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Historiography Physics

AErdology UNESCO Fatimah


Fatimah the daughter of Mohammed and some unknown and extremely vague female has a life on the hard side of complex.

She suffered from a similar to exactly the same fictional fait at Cleopatra. Cleopatra did not die by suicide in Alexandria Egypt, being poisoned by an Asp. That is pure fiction. She was never captured, she evacuated out of the Mediterranean after the Battle of Actium after stopping to pick up supplies and the like from Italy. She evacuated and headed to North Umber Land (although it was still called by its Gaelic Name Yr Hen Ogle dd, since its English version would not be invented for another 750 ish  years. The Misogynistic Romans and Muslims erased them both from history to make the culture feel better about putting that (per individual) back into their place. It is odd to deal with cultures who are so enraged at the prospects of any and all threatening their power, they must fictionalize the world to make themselves the self-centric universe math. They are the center of the universe; they are equal to the divine. And in some cases, they are divine. Talk about a huge amount of ego, arrogance, and other equally undesirable situations.

The story of Cleopatra’s Journey shall be covered on her page.

The story of Fatimah’s Journey and its application into the compass, Elder Futhark language format is what this AErdology UNESCO branch of my site is about.


Born Step one Born in Mecca.A picture containing bicycle, large, green, sitting

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Teenage Years Fatimah was married soon after she was capable of breeding, which is for misogynistic cultures, standard operating procedures. Men for some reason in those cultures create Pedophiles. Grown adult men taking on child brides of 13 to 18, is an odd thing. Since the human body is not finished growing/maturing till the late teens at the earliest. In many cultures, the mom is finished maturing about the time their first child is close to 10 years old.

The Kaaba Mecca Fatimah’s’ father Mohammed had a multi year knock down, drag out battle with Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr wanted to take the religion of Esau and g in x direction with it, Mohammed wanted to go in y direction with it. Which created Shia and Sunni versions of Islam, which have been in genocidal war with each other since day one. Fatimah was both a female (a grave sin in those cultures), Intelligent (an even worse sin), and strong willed (the ultimate sin in said world. She was strong willed enough to question the authority of those men around her. Strong dominant patriarchal men do not like having other men question their authority, females doing it is so much worse) which is close to the ultimate sin in those cultures. She also did the unforgivable.  She created her own sub form of Islam, which sent Abu Bakr into a homicidal rage, which is part was carried out on her father. Abu’s attacks on Mohammed increased in intensity. Abu’s attacks on Fatimah resulted in at least 2 unsuccessful assassination attempts.

Each link below is about identifying where Fatimah by statistical analysis went, and more importantly creating the Elder Futhark Compass over each location in order to find out what numbers/letters are present.

Fatimah’s Evacuation from the Kaaba Mecca

Pyramids A picture containing pinwheel, photo, bicycle, sitting

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Rome A picture containing pinwheel, outdoor, bicycle, device

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Sending out Imams from Western Mediterranean to Paris A picture containing outdoor, pinwheel, bicycle, colorful

Description automatically generated Fatimah at Alexandria had enough followers and converted she was able to start sending out Imams’ far west to lay the groundwork for her version of Islam to spread out of the Middle East. In many ways, her secret clandestine traveling out of Mecca to northern Britain allowed Islam to become a major world wide religion. The thing wanted, was actually done through the exploits of a female, which most of the men involved on Abu’s side were entirely convinced she was all but pure evil. But her actions led to Islam spreading like wildfire across portions of the globe.

Fatimah Empress of Rome 635-650

Fatimah traveling through France

Fatimah in Britain

Fatimah meets Moms Family

The Pictish Revolt

The War between Fatimah and the British the war between  Fatimah’s maternal family and Fatimah raged from shortly after she arrived in Britain up to her moms army followed her back to Rome to battle it out.


Lake Nemi Ships the battle of the Lake Nemi Ships.

Fatimah’s Kids in Constantinople the children Fatimah had in Italy and the UK evacuate out to Constantinople, and in basic vanished from the any even mild accounting of who they were, and what they might have done. Although some statistical evidence might be able to link the nazi ideal Aryan with Fatimah’s kids.







TR Welling