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Futhark Science


T. Shawn Welling

Copy write T Shawn Welling 1996 all rights reserved




Runic/Futhark Origins



Indo European



Symbolic Meanings


Futhark Science





Calendars Full Table



Bio Tarot/ Runes


I began with the runes as the second divination devise I picked up because the tarot meant almost nothing tome at the time  I first picked it up.   It made little sense other then the times  I was reading the major arcane,  for some reason ( I will get into that latter only the major arcane made a great deal of sense).   So I when to my local metaphysical store and picked up the rues on chance and accident.  During my time with them I totally understood them and the definitions where easy to get into and my first other person reading was not more then 20 minutes after picking them up in the first place.   But I was rather annoyed at the confusing definitions I was faced with.   The definitions I was faced with where not only annoying but they where also so vague and in some cases miss leading I just went with my gut sixed sense instances and ignored most of what the book that I was reading talked about.   I did not even read the book in its entirety until about 2 years latter.  Then I read it cover to cover and fully decided that there was a problem with the definitions.   Whatever the problem was I when searching for other authors and those other authors only confused me more.

Small child


Equivalent culture

