1/23/2013 06:48:58

1/24/2013 06:26:26




Megalithic cultural evidence in the modern world



The cultures which had access and or were involved with the megalithic cultures.

Those cultures have varying degrees of the ancient megalithic cultures, language, mathematics, science, technology, insults, etc. buried within them.


Cross comparison of all of these remaining cultures can and will produce statistical proof regarding verifiable scientific evidence of what the long destroyed original megalithic cultures possessed.


The names of said; Vinča, Indus Harappa, Cycladic, Bird People, People of Pillars, People of Kaern, etc


One of the most surprising was Hebrew language the characters are a direct result of the Futhark circle. Which itself is a megalithic design.



The game of cricket


Three pillars, with crossbars,

A bat, a wicket, walking between each three pillars


Vertical, amber, land