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Historiography Physics

Israel Hamas War The Trojan War


There are more than a few ways to mathematically mirror the events of this Israel Hamas War and that of the Trojan War. The brutality is similar, and the tribute system is not all that different in broad strokes.

Hamas taking prisoners/Tributes as sacrifice to “The Beast”, is almost identical. Provided you actually understand the etymology of what “Allah Ak Bar” means when ultra conservative militant Islamic Terrorists are using that and committed the most evil and viol actions against those their Imams have determined to be messengers from Satan. You see, when the Imams get going into their anti-Israel rhetoric most western translators refuse to actually translate what it means correctly. The translators give the most nice and pleasant PC version of what the terrorists are saying. But in truth, the ultra-conservative radical militant Islamic terrorist have been convinced that all Humans are bipedal animals who are instruments of Lord Satan. They all are in some effect puppets instruments for Lord Satan to use as said fallen so chooses to divert the true voice of God and his true people away from the truth of the divine and towards a life of sin and debauchery. There are several TV shows and movies of the west which illustrate this concept rather strongly. In the TV show “Travelers”, a supercomputer 3 centuries into the future sends the consciousness of select people back to take over the lives of those humans who are about to die and alters their fate in order to use said “puppet” as a vessel for the intelligent person from the future. Also this concept was used in the movie “The Matrix” where the consciousness of a person would be projected into the mind of a “puppet” who lived in the Matrix computer. The puppet would be a digital construct of a human, but instead of having true free the puppet would simply operate as a puppet for the computer to feed of the electricity generated by the Human Host being held in a cocoon.

The terrorists have been convinced that the bipedal animals are simply puppet instruments from Lord Satan and performing evil against them is not actually evil, it is a good thing in service of the Lord.

Which brings up the next point. The minotaur actually plays a rather important part in the foundation ideas of Islam. An point can be made that it is the Minotaur “beast” that is the object of such hatreds. Since the “beast” the “Minotaur” is not actually half human and half bovine. That part of the story is pure hate based propaganda, what the story is about is a rabbi (the beast) of the discipline of the children of Jacob was obtained from the King of Poseidon (part of the radically misunderstood section of the story of Hercules and the Iliad is the facts that Poseidon was not a divine being, but a King of a specific city. That city being literally what became known over the next millennia as Athens < the city was conquered at some point between 2100-1530 bce, where it was renamed Poseidon, but was re captured by the descendants of the original founders and the name was changed back to its ATEN name. From 1530 bce to somewhere around 400 bce, which is about 1100 years, an H was added after the T and ‘s was added to make it personal possessive after the N. Thus turning ATEN into Athens.>. It is a layered and complicated story,  which ironically also includes the city of Rome which would not hold that name for more than 1000 years. 1410 bce to 753 bce when the forces under the command and control of Romulus and Remus conquered the city they grew up in and renamed it Rome after the surviving twins victory over his brother Remus. Who was killed by way of the Mem Ento Mori Ceremony on the exact location of Traitors Post aka renamed circa 205 ce the Umbilicus of Rome. Less than 250 feet away to the Northwest, is the Landing zone off the Tarpan Rock <Tarpan Rock used to be east of the Temple of Jupiter. The Tarpon rock played a rather sizable portion of the story behind father Jupiter mother Juno and their offspring Vulcan. In fact that story played such a key roll in the development of western culture, it is key but almost no one knows about it. You see when mother Juno was carrying her very young son from her temple to her husbands temple, Poseidon blew up a huge mega storm which all but surrounded the entire Capitoline hill with water. The flooding was intense. Only the tops of the largest of the hills were untouched by water. But a huge wind and wave crashed over the Capitoline hill from the east and ripped Vulcan out of his mothers arms. The child fell off the Tarpan rock and would have been killed at the bottom of a 100 foot fall, however another wave crashed into that exact area just as the child was falling and caught him. Carrying him to the Velia hill where he was deposited by said wave. A clergy of Venus found the boy and nursed him back to health, Venus took an immediate liking to the child and over time as the boy grew into manhood, took him as her husband. However, being the goddess of fertility, monogamy was not part of the deal. So every time he catches her with another man, he goes to one of his volcano’s and makes it erupt with his fury. That is the mythology anyway. The reality is that as the volcano Vesuvius was heating up just as Vespasian was rising to power in the Roman Senate he had an idea, gather up all the “undesirables” in his empire and send them to live in Pompeii. When the Volcano erupts his “undesirable” problem will vanish under the eruption. What he did not count on was the eruption was going to be many times the size roman scientist predicted, and he was caught in the blast. The romans citizens seeing Vulcan kill the Emperor who was dead set on erasing the ministry of Jesus and the very separate ministry of Paul by rounding up all of those connected and letting his Roman Pantheon of deities kill them with the help of Vulcan. Instead only some of the “undesirables were killed” the rest evacuated [Said rounding up the “undesirables” and force marching them to Pompeii took about 3 decades circa 40 ce to 70 ce, e.g. more than sufficient time to regroup and escape from the impending volcanic eruption. Before Emperor Vespasian rose to power as Emperor and militarily cracked down hard circa 1 July 69 – 23 June 79, enough to make escaping Pompeii impossible. So there was more than sufficient time for Jews, Christians, Catholics, etc. with the means, to evacuate to do exactly that. Thus in the evacuation process they regrouped from the ultra-radical violence being delivered upon them by both the Roman Senate and the ministry of Paul from 37 ce to 60. But the story is not that simple, Vespasian simply took over the work started by the to be known under his semi Pharoah name Nero, which was just 1 of 3 names he went by. Saul, Paul, and Nero. There are layers and layers to that story. ] to Venice and London, and he and a sizable number of his troops stationed at Herculaneum were killed. Within half a century the power of the Roman Pantheon was broken and the rise of Catholicism and Christianity were in full swing. By 205 ce, most of Rome were Christian but did not parade around proclaiming it. Within less than 110 years the emperor himself Constantine the great Converted to Christian and ordered his entire empire to convert as well. >, which was erased from existence at some point post 50 ce. In the landing zones place was a temple dedicated to Emperors Vespasian, his oldest son Emperor Titus, and his younger son Domitian. For reasons which are directly related to not only Israel but the arc of the covenant <If you follow the evidence of another collection of facts and etymology, applying the term Pharoah to one person e.g. the Emperor immediately after Augustis, you get Emperor Claudius. If you add names of men who were still alive and living in Rome and doing very similar things as Claudius at the same time, than you get the SOP 5 names of the Emperor in one person. Emperor Claudius, St Mark, Jesus Christ, Simon Peter, and Emmanuelle. 5 names 1 person. Claudius in an expedition to Egypt traveled south to Ethiopia and interacted with the church that had claims to have held the arc for a time. Emperor Claudius is set to have entered that church, and came out with items a plenty. If one of those items was the Arc of the Covenant than he would have placed it inside of the Inner Sanctum Sanctorum of King Solomons Temple. Which years before he ordered the dismantling of the building and moving it stone by stone from the Middle East to Rome. Where he started to reassemble it, including the inside of the Arch of Titus. The Arch of Titus was only named that months after his younger brother Emperor Domitian was killed in extremely mysterious circumstances. Actually several Emperors were killed under extremely suspect circumstances after Claudius returned from Ethiopia. The assumption would be based on the math's that Emperor Claudius retrieved the Arc of the Covenant, and brough it to Rome, but was the one and only person who could touch it. When a test of power was initiated by the enemies of the Emperor’s, Nero, Titus, and Domitian failed and were killed the second they touched the Arc resting inside the Arch of Titus.>. The Bull sent by the King of Athens/Poseidon was a group of Rabbi who were kidnapped and sent to the city as hostages and human sacrifices in order to appease the Beast. Instead of sacrificing them all, the King of Knossos <Athens> forced the best one to perform the Mem Ceremony with his Jewish bride to produce a half human <in effect Palestinian> and half beast <Jewish>. However when Theseus chose to surrender himself to the King of Poseidon/Athens he did so knowing full well he knew how to defeat both the Minotaur and the associated maze. That maze by direct physical evidence is located under the west side of the Roman Forum. It has since been filled in by enumerable floods and rubbish collections. But remance of said underground complex of rooms and floors e.g. a labyrinth is still more than plenty visible and seen by 1000s and 1000s of people every single day, but outside of context all of them miss the more than obvious Pitt details.) in order to perform the Mem Ento Mori Ceremony with one of the wives of the King of the Palace of Knossos (a note about Linguistics and etymology. Anti-semitic politicians like to perform bad actions and lie they are doing no such thing while performing the bad actions. During entire first week of the Israel Hamaas war, Hamas leaders and their axis western partners who speak English are in a constant denial of the genocide occurring from Hamas to Israel. Said propaganda of performing evil actions and denying the evil actions are being done at the same time is standard operating procedure for anti-semitic cultures. The citizens of those cultures have been lied to so much <Generation after generation after Generation, example the Puritans who landed at Plymouth Rock circa 1620 in Mass did not do so in order to live their life according to the rules of freedom, they did so in order to achieve a battle plan. Establishing a “foothold” first, then troops, equipment, supplies, training, etc. first then attack Boston full on, and the couple dozen other cities up and down the coast in order to find their objective and to erase it from existence. Which happens to be the School/Library at Salem, which it took them a few years to find said location and map it out successfully, then to attack the school. Which the 22 years from Plymouth to the first Salem Witch Trial circa 1642, was the first attempt at destroying that school. That attempt did not work, but the second attempt in 1660 was successful beyond the Puritans wildest dreams. The objective was to find the libraries that had created the challenger to the Gutenberg bible and erase it and the associated scholars from existence. Which is actually extremely close to the battle plan carried out by Agamemnon and is Philistine {The same Philistine culture that forced the Crucifixion of Jesus on the cross in Rome. This is part of the whole generation after generations have been lied to and the truth has turned into fiction and the fictions have turned into truths. Simply repeat a lie enough and it becomes truth. The Philistines are the name of the religious order Agamemnon  used for his “counsel of elders” which 600 years later the Philistines took on another title “Senator”.  The Roman Senators were both, political leaders and Philistine Religion leaders. Which means the conversation Jesus had with the Philistines was literally with the Roman Senators in Rome Proper. } army around Troy. They attacked all the little temples, villages, and cities around Troy first, then attacked Troy. Defeated at the attempts to breach the walls of Troy, they then did a clandestine operation in order to breach the walls. Said operation was successful. But only because the Trojans knew what was happening and instead of fighting against it, the Trojans set up escape tunnels and the city was mostly empty minus the POW’s that had been captured in battle. Also prisoners from the surrounding areas the trojans evacuated from the city and let in 100s of others. Let the Philistines handle the problems of the community while the Trojans were successfully evacuated to Italy, Paris, and Britian.> the culture and its citizens have no idea what truth is anymore. Now apply these same exact facts to the stories of the classics from Hercules to present and add in the Biblical Story of Judah and 12th son of Jacob. His brother sold him into slavery in much the say way the King of Poseidon aka Athens handed the tributes to the King of Knossos as a Mem Sacrifice so his other clergy could perform the intimate part of the Mem Ceremony to have that extra power from sending a real soul to the other side courtesy of Janus which would allow gifts to come to the Kings of Poseidon and Knossos. But the story of Jacob was written more than 1500 years before the invention of Hebrew began. And Moses was not exactly interested in telling the truth of and about the anything to do with Judaism which did not originate with him. Thus the stories began to change and be edited to a pro Hyksos/Avaris stance, identical to the editing and story changes make to the New Testament by the ministry and its begat from Paul. The message from Paul is entirely different from the Message of Jesus. But both the Guttenberg bible and the king James bible are both written and edited by the clergy loyal to the church of Paul <The first huge edits to the Gospels occurred with the Bishops of Lyon circa 120 ce, who were entirely devoted to the ministry of Paul and were openly militantly hostile to the ministry of Jesus. > not the church of Jesus. Consequently, there is a lot missing from the bible. Both the old and new testaments. There are about 3 entire language families that existed from 2500 bce to 500 bce when Hebrew was finally formalized into its current form. Most of those languages were from cultures that were not only anti-semitic but were very much into genociding the Jews they did find. Obviously if you are antisemitic than it becomes to duty of the scholars under your control to force them to edit the stories you do not like into a form that makes you look good and the jews bad. Or erases the facts that the people of the story were Jewish at all. For example Achilles was a jew, so was Hercules. But by the time the stories were edited into Greek which was more htan 1000 years after the events in question happened, those two men their Jewish faith was edited out. ). Likely the one of King Knossos wives that he obtained through some type of battle and captured a beautiful Jewish princess and forced her into said marriage. Remember in Patriarchal cultures females have less rights than slaves. Exactly the same as Helena of Troy, the first time she was on the same continent as Menelaus is when he landed on the shores of Troy. The story would have been something like this, as the Army from Agamemnon’s arrived the first thing which occurs is after the initial troops land and create a safe place, the diplomats from both sides come together to have a discussion. The diplomats from Agamemnon’s side would have come with the established proposal “give Menelaus’ his wife back, and some money and some troops for the trouble and we will go in peace. Provided when we come around in the future you will of course hand over tributes/recruits to man Agamemnon’s great army. The Trojans would have been “who is Menelaus’ wife”. Why Helena of course, they have been married for years, and when Paris and Menelaus met over  war summit years ago Menelaus brought Helena with him. Paris kidnapped Helana from her husband and family and brought her here. So simply go get her and hand her over and everything will be great.”

From the side of the Trojans, “sorry but we have less than zero idea what you are talking about. Paris was not at that conference, Helena was still with her father in ATEN at the time and no marriage contract was performed period. That has no foundation in reality.”

Agamemnon’s diplomats “Menelaus claims Helana as his bride, and we are more than prepared to kill every single person here in order to obtain possession of her and anyone else we can capture”.

Now Helena is the daughter of Thesus who is the son of Meritaten, who si the first born daughter (or sister) of Amenhotep iv aka Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Paris is the son of Merit Aten’s sister Meketaten.

In basic in todays understanding. It is like the brother of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the Daughter of the Prime Minister of Israel agreeing to a marriage contract. They would not be allowed in the same building together, let alone any type of marriage. A female Jew and a hard line militant ultra radical conservative Muslim, there is almost zero possible chance the official story written in a language we have no clue about, nor the next 3 languages the official story out of the Iliad is true. Homer or the pseudonym Homer being the assumed grandson of Odysseus messed with the details and or the 10 translations between, 1330 bce to 600 when the first proto Latin spelling and grammar began to form more than a century after the conquest of the city of Samhain was name changed to Rome. Conquests, cultures coming ot power forcing their will on literature, some cultures demanding to have a Dark Age because the leaders hated any type of scholastic which either made them feel stupid or told a story they did not want told. Think a Dark Age is not possible, think again. The students in Florida there is no reason to go the library when most of the shelves are entirely empty, why because MAGA politicians have “objected” to some of the content and said context must be reviewed. The estimated review time is about a decade. True now, more true then since back then there was no internet to bypass the haters who burn books. The nice thing about history is that when the book burning cultures go no a book burning rant, they  always bragg about it. Bragging they erased x number of libraries, and put y number of scholars to the sword. Bragging is part of being a book burning culture. They have to win, at all costs.

Which means the story of the Classics is so much more complicated than is reasonable to cover easily.





this war has a lot of similarities with how the Trojan War began. It first began with Hercules and his labors, the 5th of said labors was to Mikveh a school and do a ritual cleaning of said structure. The stables (metaphorically is very close to the creation of Israel, and the time between the creation of Israel and the labors of Hercules and the time Theseus surrendered to the King to become a Tribute to be sent to the Palace of Knossos <I am very certain that said palace was what is now the Palatine Hill Rome, not Crete that is a different Palace> and be sacrificed to the Minotaur) were/are a Rabbinical school. The start of the conflict seems very close to that of the numbers associated with the start of the Trojan War. Agamemnon e.g. Hamas attacking without mercy at all to anyone period, their goal to crush the enemy and erase Israel/Troy from existence. So far the pure brutality of the attacks over the course of the last 5 days has been at said level. In the Iliad several paragraphs were devoted to discussing what the army of Agamemnon did with the Trojans he found in the walls, no one was spared. Babies and children were thrown off very high walls, or tossed onto pointed sticks. Gruesome for an adult, pure evil for an innocent baby toddler.






Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling