Writing Equation 

AEtt Between AEtt

Language is Mathematics

How AEtts are Created

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The origins of each AEtt,

As the Solar Wind begins to in effect create curves eg WavesImage result for ocean waves around the Leading Edge of the earths Magnetosphere (the Aurora Borealis). The Land being in effect the Earth the Water being the Solar Wind. Those two things begin to create an Electro-Magnetic structure. Creating an Electro-Magnetic wave structure in the wake of the Planet Orbital West. Which brings up all kinds of really interesting mathematical ideas as well as theories, both entirely fact based on the physical evidence and sci-fi in regard to hypothesis.

 The leading edge of the Solar Wind beings to create curves and eddies as it interacts with the Earths Magnetosphere.

Those structures take on the shape of long tubes.

AEtt Y A close up of a logo

Description automatically generated the leading edge of the earths Electro-Magnetic sphere pushing into the solar wind. The Tubes created in the Y circle of the Leading Edge of the Earths Magnetosphere; the tubes when in the direct path of and in between the Sun and the Earth the tubes begin to separate into spheres.

AEtt X the in effect solar wind equator the horizontal line 100% consistent 100% of the time no matter what the tilt of the planet towards the sun. As the Tubes from Y turn into spheres of X, more and more definition to the structure of the sphere and what is happening on the planet itself, also begins to fill out the definition and details of the internal portions of the sphere.

AEtt Z the orbital west wake of the planet. The third circle is the Earth’s Wake. The now complete and intact spheres made of the x y z geometry of the Earths Electro-Magnetic Sphere interacting with the Solar Wind, the two mixing together to create the structure of orbital west. Large collections of spheres in a chain which creates a in effect corkscrew as the earth rotates around the sun and the sun moves in its own orbit.

Now Each of those spheres are in a collection of spheres, Each sphere has its own characters sequences which are a given default. However, what happens with the people, places, and things which comprise the majority of the internal structure of those spheres can and does at times change a radically large amount.

I was born outside Tiffin Ohio. My AEtts on this planet began there, and stayed there for the most part till I was 6 years old. Then mom moved us to Colorado. Where I lived minus a little bit for the next decade.

My personal AEtt mixing with the people, places, and things in the different areas I was in.

Every AEtt is itself a character’s sequence. Every character is both a letter and a number depending on how it is used.


The Lord Flys over the Waters.

2 parts Hydrogen the leading edge Y circle

1 part Oxygen the horizontal X circle

Catalyst the crush between the earth and the sun

Water the Orbital West the Solar Wind and the Earths Magnetosphere mixing together to create both the earths Orbital Wake, being able to identify and read those spheres is a fascinating part of the development of science.


It is these spheres created by the interaction of the Solar Wind which creates the actions happening within the spheres.

The actions which happen in the spheres itself is life and history.


I am narrowing down sufficient evidence to call the Pyramids of Egypt one of their original intent purposes was as an electromagnetic wave radio telescope.


when the Pyramids are pointing orbital west, all those "temples" could actually be research labs. in effect sound chambers to listen/record Electro-Magnetic pulses from the earth and space.

sonar, is comprised of a very thin sheet of quartz, a very thin sheet of copper, x repeat dozens of times. when a water wave with force behind it collides with said quartz the quartz compresses. that compression releases electricity, which is picked up by the copper and transmitted to the speaker. chirp a result. the louder the chirp the harder the pressure wave. same exact physics for the VLA in New Mexico eg the Movie Contact, and the dozen other Radio Telescopes around the world.


The Pyramids stretch out over 300 square miles, in the shape of the schema of Rome Janus. more than a couple million tons of extremely specifically carved Rock. At least 70total % of said million tons is quarts in two forms. Limestone, and Granite


em waves crash into the pyramids, the stones are configured in the exact same engineering as the VLA accept in fixed positions.

The in effect Egyptian Pyramids and of course Jacobs Ladder being the Pyramids being an “Electro Magnetic Wave Radio Telescope” for Electro-Magnetic waves aka Angels to ascend “sending messages out eg (the Noachite Rite and what Noah communicated with God)” descend Angels eg Electro-Magnetic waves crashing into the planet as compression waves which compress the quarts of the limestone in the Pyramids and of course the Granite in the Superstructures. Those pressure waves set off the quartz in the limestone and granite to send out electricity. Said electricity then interacts with various sound amplifying rooms eg the Temples surrounding the Pyramids. Each Room being literally a sound amplification chamber. For the “clergy” to listen to and record the chirps from the cosmos eg angels ascending and descending from the heavens.

Brings up a few very interesting ideas regarding the Memento Mori Ceremony 1a some type of violence, which Electro-Magnetic waves crashing into quartz qualifies, 1b the Electro-Magnetic waves of a couple in flagrante delicto. The words themselves in large part describe and define the Electro-Magnetic waves released by the planet and the solar wind interaction. The Electro-Magnetic pulses from a person/couple sending signals out. The performance would be in side a pyramid temple/laboratory.

The sending signals out would be the Part 2 the parade and or the announcing something specific to the world.

This could be in part what and how Adam went to the gates of Heaven to exchange his life 1a for that of his beloved son 1b, to have Able alive again and walking around. In a very real effect resurrected from the dead. Adams Blade was given to Enoch who suddenly appread immediately after his Able Memento Mori situation. Whether Able is simply renamed Enoch or Enoch is a result of the 1b intimacy between Adam and Eve trying to get Able back from the dead are all great theological questions.

The point is Adam gave that blade to Enoch which had a word written on it 3 letters one repeats Ǽtt qualifies nicely.  It is the Elder Futhark work for an 8 set of Characters, there are 3 sets of 8 Characters or 3 AEtts in the Elder Futhark, which was built as a direct reflection of this exact Sun, Solar Wind Earth, Earths Magnetosphere, things on the planet doing things, interaction, etc.

The Blade it appears is based on the concept of taking any given the length of time of an given thing and it has a start point, a middle, and an end point. That end point can be determined by the blade of Enoch or the blade which cuts AEtt’s.


The Pyramids pointing orbital east, the chirps are a way to identify and measure the y created tubes. Pointed towards the sun, the tubes break into spheres. Those Electro-Magnetic waves can be listened to and recorded.

The Pyramids pointing orbital west the Electro-Magnetic waves crashing into the planet are the events which occurred at however long ago.





TR Welling