This is my Internal Web page for

Futhark Science


T. Shawn Welling

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Indo European


Symbolic Meanings


Futhark Science





Calendars Full Table



Mind Philosophy


These is a way to live your live by following the rules of the Futhark,  here is where I will outline how to do that.

Generation Map outline

1.     Looking at the old calendar

2.     Seeign the symbolic representation of the Futhark in a year

3.     what happens next year

4.     the 24 year generation map

5.     well that can not be true unless it too could be tracked by and from the forms of nature

6.     24 years * 24 is 576 which is a minor age.

7.     then there is the 576 * 24   13, 824 an age,


v    What I say,

v    The theory that this is not nessessarity old but this is new and incredible information based on and about the concepts of nature, the old ones say it, I have taken the bones of what they left beyind and explored new things that could be done with that old knowledge.

Start out with Fehu establishing what the priorities are Generation Map

Then I was distracted by an idea.  I was looking at a calendar one fine day and the calendar cauyght my attentiuon in the most interesting way.   The picture was of something that I can not remember but then I streted reading the dates,   of the different metaphysical understandings tward the months and the oddest thing caute my eye.  The thing which caught my eye was thqt we were coming to an end of the Nordic month of                  and the beginning of the next mnth,  well I had incountered the n9ordic calendar before  but had not payed that much attention to it.  It was simply a thing that the authore of that book had gotten all but all the names wrong he spelled then a cross between a/s and old English.   So I payed little attention to it and desided at the time to go back latter manke a copy of this calenar for my own use and correct the names,  well this calendar put out by a different company matched his time line and dates to when the  months dsatred and ended but the calendar also did something else that was very extraordinary.  It was wrong.  Sym,boliclty the calendar was wrong.  Everyting I read about the runic/Futhark was that it was symbolic in its approach to itself.  The definitions where symbolic.   Then it occurred to me,  symbolic in nature.  Nature,  the symbols are basic out of the cycles of nature.    Then the enture map the map of the runic/Futhark made total sense to me.   Instead of looking at the runic/Futhark in a what is this,  what is its purpose besides beign a interesting devination devise  and a sudo language that actually did not make much sense before,  it now made perfect snce.  The senc eit mde was all the symbols where based on the cycles of nature.   I then though of where the Nordics where according the there own myths at the time when the language was first made.  They wherte living in a a unhasbitable place.   This place they where living in  was a vastly different place to where they had come from and  there were vastly different forms of information at hand.   So I am figuring from the evidence in front of me that they created a calendar to try and keep track of the days and yers as they rolled by.   And it is possible the spiritual leaders noticed a profound change in the reactions of the people within there spiritual care,  that therye needs changes dramaticly depending on the time of year.   If its summer,  there is going to be great outdoor activities happening both fun andn extreme work to prepeare form the coming winter.   Then of course there is the oxact opposite of winter and the needs of the community change.   So this culture thought the myths ahd legends of there desnndents  the best and most efficient way to teach a large group of people skattered over litterlay hundereds of miles is to had and language be a teaching tool,  incoum=passing the lessons of life,  and cutlrueal distinction within the language,  by keeping the language as the cneterpoint to the culture and al;lwoign the culture to expand as farr as it wanted to then the cutlerual/ ethnic integrity would be upheald.   Then I say it,  the German and Latin owrd runa meant “secret or hidden meaning”  the secrtet or hiodden meaning is that the devination devise the roamsna dn the other cultures who where not invoted into the  realm of the Nordic underwstnading would not knw and true meaning of the runic Futhark. 

So I went to the research I had been doing and looking dwon at it.   I saw that the Futhark was a teaching tool.   The runes actually may still have hidden within them the secrets of the culture.   So I went back to the authors I was reading and trying to determine what it was that this stuff was.   So I looked and was rewriting my notes and updating my tome with the new information I had  and separating out more of the additions to the language I started calling it a language because it had to be something to be added to an existing language and be updated.  So I started calling it a language but this language that I called it was a difficult thing because up to this point I have noacctualy appication of this language.  I had no sentence streucture no grammore  nothing but the vauge ideas from the past.   I could say the words in fuithark and they had roots in old German and old Nordic.  These conserned me because if these Futhark words had litteral meanings in modern living languages then there had to be a language way back with just this but I had not found it yet.   SO on I wrote,  I werote about the calendar and started workingnon the calendar translation when it occusered ot me that the times where wrog.   I compared the syumbolic understanding s of the Futhark and compared them to the understand9ings of the sabbats and the symbolic mneaings they matched perfectly,  buyt there was a problem,  the map was off by around 15 days.   It was late.  Then I remembered that snori had written these things down in the 1000 ce time.  Pope Gregory the 12 changed the callender 2 hunderd years latter.   Well then I changed the calendar and put the dates according to the sabbats of the calendar.  Then an astrologer told me that the dates of the sabbats change per year.  So I reaolized that the frist date of the sabbat was not the start of the calendar,  the 24 month year long Futhark calendar had its months around the time  of the sabbat,   that way there was room build in for the sabbat to have its event and to alling the people in doing the correct things at the correct times.    The map then made sense.   Within an hour of seeing this and begining to reorganize my understanding of the Futhark year I was interrupted. 

There was a discussion going on with the people I was around and they where talking about Woodstock,  well Woodstock happendd a number of years ago and the baby boom generation thing.   So then I though about my generation,   the x genearation.   So I aaaaaswed a veryu simple question how much time  had there been from the end of ww2 and the end of the baby boom.  24 years.  I asked how much time  had there been from the end opf my generation the beginning of the y hgeneration.  Again 24 ywears.   Ok,  I rembmered that the originl designers of this sequence looked to nature to see the patterns which happened and formulated a idea theory consept culture out of it.   The only way to truly loveing within the convifens of living in harmony with nature if you have to live by its rules,  so these must be the rules of natuire and everyone every t legger fmro the infidivulad ot the bogest scoeity in tehowlrd had to follow at least some form of these rules guildlines,   therefore no mater if this idea is from and ancient world or it is a mdern invention these guildintes affect all of us .  every 2 legr.   SO I dewsided to explore this idea.   A generation.   A generation say is 24 years.  Lets runn with this idea for a minute.  Ok,  letsa see if this really holds water.  So I strted at the basics.  Using the direct rules of the Futhark,  give a fair shake,  not using any of the changes I made to allow the language fit the make sense to me so instead of using the terms and conduitions of the definitions I simple used the 8 groups.  There are 3  grouped of 8 symbols in the Futhark.   OK lets see here the first 8 years of an individual life.   Ok then the is the middle 8 9 to 16.   Then the 17 to 24.  ok that makes some forms of  sense,  ok some basic definitions.   Say the 8th one.  Wunjo,  a feminine emotional symbol.   An 8  year old.   Yes they are undergoing a great deal of emotions.   Ok one of the harder ones, mannaz the 20 symbol.  A reflection of the true self.   Well 20 year old area at that time doping a great dfeal of inner work on themselves and formulating  an ide aof who they are and wehre tehya re going in this world.   Gettign ready to face the world.   Well that shure fit.  Ok next 9 to 16 one of tehhardest ages of the life.   The consvergfence of the child world to the young adult world.   All the symbols are talking about personal stuiff.   Past present future, timeing,  personal growth,  attention to the external world.  Then befingong to formulate the inner self and apply to the individual that which is needed in oder to sustain there life for the rest of there life  in other words a formulationo f the personality.   Well then it pasted the inniitional ideqas.   OK so first symbol is the first year that does not match to the modern definition.   OK I went back to the calendar.  After making that link to the past and the calendar I concluided that was a reliable sourse.   And reaolizign that it was a reliable sourse since all the symbolic definitions  matched the time  of year after which I adjeiusted it to match.  I have a sourse,  a key to the reverse engineering.  I had found a way to unlock the secrets of the past.    Taking the symbolic definitions to the way the year unfolds,  starting form litha mid-summers experience.  The midsummer is the of application, a time when organization and orientation.   A time  of getting thingfs done for the commign time of building for the and the preparing for the planting that you need ot do now and the harvest to come,  then the  fall and the inner contemplation time of winter,   and the reapplication of what lessons where learned during the winter to the spring.   Now if you where apyung attention you just hear the beginning of life  from the birth,  to the growing infant to child,  to the harvest,   then the fall and winter is 9 to 15 a time  of going in to the self and establishing the individuals personality that they will carry forward into the grow up life.   Then the spring establsaiing ones self and going forward to conquer the world.   Once I made these connection.  The entire map made sense.

So I took the ideas which  I had accumuilated and pyut them all together,  the reorganized map I took that out and started to try and see if it fit into the generation map.   Thengeneration m,ap then took on  twist even I was unprepared for.   Instead of it laying out flat and easy it hit another curve ball that took me in a direction I would never had understood before.   No matter hwo much I tried to breack the symbolic meaings down it would not go into a easy simple flat out answer.  The symboplogyu was just not allowing it to make sense after I would take out some of the more complex definitions.   So I broke down addmited there was more to this then I had originally thought,  so I looked at the research by now it had been an over 8 year struggle with the most inpoertant stuff happening I the last 6 months.   The discovery of the generations map to this point was about 2 months.   So I started to search  and I had an idea well old languages seomtimes are gender oriented.   I took the idea and just to see wehre it would go.   I took out my information the information that I had already edited down to the point in which there was no reflection onto any other language.   So I had the essence of the old definitions in front of me and all I could do was to sit back and ttry to figure out if these definitions could be not separated but more aligned with a polarity,  the problem I faced was that the polarity is nto a seperation but a balancing between 3 different thigns that have to wrok in haremonly with the other 2 sides,  it’s a try angle with 3 different sides and the balance is in the middle.   Which is actually 4 different thigns but that will be covered latter.










Copy write Monday, October 22, 2001,

I have been working on it for around 6 years but