Exodus Holocaust





The number of cities and people entirely erased from the map immediately after the exodus is only equal to the NAZI party’s application of destruction after taking power; both times.

The NAZI did massive destruction “beer hall revolution” which failed; which saw most of the major leaders go to jail for different periods of time..


When they got out; the violence only escalated.


Exactly the same behavior patterns the Exodus circa 1280 b.c.e in the middle east.


Esau line Moses performed a massive Holocaust against all who stood in his way (exactly the same behavior patterns as Adolf); evidence the massive amounts of Egyptian technology and architecture suddenly appearing in the Levant lands immediately between Seti and Ramses.



Only this time Adolf/Moses not only won; but is heralded as a hero to the Jewish people. Same exact behavior patterns; one a hero, one the villain of modern history. Moses won and his descendants wrote the history, Adolf lost and his opponents wrote the history. But side by side; minus a few minor details, Moses and Adolf’s behavior patterns match very closely.

1.      Burning which that was not wanted

2.      Both leaders were from Esau's line.

3.      Both leaders spawned radical movements which are still in very much effect today

4.      Both radical movements have violent actions against anyone questioning their authority.

5.      Both leaders spawned movements which are in very real effect extreme anti-Jewish movements and leaders.

6.      Both leaders where oppressed by the previous governmental structure

7.      Both leaders where from previously extremely prominent/royal families. (harder to show the connections but the aftermath of what each family did and what each families behavior patterns were show the ancient royal lineage)

8.      Both led rebellions

9.      Both were brilliant military strategists

10.  Both destroyed synagogues; for Moses he destroyed the apis/Jacob line bull, Adolf obvious

11.  Both destroyed libraries; Moses the plates written by god, Adolf anything he did not like.

12.  Both died just before a major event; Moses died before his people could pass into Levant lands, Adolf before the Russians could kill him. At least that is what the Russians claim; their history of telling the truth to the west stands on its own merits/or lack of merit.

13.  Both performed extreme genocide against enemies.

14.  Both were from Esau's line

15.  Both created Futhark based languages. Adolf his own stylized version of the Futhark, Moses Aramaic based on the Futhark, his descendants created Hebrew which uses the Futhark as a linguistic and character shaping model. Then erased the facts of the truth. Few if anyone other than who I have informed know Hebrew is created using the framework of Futhark.

16.  Both lied extensively about their pasts.

17.  Both lied extensively about what they did during their lives

18.  Both lied extensively about what they wanted their followers to do

19.  Both created elaborate ceremonies to honor themselves.

20.  Both rewrote vast swaths of history to suit their own needs. Moses the bible itself, Adolf anything which disagreed with him.

21.  Both renamed vast areas to suit their own needs. Adolf virtually erased; France, Austria, Normandy, etc. Moses erased Israel, renaming Levant to Israel. Killing anyone who disagreed and burning any book which contradicted him.

22.  David fought Goliath; killing goliath and after a few more battles against an enemy goliath worked for/with was able to topple Moses’s line off the throne. Implying that from the exodus for the next 200 years Jacobs line was fighting off attacks from Esau/Moses’s descendants. Showing evidence that it is possible Moses was attempting to erase Jacobs line; same/or similar behavior pattern to Adolf.

23.  David hides the truth in his star

24.  Solomon Hides the truth in Temple

25.  Both performed genocide; Sadam and Gomorrah to say least regarding said types of Esau line genocidal activities.





Middle east peace is only possible if the Adolf of the Exodus is identified and dealt with accordingly. First reverse the exodus; Israelites need to return to their homeland of Egypt. Second Muslims need to return home from invading Israel.




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Exodus Holocaust

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