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LAST UPDATED 1/4/2004 2:03 AM


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The Pictures from the Welling Tarot Deck v23



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This is my Tarot section,

Here you will find my small book on and about my tarot deck.


To purchase your own copy of this deck and the small book that goes with it.  Contact

for details. 


Hand Made Deck $150

Please note that the deck pictures are slightly different than the ones that are on this web site.  Since the pictures on this web site are very low resolution and have advertising through the middle of them.



Cups are all about the pursuit of the inner spirit.  The emotions that are present in us all.   And the walk that we all must do in order to live on this world.   The suit of cups is all about the pursuit of finding the inner talents that are your talents and how do you best go about separating out individual talents from greater blocks of emotion that come with your talent.

1 Fehu   Spirit

Where it all begins, the spark of your soul and connecting to that which makes you, you.  This is where talent, inspiration, and genius live.  Start a project.  Go back to the basics of your connection to your soul.

2 Uruz Energy

Feed the energy of who you are and what you are into what you are building.  Your emotions are needed to put all that is you into your ideas and your inspiration, to create that which you want to create in your life.

3 Thurasaz Boundaries

An extremely important thing to learn about emotions is that they need boundaries in order to function correctly.   This card is all about the lessons of boundaries, separating your inner emotions from the outside world.

4 Ansuz Sensitivity

After you have established who and what your inner boundaries are, that is when you go about determining emotionally what is truly happening in the world around you.

5 Raido Guidance

To treat well in this world you need to use your inner emotions and what you have learned about the outside world together as a road map of emotional actions and reactions to the world.

6 Kannaz Council

When the subject of wisdom comes up and the actions and or reactions of your emotions versus others emotions.  This is the time in which seeking not only inner wisdom but also external wisdom to add to what you know about your own knowledge about your emotions but their emotions.  So you can make informed decisions to how exactly to respond to given emotional situations.

7 Gebo Community

We are independent pack animals at our base instincts.  So we will always have some form of base need to congregate together.  The question is, who do we choose to associate with, and why.  To build a good solid community there has to be some form of mutually agreed upon rules and regulations as to how to live in close proximity.  These loose rules are the beginning of what can become a much better and greater whole society at a later point.

8 Wunjo Bounty

Putting all the lessons together, you gain the knowledge understanding and wisdom of starting to understand your emotional self.  This understanding of ones emotions is the point to life and what needs to be done in order to keep you not only happy but keep you accomplishing good solid goals.





My research



5 seasons





Reverse engineering


Runic numerology


Describe pentacle history and meanings


Major Arcana


Ace – 8


Minor Arcana The suites









How to read







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This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling