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Ohio Native


I was raised in Tiffin Ohio, the last generation to have any part in Tiffin Ohio of my family. The ogles helped settle Tiffin and that area of north central Ohio. The money, power, and political by the time I was born were mostly gone. So I was left with a mightily wide legacy from the last 1700s till the 1970s of money power and influence, once the giant is taken down the survivors are mostly not treated well.

So when my mother saw how bad the town responded to me, the only real thing to go was to leave.

Through the struggle of the area I was born was the fact I had a rather serious autonomic nervous system condition. When I was a child it did a huge amount of damage to me. As I grew it was never far from being of impact on what I did.

I was diagnoses in my middle 30s with nerocardiogenic syncope which to those that know Latin or medical terminology sounds simple. But the condition is extremely complicated. First the last symptom in the condition is not blood pressure bottoming out and hitting the floor, the worst is when the brain stem has trouble sending signs to the muscles and the muscles stop doing what they need to do. Breathing, vertical hold, and seeing are all majorly impacted when the condition starts to become pronounced.

I was born with this, but hd to live in ignorance for three and a half decades.

My other primary issue is, my father is an abusive alcoholic, from a long line of either over achievers or alcoholics. My entire matriarchal family were not treated well at all.