Memento Mori Islam

Islam  The east and west face of Janus, or the north and south faces. depending on orientation of the actions involved.


It appears their was a huge issue which took place between the British in Italy, Byzantium, Britain, Paris and the Muslims between the time of Esau to the present. There has been a genocidal battle raging between a couple different forces. The initial battle were between Esau and his brother Jacob. The War they were fighting dated back to the definition of Steward e.g. between Caine and Able. The War is over the definition of Steward which for Able, Enoch, Jacob and that line their definition is “to work with the earth and all things of the earth in a co-partnership”. Esau’s line believes that steward is more of a Master to Slave relationship. That the earth and all things associated with the earth belong to the master and that as leaders of groups of people whatever the master decides is backed by god the divine. The divine allowed the leader to be in said leadership position, and therefore whatever the leader decides as the duly in effect elected (if by nothing else, no one stands up to challenge the leaders position, or no one stands up for long before being either beaten into submission or outright killed.) position than said election was gods choice and whatever that leader decides is good is in fact good. The leader being the duly appointed by god decider.

The battle between Jacob and Esau is a simple one. The subject they fought over was over who was going to be the in effect supreme leader of the Semitic People. Jacob or Esau. The same argument which the 3 sons of Noah argued over (Shem, Ham, and Japheth). The problem is, Jacob and Esau fought using a different set of rules. Esau would never ever give up no matter what the outcome of any decision he made or outcome of any contest. He was a pure beast warrior at his soul; he had no idea what the definition of “stop” was. He spent his entire life fighting any and all things which were not to his exact liking. His brother Jacob was his largest enemy. Jacob was going to be “Head of the Family”, but Esau refused in all ways to accept anything other than being the leader of all humans. His ego arrogance and perception of his own superiority in effect could not be matched.

So when Jacob won conflict after conflict after game after game, Esau could not handle always loosing to his physically inferior brother. Might makes right is the general motus operandi for Esau and those with the Slave Master mentality. Power and control are their primary motivations.

What is interesting about this is, Mohammed claimed to be the reincarnation of Esau. He might have claimed to be the reincarnation of Paul as well. Since all three men literally had the same behavior patterns.

Built into these patterns is in essence descendants of Esau attacking linguistically the descendants of Jacob.

First in Egypt; forces from Mecca attack Egypt 3800 bce

Second in Egypt; the Hyksos attack Egypt 2100 bce

The Avaris rise up and capture Egypt from within; the Avaris took said name from the there Hyksos named capital city. The Avaris aka the 19th Egyptian Dynasty ruled Egypt till Alexander the Great 300 bce.

The newly renamed from Hyksos to Dorian attack the Ǽgean from 2500 bce – present. The Hyksos name change every few decades to centuries. For a while they were called Hyksos, then Avaris, Dorian, Ottoman, Persian, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, etc.

Those cultures are always seeking out the descendants of Jacob to erase them from existence.

Islam is a direct result of those actions.

Islam is a direct result of the Hebrews and Pagans from Rome evacuating out of Rome and Italy to the Mecca in order to regroup and attack again. Apparnetly some of the descendants of Romulus and his army did not forget they were not ROmann but their origins are Mecca. So as the Catholic church took power and control over Rome, Italy, and Europe those who were more closely associated with the philosophy of hard line (sharia law) Esau eg the Hyksos the more unwelcome tye were in Rome. So they left from 30 ce to 600. The aim was to regroup back at the original home and attack again, but this time with a huge difference they would of course attack with the army, and force convert to the path of Esau but this time they would do so with a competing philosophy to that of Jesus. The aim was to have an equivalency to the path of Jesus. It took a lot of planning and effort but finally Mohammed found/stole enough of Esau’s library to recreate as much of the path and philosophy of Esau has he could. He and another scholar Abu Bakr worked very hard for years to translate the ancient materials into Arabic.

It appears based on the evidence that the struggle has been about which culture controls the seat of power. The primary seat of power and the secondary seats of power, building up to who controls the tabernacle of Adam system.



Once achieved Mohammed reformed Islam from the ashes of what Esau has built. However Mohammed was sure he was Esau reborn.



The Evil Priest (as the Dead Sea Scrolls call him) Paul after he was in effect executed for being an enemy of the State. Although the actual  facts contradict this Roman Senate fiction entirely. A minion of Paul was executed inn his place, allowing him to take on the Memento Mori 1a (kill the minion) 1b some type of intimacy (since he absolutely hated females, the like hood is that he was either intimate with himself or he performed some divine fertility rite with Janus in some way. Spiritual ecstasy after deep prayers and or meditation is not uncommon) between 1b and 2 name changing to his new Pharaoh name of Nero. The real Nero had left for either Egypt or Northumberland in the years previous. The fact Nero (taking on the name Nero points to some very interesting evidence that Jesus was a direct descendant of Caesar and Cleopatra, either a grandson or great grandson depending on a number of factors. But the name change and shifting points to evidence that the rage the 3 times name changed the evil priest Paul; his original name ? [saul was a different person, to differentiate saul and Paul of Taurus to separate the two] this new name Paul and his co Emperor name Nero.) would work very hard for the remainder of his life to erase any and all evidence that he was not who he claimed he was and that he had to be co emperor with Claudius and the facts that he had created a huge 100,000 man army of Romans who saw the Crucifixion occur in Rome but could not handle a convergence to Judaism. Paul entered and offered a slightly different but still similar enough that the violently anti-Semitic Romans could accept Jesus’ message if it came from Paul and not Jesus. Thus the Jews in Rome split into two categories, Jews for Jesus, Jews for Hebrews (a deep and solid hatred against the teachings of Jacob versus the teachings of the direct descendant of Esau Moses {Moses appears in as a central character in the Iliad, he uses the name Ajax the Lessor at that event. Odysseus kept the name to honor his friend Ajax, and further insult Moses. In the Hyksos/Dorian culture Might makes Right. So when Moses arrived from Egypt with 1000s of Jewish slaves [e.g. the Exodus] he had to join an already in existence army. Rules and regulations of that time, he had to be vouched for by an existing War Lord. Ajax volunteered. Which means that Ajax has to decide if the battle glory this new person would be their own battle glory of his own. The situation called for Moses to use the name Ajax the Lessor, or that is how Odysseus told the story to his grandson after 20 years of war. Might makes right, so the battle glory is a huge thing for both this ceremony and the glorious position in the afterlife}. Paul knew that he needed to do the same thing with the message of Jesus that Moses did with the 18th dynasty. Take the ideas and destroy them to promote the ideals of Esau. The Hebrews are a specific creation of Moses who was not a Jew at all, he was a direct Esau descended Hyksos. If he was a pro Jewish man, he would not have spent his entire life lying about his actions. He would tno have been punished from top to bottom for committing crimes against humanity. He would have admitted that the Elder Futhark circle language is the scaffolding he used to crate Hebrew from. But he lied about all of it.). Some Jews could accept Jesus, some Romans’ could accept Jesus, but the Hebrews could not accept Jesus or the Jews at all. They could not accept any of the facts regarding Jesus, Caesar, Cleopatra, the Julii family, the Ptolemais family, the Pyramids, the schema of Rome (the schema of Rome is the Pyramids of Egypt, the Mem of Memento Mori is the Mem Kaura Pyramid. The 3rd, smallest, and farthest south Pyramid on the Giza Platea. It is also the Pyramid which tells the story of Abrham [the all father] and grandfather of Esau and Jacob. Reference Memento Mori back to the Rite of Enoch at the end of Noah’s life <circa 4000 bce and the start of Egyptian Civilization. The destination of Noah and his fleet was Egypt not Mount Ararat, that location was course bearing to find IWNW. 1a the battle e.g. flood, 1b Ararat the emotions of finding land, 2 traveling to Egypt to the temple of IWNW to found civilization.> which FreeMasonry derives; the first son grabs dads hand with a certain grip {1a touching death}, the second son attempts a different group a more intimate grip{1b intimate} the third son Semit tries a different grip and is instantly {2 the Parade} able to achieve the goals of being a in effect two way radio between himself and god thus being able to achieve the goal of being the next leader of his entire people who took on his name Shem became Semitic. Itic <fascinating  side note Italic and Itic are only two letters apart, add the al #al el The divine the root of Allah# which itself is very close to the people and language who used to rule the city of Samhain before it was conquered and renamed to Rome #although there is a huge amount of debate regarding if Rome is actually some unknown language form of the word Rune which could mean two things. One it could mean the west face of Janus and two it could be a direct reference to the Elder Futhark  circle from which both Hebrew derives from its scaffolding as well as the “secret or hidden meaning” definition from Roman and German languages#, that people having a name very close to Itic e.g. the descendants of Shem/Sem. That brings up some very interesting ideas regarding the Foundation of the city of Rome being jewish #bring up the other note regarding Italy being literally the shape of a show/boot/foot, and the very name of Jacob “holder of the foot comes into very interesting contrast.” Was the city of Samhain aka Rome aka Rune aka the Elder Futhark # and this would answer why to several dozen questions over the course of the last 3000 years since the  Hyksos invaded Egypt from Mecca> being the similar sounds to both the foundation of the Italic Lnauage which the Romans did everything in their ppweor to erase from existence. As well as the “The People of” in this case the people live on an arcapeligo which is in the shape of the name of Jacob. Those facts are more than a little difficult to ignore. )


Italic people and the Semitic People; Itic adding the al after the T. Al being a direct reference to god  allah. The People of the Divine  Italic; which is on the extreme side very close to the definition of North(vertical) Umber(amber, gold, divine), Land (specifically defined area). The story of AEnead  was told by the peot  Virgil in his work the  Ǽniad which chronicled the life and journey of Aeneas from  Troy to Samhain and  his sacred city of  Alba Longa. His son or grandson (shocker the  Romans lied) being named Brutu traveling out of Italy to Britain to name both the Island after himself and  Bridgit and becoming the first King of the  British his Castle being  Ogle Castle his throne Castle being  Bamberg  Castle  Northumberland.

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 Going with the academic assumption that The  Minotaur was a  bovine (miss translated bull)(which could also very well state that the  Trojan Horse was also a Bull, we do not have a single copy of the first 5 languages the  Iliad was written in. It was written half a millennia before the earliest proto Greek was invented. What language did the  Philistines aka the Army of Agamemnon use the best guess is some form of very very proto Roman. Not being a literate culture till well after the renaming of the city of Rome, almost the entire time between 1330-700 bce the Philistines did not have much use for or leave many records regarding what language they used.) which could have just as easily been a female as male.

If the Knossos Minotaur was in fact a female not a male. Did Theseus in effect mate with it, to produce Helen. The Future Helen of Troy. Which is what Agamemnon might have aimed to do, mate with it to produce an in effect Nephilum a half divine half human offspring. The assumption was an is that said type Hercules creatures are the embodiment of a WMD.

Agamemnon traveling or following Theseus to the about to be conquered and renamed city of Athens, Theseus took his army and his mothers Egyptian Army and attacked the city. Making very easy work of the seizing, Agamemnon attacked during the battle from behind but Theseus was prepared for said attack and defeated both the city before him and the army behind him.

Defeated, Agamemnon was forced to retreat. He then spent the next more than a decade working to rebuild his army. Allowing his little brother Menelaus to claim the offspring of a possible Theseus and a female Minotaur (think of it, how anti-Semitic and violently misogynistic are some of the Middle East cultures. In more than a few of them, killing the females in your possession is not only legal but in some cases societally expected. It is very difficult to determine how many countries which operate from sharia law kill teenage girls a year for being teenage girls. The sharia law molality police kill as many as the inquisition at its time of power) a female offspring, Helen. Who was promised to the son of Meketaten and King Priam of Troy. Theseus mother was Meritaten in whatever of the 10 languages used from her lifetime to bout 700 bce when the first of the proto Greek languages was changed to. Her name could have been any number of different spellings plus or minus each culture’s specific requirements for misogyny. The important part of the documented mother of Theseus is the core of the name ATEN. Which is the deity of the 18th dynasty and the Causeways of the Egyptian Pyramids. The ATEN being in effect a huge Electro Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope 300 square miles in a fixed position. The Telescopes are obviously present, but reversed A close up of a map

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Khufu is a satellite just in effect upside down. Which allows it to obtain Electro-Magnetic waves from all directions, not just from the direction the dish is pointing.

Under different names the descendants of Esau have invaded and ruled Egypt 6 major times and twice minor since the Hyksos invasion 2100 bce.

This does not count the huge invasion of Egypt from Mecca 3800 bce, which lasted till pharaoh Narmer circa 3200 bce.

The common thread amongst them all is the following.

Who controls the pyramids and what the true message of the pyramids actually is.

The Pyramids are the founding schema of Rome which is Janus and the Memento Mori Ceremony.

Agamemnon began to suspect that the Trojans were evacuating out of the city through Escape tunnels. Some miles and miles long.

He started to order his lowest ranked commanders to follow, seek them out, and kill them. They ended up among other places in Italy. Agamemnon being from the religion of Esau. Menelaus could not have been any angrier than he lost the ability to make Theseus’ wife his and produce in effect Nephilum children with her. They are a powerful weapon to use against enemies. (provided that the Minotaur was a female. Half human half rabbi. Remember most of those cultures have a distain for females on a good day, outright hatred of them on a bad day.), supposedly.






Are the Philistines simply the proto name for “Muslim”. Changes virtually the entire history and concept of the Roman Empire, Philistines, and virtually everything known about Islam.

From 50 ce for the next 300 years life in Rome for the descendants of the Philistines became increasingly difficult to a maximum degree. The hardline nut jobs who were completely convinced that the path of Esau was not only the “Truth, the light, and the way” of the diving. But also they only in effect pretended to be Polytheistic but kept to just one god very likely either Zoroastrianism (Mythra) or (mars). The “there is no god but god” thing is a direct result of the rage from the rise of Christianity and the 325 counsel of Nicaea regarding Jesus became (in a relatively close vote) the divine. He in effect became the east fact of Janus. The West Face of Janus also being god, and the holy spirit being the present face which looks around. The Holy Ghost being in part the 1b 2 Electro-Magnetic portal situation.

Those who followed the teachings of Esau who did not like the framework and structure of the Christian Church which the descendants of Paul had created. They in effect slowly began to move out of Italy and back to Mecca. Mecca had a huge increase in population and the usual political upheaval when large families who possessed huge amounts of money with huge well-disciplined armies arrive in a city and want to move in. The inhabitance of the city tend to not react well.

From 150-400 most of the last remaining descendants of Agamemnon moved to mecca.

The argument in Mecca is appears was over how to reform Zoroastrianism and or the philosophy of Esau to combat the spreading ideas from Jesus and of course the evil priest Paul who wanted to push the ideals of Esau but with  himself as Esau with a lot of psychosis regarding he was Jesus. Or Jesus came to him in a vision and told him about how to “right his church”. Since Paul bought the roman senate lie hook, line, and sinker that Jesus was dead. The problem is Jesus did not die, Jesus took on his Pharaoh names and continued on.

There the populations fought bitterly from 50-570 over control over both the city and what type of



Which would explain why the Philistines and the Muslims had such an insane hatred for said cultures.


Holder of the foot Italy

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TR Welling