.00614.x

Smit, E. M., & Tremethick, M. J. (2017). Value of online group reflection after international service-learning experiences: I never thought of that. Nurse Educator, 42(6), 286-289. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000381