2013 2 5 112/5/2013 11:17:01




Rite of Odin


The current definition for the Rites of Odin came from medieval writings. But those writers did not and could not take into account the facts regarding the Jewish influences into Europe in two waves. First wave 2100-1600 b.c.e and the second wave 1200-500 b.c.e. There were other waves of Jewish immigrants previous but those are less consequential.

The point is in reading the edda how close the basic rites of Odin are with the construction of the Khufu pyramid.


Odin hung himself  by the leg to the tree of Yggdrasil.

He hung himself there without eating or drinking for all of nine days and nights.

(interesting to note the Nordic Germans use a bull horn to drink out of; it is said Odin conquered his father to become leader of the AEsier. Till the Nordic and Viking times Odin and loki were considered to be different spellings for the same person or character type. Adding to the concept that the Thor, Loki, and Odin character type is a very distant (close to the sources) from  different cultural line regarding what Esau and Jacob did. . Since Esau and AEsier are very similar in phonetic and spelling.)


On the ninth day he saw the runes in the well; sized them up screaming, then died.



The Rites of Odin

I think I found something. De Ogle came from Germany to fight at Hastings; 1066. Why is this important; answer it is possible key portions came from Germany. Key portions from Germany indicate a close connection to both the Cycladic who settled in Austria before the volcanic eruption and the Jacobs line who followed. Then the Esau descended Hyksos who followed them.

Would be interesting if there are actually a lot of stories regarding the time between 5000-1200 b.c.e written in the Edda; directly from Jacobs and Esau’s line but are not connected to most of the Hysksos and fr removed from Moses’s line.


The Rite itself

Odin hung himself by the tree the F in the graphic could be an architectural representation of the branches of a tree over the well of eard. For nine days and nights; 8 layers and a porch. Inside three aspects of Odin’s personality guided him through the afterlife; three kings. To the point where he was resurrected from dead (still over the well of Eard). In the graphic you can see the grotto is a shaft connecting the well in the subterranean chamber to the base of the grand gallery. Odin is part of the AEsier culture. The word Easier is phonetically very similar to Esau; minus the r and they are very close.

For the next 600 years freemasonry developed inside the boarders of the Kingdom of Ogle translated to Latin Northumberland. After Oliver Cromwell the English government took the concept and created UGLE. In Old English U and O are interchangeable.