AErdology Game


This game is based on the counts which have not been included in the calculations yet.

Each person has parents, a location of birth, distance from that location of birth, years at present location, a personal birth day, not to mention their own direction counts.

Each of those counts collect to produce a vast amount of numbers which convert to letters. Those letters convert to Hebrew.

In the Hebrew, since Hebrew is a form of Cuneiform this dates Cuneiform back to Indo-European language.

Which means that IE language itself was a language and a Calendar. Makes all Cuneiform languages also a language and a calendar.


You take all of those hidden numbers/letters and combine them.


Then you take (as the bible states; “you have two or more gathered in my name and I am present”) that basic concept and apply everyone’s counts together. To see what collection of numbers/letters are present.


This will require an application and a database so the hand held device can communicate with a central database and the numbers crunched in real time. Depending on what religious group is meeting depending on which scriptures are spit out. Or simply what combination of letters/words/sentence/ paragraphs/etc. are present based on a mountain of numbers and calculations not charted out yet. Only the 8 of the orbit have been done.








TR Welling