Chariot of RA


The Pyramid locations of Egypt

Israel 2015 3 28 2049 (2)

Egyptian Mythology has a very  detailed and complex hidden message inside of it.

its very detailed and hidden message is.


well it has two


first message is the message fo RA

the second is the message fo Osiris; where teh sun travels on the other side of the planet. calculate those exact motions and draw a line from the center of each pyramid to the next closest, have the next closest draw a line back. add up those numbers/letters into a sollild sequence.


now add teh motion lines fo the day ra

from dawn to dusk the position of the sun in the day draw a line  from the center of each pyrmid to the sun. as the sun moves the couple ways to lay out the numbers/letters are extremely importnat.

those numbes letters in the dozen ways to lay them out collect all fo those 1000 of letters in sequence. compare them to the already in existance numbers/letters from the layout of genesis.

"and god created teh heavens" that woudl be ra

"and the earth" down to the earth itself. the pyrsmid fixed lines

and god flew over the waters

south, north, east west.

that is the order of operations to collect the letters for every single second of the day.

that collection of real and very hard defined letters are the real genesis. that is the stuff for which god ordered Judah to recive adn build the world of god into.

from Jacob's journey north west fo LUz aka Memphis Egypt.

he travled to th elocation fo a former Megaliht likely hwere teh Bent Pyrmid sits now.

that ancient stonehenge was used to identify where memphis used ot be since. theri was going to be an issue when memphis moved to Samhain in teh next 2500 tears. (years).

after the journey fo the day, si the journey of the night.

the sun on its invisible journey into teh underworld.

that underwold jounrey istel can jsut as easily be traced

however the sun will pass along and through various fixed points around the globe.

those fixed points around hte globe itself can adn lilkely will add letters over hte course fo a day

and 365  days.

all in all the amount of hidden data si absolutely staggering.


Israel 0


EL the reeds of language

Ra the motion of the sun

Isis the position of each pyramid. Think of isis risig the pyramid to her the priomordial ooze is just the night an ehte cosmos

Horus collector of the letters in order to produce language.

Horus aka Able; the collector of the letters to make the words, sentences, etc.

He was gifted with the talent to understand the language of the cosmos.


Who are you, what is your lifes journey in comparrision to your proximity to each of the epyramids.

Al the mostions you do, draw a line from you to each pyramid. Those collection of letters willsay sometin gprofound.




From the point earth rotates around so the suns rays hit say the top of the first pryaids in Egypt. Those rays are coming in from a very specific direction and vertical angel.

Those horozintal and vertical numbers/letters not only add to the number of overall numbers/letters but also an ever changing sequence of numbers letters.


At 17,000 ish miles an hour the earth is rotating. Ech translates to every tenth to hundredth of a second the smller numbers/letters in the sequence of directions and vertical angels changes.

The number of wrods present will number in the millionsn if not billions.

Over the course of a single day the amount of seer knowledge is staggering.

These are only part of the secrets which the Hyksos hate and worked for the last 4500 years non-stop to systamaticlaly find and destroy.

In addition

Since the earth rotates in a 365.4 day sequence, mid-summer back to mid-summer hwere the earth rotates to have the sun’s rays touch the pyramids alo changes.

That seer volume of words alone is by volume more words present than the entire library of congress.

But that storehouse of information would be an absolutely fascinsting library of information to read.







Neuropathways of History

Neuropathways and language

Compass Headings

Misspellings Language Chariot of RA

Word and Letter Time Maps

Key Letters

What are the key letters/words in this specific documente.











TR Welling