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Research section 1 branch false history


This branch of section 1is all about the ideas of history that are flat out, and completely wrong.  They where wrong when they where thought up, and no matter how much belief there is in them, they are still wrong.


Now this is a multi pronged branch since, this branch also needs to cover what some cultures and belief systems think, contemplate, and believe are totally and completely wrong, but they are only wrong to them.  That is also going to be covered here.


This section is about balancing the wrong with the correct. And seeing if we can have some form of understanding with what is truly wrong universal truth wrong, and belief wrong as in to believe of tradition specific those items are wrong but in universal truth they are just fallowing there tradtion.


This is where things get a bit mixed up,  for if you have a tradition that sais that something is a fact, but universal rules say its not a fact its not true then there is a moral dilemma.



What the research is Things which stick out in history

My research into the runes is a journey of uncovering the truth from the ancient European Mediterranean world.


I was looking at what we have been told about what happened in the ancient past, I took a couple sentences about the ancient past of Europe and there were a few things which just did not add up.  There were sentences here and there that just did not seem like they were the truth.  So instead of looking at the ancient past as if it was based on true information I started looking for the holes in the data.  What about really happened from around 1000 b. c. e.  to 600 c. e. .  Those details about what really happened really got my attention because nothing really makes sense as to what truly happened.


So my research is all about the application of what truly was happening and going on during all those interesting times that history glosses over and just leaves to be what the conquerors were talking about.


Misleading history

In the vastness fo time there has been a great deal done about the historyu of civilizations.  And in this history there becomes a problem.  The problem occurs when the individual in quiestion startes asking what really happened.  This is an imposastible question because history is always written from a pov of the conqueror.  So the very notion that anything is accurate is wrong.  So most of what we know can not be true about what actually happened.  So all we can really do is try and piece together what happened from the actual stuff that was left behind that the conqueror did not get around to destroying before they themselves where conquered by someone else.

So I coming from this specific pov decided to not read the eddas and not read any of the historicly accurate accoundts of what happened.  I decided to instead take a archeological stand and take in as much evidence as I could about the goings on of the ancient Northern Europeean world.   So I started to dig,  I looked at all the evidence that I could takeing into account all the cultureal and religious biases that are in existence.    And looking at the Futhark as through it was a functioning language.  There is no account of any other language from ne and that the runes have language coppasity as well as they have a verbal and written format.  Knowing these things I decided that the Futhark must have at some point been a working language.  So I going on that assumption start looking for evidence in the existing written material about the language itself.   So I start to explore the divinatory books that are available.   Right off the bat I find a problem.  The authors are all contradictory, every one is coming from a different pov and religious biass.  So Instead of looking at the situation from a what is this I have to then take the authors themselves apart and determine what biases they are coming from.  Which actually turns out to be easier then I expected.    They all boasted very highly of there religious and cultural biases.  So I became easy to separate out each ego as well as religious bias.   I make an early assumption that the Futhark was changed as each new culture mearged with the original one suttely changing the  language base.  But these mearges did not sound like coquests at all they sounded like two equall communities joining forces.   And the language suttely over time chageing with the advent of new languages.  But small parts of the original remained.  Such as the caracters fo the original.  And even some meanings.


Christopher Columbus could easily have just listened to local fishermen tales about an old trade route around the Atlantic.   Since it was only a couple hundred years back when that trade route was well established and working.  So there is plenty of understanding that he could have just followed old fishermen tales.



In the vastness fo time there has been a great deal done about the historyu of civilizations.  And in this history there becomes a problem.  The problem occurs when the individual in quiestion startes asking what really happened.  This is an imposastible question because history is always written from a pov of the conqueror.  So the very notion that anything is accurate is wrong.  So most of what we know can not be true about what actually happened.  So all we can really do is try and piece together what happened from the actual stuff that was left behind that the conqueror did not get around to destroying before they themselves where conquered by someone else.

So I coming from this specific pov decided to not read the eddas and not read any of the historicly accurate accoundts of what happened.  I decided to instead take a archeological stand and take in as much evidence as I could about the goings on of the ancient Northern Europeean world.   So I started to dig,  I looked at all the evidence that I could takeing into account all the cultureal and religious biases that are in existence.    And looking at the Futhark as through it was a functioning language.  There is no account of any other language from ne and that the runes have language coppasity as well as they have a verbal and written format.  Knowing these things I decided that the Futhark must have at some point been a working language.  So I going on that assumption start looking for evidence in the existing written material about the language itself.   So I start to explore the divinatory books that are available.   Right off the bat I find a problem.  The authors are all contradictory, every one is coming from a different pov and religious biass.  So Instead of looking at the situation from a what is this I have to then take the authors themselves apart and determine what biases they are coming from.  Which actually turns out to be easier then I expected.    They all boasted very highly of there religious and cultural biases.  So I became easy to separate out each ego as well as religious bias.   I make an early assumption that the Futhark was changed as each new culture mearged with the original one suttely changing the  language base.  But these mearges did not sound like coquests at all they sounded like two equall communities joining forces.   And the language suttely over time chageing with the advent of new languages.  But small parts of the original remained.  Such as the caracters fo the original.  And even some meanings.


false history

There are at least 2 accurate historically factural accounts of Viking invasions into the roman catholic territories totally unprovoked where the Viking or at least those accused of being Vikings came in and invaded the roman catholic abbies and missions and killed everyone there.


Only problem with this account is that, the 2 definat ones I know about the invation happed on Viking and or Celtic soil, so it was not an invation it was more taking territory back.  And the first hand account was written down in another country by another priest 20 and sometimes 50 or more years later.  So these very accurate accounts are not all that accurate and believable.  If some of the information we see from hsitoy the factually data, was presented now, it would be totlay blown out of the water.  But sice the data was complield by the Vatican and or that data was over 1000 years old its has just been accepted by everyone as being fact even thought its totally inaccurate.


1 history faulse items that stick out

  1. Not able to believe that all knowledge of advanced cultures came from the middle east and Mediterranean, there had to be something more than just one idea out of the last 10,000 years in human history,
  2. oceans are 30 to 100 feet above where they were just 2000 years ago.  Leaves  lot of coastal settlements below water line
  3. Roman pottery in South America
  4. Sphinx, the body of a lioness, indication of a goddess culture.
  5. symbolic history that just comes out of human nature.

6.      The art of the past (cave paintings)

  1. The limitations of the other authors, why I found what I found that they did not, what things I did and what limitations did I skip past
  2. The long boat

The engineering involved with the long boat is so simplistically complex, a boat that can easily handle the ravages of the north Atlantic, a journey the Titanic could not do.  And Europeans did it easily for hundreds if not thousands of years.


Holes in Accepted history   When I began this project it started because I was used to hearing the holes in my families stories, I was raised by a family that so much happened before I was born that was secret that no one wanted to admit, I got used to filling in the blanks.  When I started my education I was so used to seeing the holes in family history that I just carried the same skills over to history and started to fill in the holes of our scientific history.  Which I can tell you, after going through parochial history class, and thinking that I had a good idea of world history, I can tell that the amount of basic information that was left out of world and ancient history is staggering.  Unfortunate for our education system. There are conclusions drawn by educators that are flat out lies but those lies are so well ingrained that they have become facts.  I read in at least 6 different books that out modern civilization came from the Greeks, which is not accurate, but that is accepted.  So you go with that.  Unfortunately there are a number of cultures thousands of years older than the Greeks that had advancements long before the tribes that became the Greeks were the Greeks.

1.      lost 13th tribe. The fact that Europe was inhabited and civilized for a long time indicates they had been there for quite a long time before the AEsier got there. The AEsier being possibilities of several cultures already known to the Mediterranean history.  Then there is the language attributes to German and new languages are very similar to Yiddish.  As well as early Jewish cultures were not as patriarchal based as when the prophet that first created Judaism.   That culture was already up and running by the time he was around.   As well as it could have been organized in other ways.  There are so many similarities between the Israelites and the AEsier that it’s hard to put into format.  But the lost tribe went north, and did that bull worship thing.  Language matches. 

One of the other things about this, Yiddish and German are kissing cousins as languages go.  Yiddish is very ,very old. German is supposedly very young, how is that possible.

1.       cocaine mummy



I found evidence of a highly advanced culture that had things like a long boat that had a 3 foot draft that could carry lots of big heavy things.  This little boat had the ability to cross the North altantic that is a feet even today.   There was the long house, a simple stucture really, I mean its all wood, and the constuction tech are primative.  But the roof weights 90 tons. And the weight is not supported by the walls. Its is supported by the pillers in the middle of the long house.  A long house is 20 to 50 feet wide, a hundred feet tall and around 100 to 150 feet long but that is simple engineering.

They had the ability to surcumnaviget.  If you can sail for 3 weeks in the North atlantic you can sail anywhere.


with no language, an arcane mythology, and no math.


For when the culture began its downward spiral toward obscurity the wise in the culture buried the secrets of there culture within the framework of the language itself.   In this book.    that have eluded and confused the secrets .   I then research into the matter

scientifically to determined if the information is correct.


The Histroy the the futhark is that is was a conbined old celtic and highelvin language.  When the sivilization of the celts was at an end shortly before the greek sivilization grew out of the older city states of ??that area??  THe celtic empire was on ts decline.   A group of people in the what is now know as eastern europe focused the lessons from there parent culture and what they knew of the Spiritual realm and created the Futhsrk language.  Which is at its base a teachign tool desineg to guide the human race into underastnding themselves better.   IF we understand ourselveswe can better understnd the people around us.   THen we can all work togetehr in a more harmonious way.

Later in the history, As the story goes the Secrets of the Runes were passed down from the Celts to the Vikings by way of the poetic Edda,  where Odin the Eddas hero was given the secrets of the Runes over the Well of Eard. Odin hung himself by the leg to the tree of "Yydrosill" for 9 days and 9 nights, wounded by spear.  Meditating to find a key to help his people and gazing into the well of Eard ,Odin was presented with the gift of Runes.  As the last of the Runes were given he died of his injuries.  He was then given the breath of eternal life,  becoming the head of the Nordic Pantheon, and the Norwegian peoples All Father.


Beginning History

I can tell you from a purly study of people of the world that the runes did not just materialize out of thin air at 300 ce.   The long boat is not a vicking invention, and the engineering ability to put 90 tons of stray into the air with only a couiple of supporting posts takes an advancment far beyond the reach of an illiterate culture.  Travelign from Norway to Iceland that takes 2 weeks.  Oh btw, today that is no biggy.  2000 years ago with no compass in the North Atlantic that was a feet rivaling the pyramids,   today we with our gps and our compasses and motos on our large large boats can just do that with out having sever problems.  The Nordics had a regular trade route established between Norway (2 weeks) Iceland, Iceland (10 days) Greenland, Greenland and Newfoundland (3 days).  No big thing.  And the norse did defiantly non at all travel the long incredibly perilous journey from Newfoundland to maine which is around 3 or less days.  They did not make the extra leg at all.  Of course the sailing is easier on the coast then it is from Norway to Iceland. And it is not middle of the ocean sailing.  Oh one more interesting thing about the norse there boats where so badly constructed that they where only in the water 3 feet. And could be a hundered or more feet long and 50 to75 feet wide.  With a full crew of large men and horses and supplies from months at see.   Without a compass.



The answer came 3 years after I started my search.   I knew that the symbols where based in part off of a divinatory concept of the Ausatru.  Or ways of Odin.   But that really did not tell me much.   So I started looking at the name rune.  Hidden or secret meaning.   Well if the language is understood to its fullest potential then we would not be calling it runes we would be calling it the Futhark since that’s its name givee respect but there are opinions galore on what the meanings actually are.   I simply found the oldest I could find and started deciphering from there.


I began this project a couple of years after beginning to learn the runes.   This project is all about a simple question "Where did these symbols and language come from?


In a further cut book of life.  What I am about to write about is what not only or one that several cultures in northern Europe decided to choose genocide rather than give up their secrets.  The secrets were not lost for many reasons that there are not to but there not lost it only took me away six years to decode the secrets.  The six are that the languages is a several things all at once.  The language is based sort of based on the cycles of nature.  Really a reality of life is the important thing to remember.  I have developed a dozen theories as to how the language of culture and philosophy keen to be and into being bled the capsule truth is can.  We timing never know.  All this that are only theories ideas educate indicated our conclusions and quite inspiration dreams and visions the trees is that we may never know what in northern Europe before the Roman and Greek nation’s happened but to what is left over after the cultures delusions is a language philosophy calender an incredible architectural achievements most are still unknown as to how they were but built.



Arts & Humanities


Carry over concepts

Conquest tribes



False info

Government Regional





Products industry

Dictionaries, Glossaries, Encyclopedia, Atlas,



Social Science

Society & Culture

What society made this current society or culture

1.                  History, Archaeology, Religion, Belief,  Anthropology, and the facts of who we are.


2.                  Things which stick out in history,


3.                  Reverse Engineering


4.                  Math


5.                  Language, basic spelling class.


6.                  Translating Ancient Languages long since Dead


7.                  Science


8.                  Research Books





This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling