Runes, Tarot, Art Gallery, History, Religion, Education, Research, Video Production, are just a few of the things on this web page


The T Shawn Welling Web Site


All information contained within this site copyright © 1989-2004


Last updated 1/4/2004 1:37 AM

Under construction while research lasts. Check back daily





Research sections

History, Archaeology, Religion, Belief,  Anthropology  Things which stick out in history,  Reverse Engineering

Math  Language, basic spelling class.  Translating Ancient Languages long since Dead  Science  Research Books





T Shawn Welling Personal Home Page

T Shawn Welling Research

Research Studies

T Shawn Welling Projects

Home Page

Art Gallery


T Shawn Welling Publishing

T Shawn Welling Productions

Multi Media








Personal Emotions


This is about a personal emotional state, and ways to deal with their own personal state of understanding.  Boundaries, emotions, wants, needs, desires, and the like


























a.       intimate partnerships close working connections. Complex trade agreements, Parenting, and the multi levels of parenting that are there and around.  Parents grandparents great-grandparents, then there is the extended family, aunts uncles and such.  Each of these has its own stuff to it.  Parenting fits here.  Wunjo emotional attributes. Parenting, in parenting there are very specific things which are here that are nowhere else in the lessons, so I am not sure where parenting fits into the concepts of psychology. Other then its probably in the first 8, since it is a basic animal instinct.

Therapy, counseling, this is where it may be what counseling and therapy  are about what and where the self can help the self, as well as others help and aid the spirit, body, and mind

Symbolic science


  1. Rules
  2. Electro-Magnetic Fields
  3. Math
  4. Language
  5. Slow journey
  6. Learning
  7. Communities
  8. Emotions
  9. History,


    1. Archeology
    2. Anthropology
    3. Paleontology
  1. Present
  2. Future plan
  3. Time, multi days
  4. Creation
  5. Business
  6. War
  7. Psychology
  8. Direction, skill
  9. Growth
  10. movement, Physics
  11. Self, total examination of self
  12. Flow, water,
  13. Atomic theory
    1. Chemistry
    2. Earth Science
    3. Astronomy Geology
    4. Astro physics


  1. Home stability,
  2. Day counts, what happens inside of a day.






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If you are an artist and want to see your art here,







This Site designed, built, and maintained


T Shawn & Emma Welling