Runes, Tarot, Art Gallery, History, Religion, Education, Research, Video Production, are just a few of the things on this web page


The T Shawn Welling Web Site


All information contained with in this site copy write © 1989-2003


LAST UPDATED 9/4/2003 3:30 AM





T Shawn Welling Research      T Shawn Welling Projects       Library             T Shawn Welling Tarot Deck

T Shawn Welling Publishing



The Pictures from the Welling Tarot Deck v23




Art Gallery




Multi Media

This is my Tarot section,

Here you will find my small book on and about my tarot book.


To Purchase your own copy of this deck and the small book that goes with it.  Contact for details. 


Hand Made Deck 150$

Please note that the deck pictures are slightly different then the ones that are on this web site.  Since the Pictures on this web site are very low resolution and have advertising through the middle




The discipline of steal, the discipline of taking a talent and through sweat equity shaping those talents into skills.  The talents come from Cups but here is where those talents get shaped into something useable.

1. Fehu Skill

Beginning the process of taking a talent and mold that talent into useful and usable skills.  To take an idea that you have emotionally developed and put time into, taking that idea and putting some hard physical labor into that idea to begin the process of making that idea into reality.

2. Uruz Instinct

The journey can not be accomplished over night.  So you have to learn and understand the part of the displine of the physical and mental is to use the strength that you have and are building and use it in a intelligent way.  To use your strength in an intelligent way not a powerful way.  Work smarter not harder.

3. Thurasaz Honor

The boundaries that you learned in emotion carry forward into the mental and physical aspects of life.  Where you are now, is in the middle of a lesson about separating out your emotions thoughts and physical being from the external world.  You need to decide for yourself what your own best course of action to take is.

4. Ansuz Observation

As your boundaries start to improve and your understanding of life becomes a bit more questionable, continue on your journey but take stock of what is happening all around you.   To see the world from a perspective of what is this thing I am looking at, not from a personal standpoint but from a standpoint of what it this thing I see through my eyes.

5. Raido Explore

Walking the path, seeing where you need to be presenting that which you already know about yourself and that which you do not know yet.  One of the main reason you spend time looking around is so you can then have a clearer idea of where to go and what to do next.

6. Kannaz Form

What is it that you know, and more importantly what do you not know yet.  For answering the second question gives you the road map of what you need to be doing next in your life.  You want to be learning more about the subjects you do not know enough about yet.

7. Gebo Organize

Now as you learn and grow, become more educated in the ways of your talents and your path of working those talents into useable skills, there will be a time when you need to get a clearer understanding of more specific to what you want to be learning about.  This clearer understanding is all about what do you like inside of what you are attracted in learning and doing with yourself and what is it that is ok to know and work with occationally but what would you rather be consentrating on.

8. Wunjo Commit

As you get closer and closer to understanding what it truly is to learn and grow inside a specific discipline of what you are learning and growing about.  Taking a vague idea and constantly shapoing that idea into more and more specific till you find that thing which you have been looking your whole life to learn and master.  Finding is the easy part, the actual master is the hard part.





My research



5 seasons





Reverse engineering


Runic numerology


Describe pentacle history and meanings


Major Arcana


Ace – 8


Minor Arcana The suites









How to read







If you have products or services you would like to list here




If you are an artist and want to see your art here,







This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling