Litha Tri


the season/s of tri are derived from the Fibonacci sequence. the 5th or fourth number in the sequence.

the basics of this season in direct comparison to the day is dawn and dusk.


during this time

ground hogs day

the first part of the season happens during groundhogs day.

A transition time between winter and spring. use the time to adjust from the winter turned inward to apply that which you have been working on during winter to the coming spring.


the second part

Indian summer

during this time you need to be working at drawing yourself inward and prepare for winter.

this is a time to stretch and get ready to go within both physically into the house and mentally to rethink through all that you did this last year.


When I saw the sequence as an adult I thought to myself where in nature can I think of for this to apply. the answer became to the seasons. so I looked at any type of evidence regarding a fifth season which would work different than the others.

I found "Indian summer" Indian I am strongly suspecting does not mean anywhere close to what the legend which built up around Christopher Columbus did. He named the natives Indians; but after the Indus River.

the Indus river valley had a thriving civilization on it circa 4000 b.c.e. the entire culture was conquered and erased by the Vedic's.

which could be one reason this calendar also fell under the knife of the same culture the Vedic’s derive from.


the Indus culture is directly connected to the Canaan culture. Which itself is directly connected to the ancient Egyptian culture. The ancient Egyptians had direct long standing contact with the cultures of the UK. By legend two different Pharaoh sent a daughter Princess to the UK to set up new kingdoms.

Despite popular opinion; one of the ships Columbus used was built in the UK. A pub in the UK still claims bragging rights because parts of the timbers used to create that building were used to create that ship.

Now what is even more interesting regarding Columbus, India, Indian Summer, and the UK is that several members of Columbus's crew were Jews. Those men stayed beyond at Navidad; which happened to be built out of one of the ships was happened to be run aground/beached. That ship and the city of navidade a few years later was absolutely abandoned. He claimed he saw eight bodies laid out; but honesty was not his strong suit.


So naming Indians after the Indus river and having Jews directly involved has more than a little to do with this calendar, Hebrew, connections to language Adam used aka Indo European language, and America.

This time of year the first after midsummer tri is a reflection of the Fibonacci sequence, Hebrew, the Jews, the day of dawn and dusk, this language, this previously erased season, and this calendar..


Tri Feminine








Tri Feminine