Created on12/25/2012 11:01:32

Modified on12/31/2012 15:18:14

Updated on1/1/2013 12:18:33







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The last of the Amarna pharaohs, the last male pharaoh of the 18th dynasty.


First thing to put to rest; Tut died by falling and having his knee torn open. The infection after the injury is what killed him.


He was also not a strong strapping figure; he was a sickly boy who was buried with more than100 canes.


His legacy is how much evidence from his ancestors were in his grave.


King Tut was too young to be able to be an effective ruler. He was also too sickly to put up a political fight against the powerful in his country. A fight his grandfather had won; but coming to the throne in your early teens only allows one to be able to agree with the powerful, hoping the powerful will not hurt you.

Of course this also adds to the speculation that his older sister or older aunt Meritaten when he came of age would have recognized the fact that he was simply not going to be able to hold Egypt together. so she and her father chose to send her to first Spain then the northern portion of the UK to establish a new kingdom there. Allowing tut to either stand on his own two feet and rule; or she would be  safe enough distance away when the régime change occurred to be safe enough to maintain the power and the knowledge; somewhere outside the political and military control of those that would usurp the power and seize the throne.

Since after all; when the old royal family is deposed, the new royal family tend to force the old into slavery. Those that are not killed outright that is. Being second queen for a number of years; being a slave or executed outright would be the first thing which would have occurred to his big sister/aunt when Tut died.