Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics


Prussia as a country no longer exists. It existed for about 800 years 1350-1945.

The Prussians shared their capital city of Berlin from 1806-1945.

The following counts apply since, as a point of historical accuracy American is two nations (Janus) at the same time. You have American and you have Prussia existing in the same place at the same time, but with radically different philosophies.




Teutonic Knights there are legends and rumors as to where the Teutonic Knights originated. THE most logical assumptions are they are a group of part Muslim part European peoples who had been forced to “relocate” every time they performed bad actions and were in effect removed from the areas they had been in.

Since they did the same actions over and over from 1200-presnt. They do nasty things, all the while denying to their dying breath they are performing the actions they are actually performing.

However during the fall of the Third Reich. The Prussians altered their entire government structure from government to a multi-level corporation. All the profits from Taxes and sales of products but few of the headaches of dealing with citizens. Plus employees can come and go, some will stay and be loyal no matter how badly they are treated. All the profits and pollical power, but far fewer headaches regarding turning citizens into employees. Plus you get to keep all of their profits minus salaries since you do not have to pay for infrastructure, minus your own facilities. But you do not have to pay for houses, cities, roads, bridges. That is for others to pay for.

Prussia 1350-1945 this time period is marked by the Prussians preforming a wave of crimes against humanity, being defeated by outsiders, then in a generation or two coming back to create another wave of bad behavior. This culminated in the Holocaust and large scale killing of FreeMasons, Jews, Gypsies, Catholics, the mentally unbalanced, etc. any and all who the “master aryan race” considered to be either inferior or a threat to their power base. This ended in 1945, but the end of the war was not the end of the Prussian Empire, it simply name changed again to something else and moved it capital from Konigsberg/Berlin to Wichita Kansas. With a secondary back up capitals in Old Colorado City, and Lynden WA state.

America From the first day of America, American has been two countries. Those two countries have been the Prussian Empire and of course America.

Which mean America itself operates from a standpoint of Janus; the two headed schema of Rome Proper (the areas of Rome specifically inside the walls of the old city).









TR Welling