Document Equation

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Document Equation

Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

AErdology Current Day Pass Over Enterprise Configuration America Vatican


Comparing the Mathematical Ratios of Shin to Rome and to America the Rivers of Grande, Arkansas, and Missouri

There are so many similarities, the mathematics are difficult to ignore.


Since those 3 Rivers of from north to south the Missouri, ArKansas, and Rio Grande are in a very similar configuration to that of the Roman Forum. Mathematically that is statistically close enough. They are not dead on the money to the specific Hebrew Character of Shin I have used as a template.

They are mathematically more than 80% dead on. Medically and pharmaceutical, past 75% effective, is in some cases more than sufficient level of proof (minus mortality, radically increasing. As in x people have said treatment they survived wonderfully, the rest suffer huge issues and or die. Minus very specific situations, that treatment is not recommended or accepted by the FDA.) to accept said statistical percentage as a theory on its way to fact.

Here are the facts,

From the Coliseum (which I theorize Gene Roddenberry tune into the foundation mathematics of the saucer part of the Enterprise. dead straight back to the Vatican is 2 miles.

Those two  miles are divided into the same 1/3rd configuration.

It is half a mile from the Colosseum to the Capitoline Hill, it is 1.5 miles from the Capitoline Hill to the middle of st Peters Basilica.

So since those rivers are also in Shin Configuration, with the Mississippi being in all hard reality a metaphoric Capitoline Hill.

Ratio wise

Tulsa OK is mathematically it is about 300 miles form the Mississippi, the headwaters is about 500 miles away.

Which his approximately the same math's as the Capitoline Hill from Traitors, post, but close to the exact opposite direction.

Which is in the configuration of Janus; Facing East Facing West.





People Involved

Location Involved










Apparently from the coliseum to the vaican is 2 miles

From the coliseum to the Capitoline hill is half mile, from the capital hill to st peters dome is 1 1/2 . using those same math's, determine where the Vatican would be based on





TR Welling