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Last updated 1/11/2004 5:12 PM






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Mission to Mars


This is how to put a realistic foot hold into space.


It’s a multi stage multi trillion$ plan but it covers all basis.


  1. New ISS C space stations build in orbit around earth. Capable of housing the necessary people, equipment, supplies, and space to build all that will be required for a foot hold in space.
  2. A new ISS B space station designed for moon orbit. And construction of moon base
  3. move existing ISS A to mar, after construction finishes
  4. construction of new supper heavy lift disposable rocket for space travel.  to get people supplies, equipment and the like up into orbit to get the projects done



  1. ISS C, its going to take a lot of equipment to get all that done, especially the size of the earth ISS.  It needs to be large enough to handle a crew of 5 – 10. training crew for moon or mars 5 – 15. Training crew for moon ISS and moon base.   rough necks for construction 10 to 20.
  2. ISS B, this is built specifically to support the moon base.  All that will be necessary for the foot hold on the moon.
  3. ISS A, the current station, well it’s a good station, and it’s a good first step, but it needs to be finished back to a huge crew specs, be able to be the support and science foothold in orbit around mars.
  4. A super lift new disposable rocket, to lift maximum cargo into space.  To get the necessary equipment up into space.
  5. build a moon base first (Armstrong), have the moon base build and mostly finished before plans are realistically drawn up for the mars base, there are items that need to be learned from the moon base that will insure the correct construction on mars. 
  6. once in orbit around mars, ISS A, do a 10 year plan of mapping observation, record as much detail and data as possible.  Map the whole surface  all the close up readings not possible on earth.  Even set up an observatory in orbit around mars.  Then after the surface is mapped, and the atmosphere is mapped, weather patterns are mapped, and the moon base is built and the lessons from the moon base are learned, that is when we start to draw up plans for the mars Lander and mars base.  No reason to just go there, and come back, waist of money, stay around a while and get some serious work done.






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T Shawn & Emma Welling