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In the life and times we live in we are still confronted by the facts of the society we live in. the construct of the society we live allow for the elderly and handicapped to be abused in vast ways. Our society shuns things it is not comfortable dealing with. From criticism, through people we do not like, information we do not like, cultural aspects we are not comfortable dealing with, and things that make us afraid.

We house the elderly in “homes”. The homes range from places we would not tolerate for a few seconds but we house our previous loved ones in those places and forget they are their or we just deal with the guilt. Up to and through virtual palaces for the elderly. The problem in the palaces are usually so expensive they preclude all but the richest in a society to afford them. Proper care comes with a huge support staff each requiring huge salaries. Now some in those fields are doing it just because they love the work and it is truly an honor to help. But the majority are only their for  pay check.


Upon my journey into bed. I was left with many choices each worse than the last. I had the choice of isolation, asking family to sacrifice to give me care, asking friends to do the same, or hard core able body-mind fighting the insurance company I had to have it.



After months of experience with hotels and relatives attempting to help. I choose to get additional care giving from Dana. I know it was a very bad thing to do, but even though she came with extreme abuse she did things no one else could have done.

So the 2 months in the hotel, and then the 11 months in the apt. some of the hardest 11 months of my life. I know fully understand what it is like to be helpless and someone who says they love you then does things to abuse you. no matter how many times you explane their actions are abusive, they keep doing it. Their needs are more important than yours.

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