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Glossary of terms used in New age metaphysics.



1.      Metaphysical:  This is the philosophy of the new age movement.

2.      New Age:  This is the reemergence of the old religions of the world into today’s understandings.

3.      Pagan:  Originally this term meant non city dweller.  When the priests came north from Italy they concentrated their work on the leaders.  Hence the cities became Christian and the people living within those cities also were ordered to convert.   The people in the country who followed the old path remained with the old path and chose not to go to the cities where they were disliked.   Hence the understanding of the old religion stayed in the country.

4.      Crystal:   A crystal in any form focuses the energy put off from what it is around.   When we work with crystals we can enhance our own focusing ability with the inherent qualities of the crystal.

5.      Magic:  This is simply working with the energy which is around us all.

6.      Spell Casting:   The ability to work and shape the energy coming off of us and tap into the energy which is around us shaping it into a beneficial form.

7.      Meditation:  The ability to close off the world and go within to discover who we are at our center.   Meditation is also sometimes used to facilitate exploration of what is known as the astral plane.

8.      Astral Plane:   The spiritual world, the 5th dimension, the astral plane are similar concepts.   The astral plane is the gateway to all the other dimensions.

9.      Protecting Yourself:  The ability to shield yourself from your surroundings

10.  Zodiac

a.       Signs   Planet   Norse Deity  Stone   Animal     Color       Rune

b.      Aries   Mars       Tyr       Diamond     Sheep  Ehwaz       Taurus                 Isis       Frigg        Sapphire          Bull          Yellow       Ingwaz

c.       Gemini     Mercury    Odin   Emerald    Raven   Red          Daggaz

d.      Cancer              Moon          Mani          Agate           Crab          Green     Uruz

e.       Leo                    Sun              Sol            Ruby             Lion           Gold     Ansuz

f.        Virgo         Chiron          Odin         Sardonyx          Cat            Blue         Kennaz

g.       Libra            Venus            Frigga       Chrysolite       Serpent       Violet        Wunjo

h.      Scorpio        Mars           Tyr            Opal            Scorpion    Red-Brown  Nauthiz

i.        Sagittarius      Jupiter           Thor            Topaz           Aurochs     Orange           Jera

j.        Capricorn      Saturn             Loki          Turquoise      Goat             Brown        Pertho

k.      Aquarius         Uranus           Urd           Amethyst         Eagle         Dark Blue     Sowillo

l.        Pisces           Neptune          Aegir        Bloodstone     Fish           White           Birkano

11.  The Chakras of the Body

Chakras are energy centers located in a straight line from 6 inches above your head to 6 inches above your knees.   They are your energy focus point for each specific task.

a.       Crown:  Your connection to heaven above.

b.      Third Eye:  Where you receive information from the outside world.

c.       Throat:  Spiritual communication.

d.      Heart:   This is where your soul resides.

e.       Solar Plex:  This is the physical communication center.

f.        Libido:  This is the emotional center to the body.

g.       Ground:  This is your connection to the planet.

h.      Include here a graphic of the body and chakras

                                                              i.            Divination:  This is the ability to focus oneself into first seeing, then reading the fabric of time.   Through action, the energy we all give off living our life in this realm translates into the fabric of time.  Learning to read variations and find out what your actions will bring about is the reason behind divination devices.   The device gives us in body the ability to understand the action-reaction of our life.

1.      Tarot:   This is one form of divination which uses cards as the device.  The symbols or reading form it uses is of the 5 elements.  Earth =Pentagrams, Air =Wands, Fire = Swords, and Water= Cups, Energy = The Major Arcana.   The Tarot places facts upon facts as an idea of life.  

2.      Runes:  Originally Runa for Secret or Hidden meaning.  The idea of the runes is that a symbol or character is a meaning to itself not just a

3.      figure meaning a sound.   The Original Futhark of the ancient Vanier people was the origins of the more modern Anglo Saxon runes.  The runes are a divination device that tells the story of your life.

4.      Astrology:  By calculating and mapping the placement of the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies in the cosmos

5.      we can get an idea of how our world will be affected by these changes.   Since everything has energy and all large energy forms have their own vibrations, these vibrations will have an affect on our life on this planet.

6.      Numerology:   The first 9 characters in ancient Hebrew were originally numbers.   Each of these first 9 characters or numbers had a meaning.     We can calculate our alphabet by comparing the first second and third sets of 9 letters with the 1-9 numbers.  This ancient form of language.

7.      Palmistry:   The lines on our hands tell the story of our life, or lives.    The length, depth, if they cross each other, all tells a story.

i.        Phases of the Moon

                                                              i.            Full:   The Sun is shining fully on the moon with out Earthly shadow. 

The moon is at the height of the moons pull of strength.  

Symbology  Inner strength.  realizing your potential

Suite in Tarot Swords

                                                            ii.            Waning:   This is the left side light as the Earth moves between the moon and the sun in orbit.   The moons pull is decreasing into the new moon.  

Symbology   Establishing goals, thinking about what you can do about where you are going.  The moon is drawing in and closing into the new cycle.

Suite in Tarot  Wands; Beginning new abilities

                                                          iii.            New Moon:  When the moon is completely in the shadow of the earth.

Symbology  Reflection within, how things affect you.

Suite in Tarot   Pentacles

Waxing:  The moon is slowly day by day coming out of the suns shadow.   The moons pull comes into being.

Symbology   Emotional growth, what you can do about it.

                                                          iv.            Suite in Tarot Cups:   this is a time of emotional concerns

                                                            v.            The Sabbats throughout the Year

1.      Yule: December 21, the beginning of the Gregorian New Year.   This is a time to drawn within your self.   The coming year will bring new experiences with will continually reshape your reality.

2.      Imbolc February 2, begin coming into yourself, spring is coming.  This is a time to begin coming out of your shell discovering how you are and where you are coming from, begin working on your future.

3.      Ostara March 21, the beginning of spring.  Start working with and bringing about what you planned on during the long winter rest.   A new year of growth is up on you.

4.      Beltain April 30-May 1. May day, A time of rich celebration, summer is coming, you need to get out enjoy life, and prepare yourself for the summer of abundant activity.

5.      Litha   June 21, Midsummer, This is a time to celebrate how you are and what you are doing, a time to achieve the best out of life you can.

6.      Lughnasadh August 1, the approach of fall, Midsummer,  Finish the projects of summer, prepare yourself for the changes which will proceed the changing cycles to the seasons and your life. Finish preparing the crops. 

7.      Mabon September 21, Harvest,   Finish up the details which have occupied your time in this year.  Prepare yourself for the coming of fall by finishing what you can.

8.      Samhain October 31, Fall, The end of the old cycle, the beginning of the new cycle.   The coming winter a time to withdraw within yourself and begin the process again.


j.        Tools:  A tool is a device which helps and aids the user to perform a given task.   In Magical workings tools are used to direct energy or power into a spell, incantation, or healing.

                                                              i.            Altar:  This is a table or flat surface which is intended as a resting place for spiritual energies to rest or have an honored place in your home.

                                                            ii.            Athame:   A magical blade intended as an energy focus point.   Never to draw blood except for the bearers own.

                                                          iii.            Totem:  A statue, figurine, and an object which reminds the bearer of a philosophical or religious belief.   A container symbolic of specific energies or belief the bearer holds.

                                                          iv.            Wand:  A energy conducting materiel often wood or metal which aids in the bearers ability to form and focus a specific spell.

                                                            v.            Bowl of Sea Salt:  This is for purification.   Placing items in or taking a pinch to insure the purity of an item.

                                                          vi.            Candle:  The element of fire is represented here.  Burning candles brings about the strength of fire.   Further explanations in Colors.

                                                        vii.            Herbs:   The chemicals found in herbs will aid and assist the user in creating the proper atmosphere.

                                                      viii.            Incense:   This is used in ritual to carry the energies up to the heavens.

                                                           ix.            Cauldron:   This is for mixing the spell components which are used in spell work.


                                                            x.            The elements

1.      EARTH:

2.      This is the grounding side of your nature.

3.      The Element of Earth is the home element.  The place of knowledge and understanding. A world for meditation, deep spiritual learning, and growth.

4.      Astrology:  (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)

5.      Embodiment, actualization, Grounding

6.      Practical, conservative, resourceful

7.      PolarityYin

8.      Season:  Winter Solstice

9.      AIR:

10.  This is the spiritual side of your nature.

11.  The element of air is where the daily living element.   Daily Experiences, personal interaction, communication with the outside world.

12.  Astrology (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

13.  Adaptability, Classification, Abstraction

14.  Intellectual, Verbal, Social

15.  Polarity:  Yang

16.  Season:  Autumn Equinox

17.  FIRE:

18.  This is the analytical side of your nature, 

19.  The element of fire is where the

20.  Astrology (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

21.  Animation, Vitality, Action

22.  Intense, individuality, activity emotional and intuitive

23.  Polarity Yang

24.  Season:  Spring Solstice

25.  WATER: 

26.  This is the intuitive side of your nature.

27.  The element of water is where the flow happens.  Water is your director

28.  Astrology (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

29.  Universality, Flowingness, empathy

30.  Sensory, Creative, passively emotional and intuitive

31.  PolarityYin

32.  Season:  Summer Solstice


                                                           xi.            Color Therapy

Colors are very important since color is a part of our every day life.   The common R.O.Y. G. B. V. is more commonly known as the visible color spectrum.   The individual colors mean:

1.      Red:  The application of strength

2.      Orange:  The ability to change.

3.      Yellow:  Your connection to the higher power.

4.      Green:  Growth.

5.      Blue: The flow of energy

6.      Violet:  Feminine strength.


                                                         xii.            The Seasons

1.      Winter Season:  This is a time of deep reflections in your life.   A time to reflect on the past year and a time to focus yourself on the coming events of the coming year.

2.      Spring Season:  Is the time of coming out of your winter hibernation and begin to bloom.

3.      Summer Season:  Time of action, take the blooming possibilities from your hibernation and all the initiation from the spring season and apply those now.

12.  Fall Season:  This is the time of closing down preparing for winter.  Making sure there is a ample food supply and that you are prepared for the mental hibernation the winter season brings.

                                                              i.            these are mostly anglo saxon wicca and old English definitions during the burning time.   Days

1.      Days of the week are correspondent to the Nordic calendar which originated from the Babylonian calendar of repeating days in a cycle.  The days of the week are To our calendar adapted from their original names by the Anglo Saxons who in later years conquered by breeding with the Normans/Vikings.

2.      The Anglo Saxon changed merely the spellings of the names but not the context of meanings.

                                                            ii.            Days of the Week

1.   Tides of the Day

2.   Time           Old Welsh  Modern   Wind   Direction   Virtue

3.   04:30-07:30    Bore   Morntide    Solanus  East      Arousal, Awakening, Fertility,  Vitality

4.   07:30-10:30   Anterth  Undernoon  Eurus  Southeast  Gentleness, Earning, Gain, Money

5.   10:30-13:30 Nawn   Noontide  Auster      South      Sustenance,

6.   13:30-16;30  Echwydd   Undorne    Africus Southwest   Perceptivity

7.   16:30-19:30  Gwechwydd   Eventide  Favonious  West  Parenting, Joyousness, Spirit, Family, Children

8.   19:30-22:30  Ucher  Nightide  Cautus   Northwest  Creativity, Teaching

9.   22:30-01:30  Dewaint  Midnight Septentrio  North Stasis, Healing, Regeneration

10.  01:30-04:30  Pylgaint   Uht         Aquilo   Northeast  Stillness, sleep, death


11.  Stages of night

12.  End of the day; Death/Rebirth; the parent plant brings forth the seed and prepares to die

13.  Dusk; Calling the ripening of the fruit and its harvest

14.  Mid Evening; Awakening the letting go; the seed falls from it's mother to the earth

15.  Midnight; Enlightenment; the rebirth of the light in the darkness, the living seed, buried


16.  Stages of the day

17.  Daybreak Reconciliation; apparently dead, the seed comes to life again

18.  Mid Morning;   Mystic union; the plant in its full flow of growth in harmony with the environment

19.  Noon;   Sanctification; the flower opens and is fertilized

20.  Mid day;   Completion

13.  Watchtower:  It the seat of power for the elements in a ritual / ceremony.

14.  Quarters:   Are the four elements in a ritual/

15.  Yang and yin:  Polarity

                                                              i.            There are 8 Sabbats in a witch’s year.  

1.      Candlemas Imbolc or Oimelc Feb. 2

2.      May Eve Beltain April 30 (Walpurgis Night)

3.      Lammas Lughnasssadh August 1

4.      Samhain (Halloween) October 31

5.      The other solstices at midsummer and mid winter and the equinoxes at spring and autumn

6.      Capricorn (winter solstice)

7.      Cancer (summer solstice)

8.      Aries (spring equinox)

9.      Libra (autumn equinox)

10.  Ceremonies/Rituals

16.  There are several basic forms of ceremonial and rituals in the metaphysical realm, in this section are several from different sources.  Ranging from Wicca, to Norse, to Pagan.  These are the rituals best to give an overall picture of what rituals are all about.

                                                              i.            For more information on this subject please contact

1.      Religion:  Religion has been categorized as the belief in a higher power.   The following are terms which indicate the various different religions encompassed within the new age ideal.   Some are ancient, some are new.   All are valid amongst themselves.

2.      The following is a brief explanation of the different terms and understandings of

3.      New Age, metaphysical, Pagan, Goddess worship. This includes phrases, concept, words, tools, and the accouterments that go along with the different forms.

4.      Metaphysics is about learning to enlighten yourself; applying whatever means necessary to learn your lessons and go on.  To simply exist is no life.  We as a group must evolve as a group.  We must learn our lessons, live in harmony with nature, forgive those around us that wish to do us harm or do not understand what their actions are causing.  

5.      Lunar Based

6.      These ceremonies are based on the cycles of the moon.  The Moon goes through several phases in its 28 day cycles, of going around th   

7.      Solstice





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Social Science

Society & Culture

What society made this current society or culture

1.                  History, Archaeology, Religion, Belief,  Anthropology, and the facts of who we are.


2.                  Things which stick out in history,


3.                  Reverse Engineering


4.                  Math


5.                  Language, basic spelling class.


6.                  Translating Ancient Languages long since Dead


7.                  Science


8.                  Research Books





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T Shawn & Emma Welling