Ǽrdology Personal Counts


Personal Counts


By utilizing exactly the same (my theory) mathematics the Magi used to find the birth Place of Jesus the NativitySee the source image. Which Moses (Esau Line) did not know enough about not to include in the first five sentences of genesis 1 1. They included it without knowing it had an extremely ancient (Gods/ATEN Math) mathematics as a base.

Discovering said is simply a matter of examining the evidence through the perspective of what information comes from Jacobs line (good) and what information comes from Esau's line (bad). I did not choose it; but I can prove through the scope of written history regarding what cultures use Esau’s line schema and what cultures use Jacobs line. Whether Jacob and Esau existed is an academic discussion the fact the cultural rules of acceptable order exist and are utilized is not.


I theorize this is the same mathematics Empress St Helena (nee Ogle)used to find the Birthplace of Jesus Christ and the True Cross. Since St Helena was the daughter of the King of Ogle (aka Northumberland) Exactly the same area and family which has the name which means the same as Jerusalem. By legend the Ogle Royal family were descended from Meritaten aka Britannia. Scotia is a 1500 bce Hyksos Princess ordered to evacuate after the eruption of the Thera Volcano; which ended the Reign of the 17th Dynasty and Began the Reign of the 18th Dynasty. The 18th dynasty ended with King Tut, but his father anticipated said and set forward a plan which would bring about the birth of Christ.





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