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LAST UPDATED 8/31/2003 6:32 PM





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This is my Tarot section,

Here you will find my small book on and about my tarot book.


To Purchase your own copy of this deck and the small book that goes with it.  Contact for details. 


Hand Made Deck 150$

Please note that the deck pictures are slightly different then the ones that are on this web site.  Since the Pictures on this web site are very low resolution and have advertising through the middle of them.



The journey of talent will only take you so far.  You can work a great deal of yourself into talent and into what you are great at, but taking the skills you have become proficient with is great.  But in the suite of Tri the point is not to take your talents out but to take all that you have learned about who you are and where you are going to be doing, and apply all those lessons you have learned about your talents and apply those lesson to the self.  Shape and hold your own personal self, your own personal personality, your emotions, your strengths, your talents, your mind, your body, your spirit, that which is you needs to be molded and shaped into a whole being before you can proceed with the journey of life.


Fehu   Faith


Have faith in your own self.  That which makes you, the individual you are.  Your personality, the strength of your will.  The all that is you, this is what needs your attention now.  You are more then strong enough to carry yourself forward into the realm of formulating that which is you into a whole being.  Since the only true way to get anywhere is to be a truly hole person

Uruz Initiate

To accomplish the goal you have set for yourself, of becoming whole you must take your own initiation and carry yourself forward with in the realm of take that which is the spark at the center of your begin and allow it to grow and apply all that to your life.  That spark is the fuel you need to do, go, accomplish, achieve, work, and buy a clue from the sweat you put into discovering your own personal strengths and power at your disposal from that which is you.

Thurasaz Recognition

To truly be your own whole person you must understand one major detail if you get nothing else done.  You must work you own energy around yourself, keeping out the bad accepting the good is the only way to become whole.  The bad is all the stuff that stresses us out, and provides a negative space within ourselves.  The good is the stuff that creates good positive growth in the self.  Growing and learning items with in the realm of what you need to be learning is the point to life.  So even the painful items of life are good lessons, if you need them on your path through life.

Ansuz Examine

Examining what your lessons are, who you are and where you will be going,  what lessons do you need to have, and what lessons do you not need to have.  This is the major point to this card.  Seeing what is out there, seeing what lessons are in the world around you, seeing what you need to be learning and what you do not need to be learning steering yourself away from the lesson you do not need and toward the lessons that you absolutely need.  That is the point to examine.

Raido Discover

To go forward to start to take continues steps toward learning that which you know on many levels you need to be learning, and walking toward those lessons.  This card is all about discovering for yourself that you need to be walking away from lesson useless to you and toward lessons you need.

Kannaz Acceptance

The knowledge of self discovery and the knowledge that leads to the understanding of life.  Learning along with way is how you get from point A to point B, by the way unless you did not notice before, the journey is the important part, the lessons are between A and B, not at the destination.  So learn as you go, constantly.  At the destination is where you have time to go back and reflect on what you learned and use all the tools you have at your disposal to learn more about what you can do next time to do better.

Gebo Lovers

2 whole people are the only way to make a greater whole together, anything else is nothing.  So concentrate on being the most whole being you can be, and aid your partner in being the most hole person they can be and then you can go forward with having a potential life mate.

Wunjo Meditate

At the end of the journey, the only thing that is truly important is the remember to get calm with in yourself and review the lesson you have been learning over the course of form A 1 to B 8.  and all the little steps between.   The only true way to learn is quietly accepting the knowledge at the inner self appropriate time.





My research



5 seasons





Reverse engineering


Runic numerology


Psychic ability


Describe pentacle history and meanings


Major Arcana


Ace – 8


Minor Arcana The suites









How to read




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This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling