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Document Equation

Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

Tree Writing format

Quantum Physics Tree Yggdrasil Writing format

When you write an academic sentence, for example a sentence about Julius Caesar. This one sentence has a number of sub topics and sub sub topics which in effect create a Tree, complete with Root system.

Writing has a many 1000s of year history.

Julius Caesar includes the following topics; western academics, parochial school, William Shakespear, the Globe Theater Queen Elizabeth I, Elizabethan England, scholastics, the Julii family, the city of Rome, the Roman Empire, Cleopatra, their 3 kids, Roman Senate Propaganda, the Medeival Dark Ages, Witch Burning times, with more than 1000s of other topics and sub topics. I mean really, the network of associated subjects connected to Julius Caesar are numerous. Then you start to discuss topics like Cleopatra and her and Caesars 3 kids, and you have to cover the facts that the twins were his kids not Anthonyies. Anthonies involvement with Cleopatra is 100% pure fiction. Not unlike ultra conservative modern media who are mostly convinced that barrack Obama’s wife was born a male who transitioned to female. Despite not a molecule of evidence to back up said MAGA hysteria. Anthony was a relatively low born person who happened to be a really good Executive Officer to his boss Julius Caesar. But if he had not of been a really good executive military planner, he would have been just another in a long list of junior officers in the Legions of the julii family. He was too societly low born to be allowed within 3 feet of Cleoaptra. She was Paroah of Egypt. The second she and Caesar hooked up, she became co Emperor of Rome. The senate simply made up the concept that she took Anthony as a lover, which has no foundation in reality. Also the about decade between Caesars failed bow test and Cleopatra evacating out of the Mediterranean for Britian, she was literlaly Emperess of Rome. But the Senate rejected her, but that does not mean she ddi not have said powers. Her next husband would have been either a rather old Spartacus or his son who might have been about her age or a little younger. Which brings up all manner of interesting sub topics regarding the ROman Senate ordering Octavian to dispatch every single Roman soldier possible to Northern Britain to conquer the location. A mission the entire Roman Empire failed at for 400 years.  It was that failure at the future Hadrian’s wall that ended the Roman Empire. Which is a sequence of sub sub toipcs since by then Caesar had been dead for decades if not more than a century. But his impact was still part of the Emperors position which Hadrian attempted to fill his sandals, but failed rather spectacularly. Then you have to bring up if Cleaotra did not commit suicide (pure fiction like the individual Germaiuc) than where did she live, how long did she live, and hwere did she go after. Where did her 4 kids go and what exactly did they do in the century after Caesars assassination. There is a compelling theory that she was one of the wise persons at the Nativity to witness the birth of Jesus. And that Mary was her granddaughter from one of her first 3 kids. Mary being born roughly about 20 bc, would have placed her about 20 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. The word is Alma, not Bethela. Alma in Aramaic means “mathematician” not “female of breadable age”. Bethela is “female of reproducable age”, Alma is the root of the word Alma Nack,  as in Poor Richards Alma Nac . That means that Jesus was fully and totally entitled to hold the throne of Pharaoh and be given his 4 Pharoah names. There is more than a little back up for this concept, under if these 5 men were the same person, than he was a member of the Julii family. So there are dozens and dozens and dozens of sub topic headings each with enumerable aspects to their tree networks.

The point regarding this writing style is to create maps of influence. Almost every single sentence written can and most likely will contain detailed maps of the Quantum Field buried inside Scholastics. When identified and separated out, possibly using htm formatting click on say the Julii family and a whole string of information will become available. Convert those strings and in effect leaves of difficult information into a 3d or 4d (A graphic that requires you move it in order to see several dimensions at a time) graphic, each leaf being a select subject matter.

       A lief being a few hundred to a few 1000 words explanation about the Julius Caesar, the next leave on the line being general scholastics (where each student learned about that man), back to the English and or Prussian school system leif, back on the same branch the next lief would be Shakespeare, the previous lief being something about the Medieval Dark Age, which this is where the 4d comes into the picture. The main branch goes back to the creation of Middle English the language of Shakespeare, but a separate like an Ivy Vine goes over to create its own tree branch specific to the Medieval Dark Age details about that. Those leaves cover the Ministry of Jesus and the ministry of Pual going to war against the ministry of Jesus. Emperor Vespasian working hard to erase the “undesirables”, Pompeii and mount vesuvious, Vulcan and the mythology of the Roman Pantheon, the early ministry of Paul and its insane origins with a man who had a mental disorder and convinced himself he was Jesus. The 5 names of Phraoh and how there is direct evidence since the Julii family of from Caesar/Gaius to Claudius of at least 2 if not more “Pharaoh” names being actively used by said family.  After Cleopatra and of course Caesarian enter the picture. Caesarian and Tiberius the same name and very likely the same person kidnapped and used by his Fathers Great Nephew as a bargaining ship for power. Cleopatra not being captured by said great nephew at all, but evacuating the Mediterranean for North Umber Land aka the Kingdom of Yr Hen Ogle dd. Part of the reason the ministry of paul made writing illegal was to hide the above information so that they could rule Europe with no one questioning the authority of the church/ministry of Paul. Insce Paul by circa 80 ce had been dead for a while being a person in his mid 20s in the 30s, more than half a century later would be an extremely old man in this 70 to 80 when most people at that time died of old age in their 60s. Not ot mention the evil priest paul supposedly was executed for defying the authority of the roman senate in this 60s. having been crucified upside down in a specific location were St Peters Basilica now sits. Of course there is another story that he was beheaded a mile away and his head bounded on the ground three t6imes, each place it bounced a spring formed. There is of course back to the city of Pompeii and Emperor Vespasian, he ordered the Hercules inspired Gladiator Games move from the Bovie Forum to the location of Emperor Nero’s place, which was the site of a City of Pillars “think Venice”. The buildings on pillars buried in the water about 300 feet past the end of the Tempel of Venus. The temple of Venus had a symbol a clam/conk shell, people wonder what the “cut of Christ was”, simple answer a conk shell. The branches and leaves start to merge into an in effect neuro network of multi-dimensional branches and leaves which are separate but very complicated. Lots of cross connections between the branches.

This is only the most brief of brief explanations. There are millions and billions of more branches and leaves in just this extremely brief overview left out. Was Hercules e.g. Gladiators was he Jewish, since his 5th task was directly part of a Mikveh to clean out the an Aurox Stable. Back in those languages under the Dorian Dark Age, what those languages were, scholastic can only guess. Those language families have been almost erased from existence. Jews were considered to be a subhuman animal, so they were compared to their animal of choice being a bull/Aurox. So when you see “bulls” bing referenced in languages that did not exist for between half a millennia to over a full millennia later, the “bull” is actually a direct reference to a Rabbi. Which changes the entire structure of the story of start of the Trojan War, the Minotaur is a product of the Mem Ento Mori Ceremony, not some bestiality first hand story translated about 400 bce into Greek (the first appearance of classic Greek about 400 bce, 100 version of proto Greek existed for about 200 years) which was 900 years after the events in question. There are at least 10 major languages between 1350 bce and 400 bce when said stories were translated into Greek. Those transactions were done primarily by antisemitic cultures. So they are 100% trustable 100% of the time, in other news if you belief that I own a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you cheap. The 5th task of Hercules was to clean out and sanctify a rabbinical school. Where he took 100 people and started/founded his own school.  Now compare that direct documentation, the documentation regarding how anti semitic the Dorian/Avaris/Hyksos are, and the facts that there is a Temple of Hercules just feet from where the Gladiators used to fight to the death. To the death is part of the  Mem Ento Mori Ceremony, specifically the ceremony had more juice if the victim was a Jewish rabbi. Vespasian had the gladiator games moved and the entire Mem Ento Mori Parade moved from West to East (a Mason thing, from West to East), to East to West. All in all an extremely difficult and complicated type of writing, but it does and will create time maps of Quantum Field thinking processes.

Another step in the process, instead of the Greek Gods being associated with Mount Olympus, which on that Mountain shows zero signs of any type, shape, form of architectural period. However the Palatine and Capitoline Hills show direct architecture going back 1000s and 1000s of years before 753 bce. It is very likely to have the Greek gods not on Mount Olympus but actually on Capitoline/Palatine Hill. Add the Linguistics and etymology of Palatine and it translates to x 1300 bce language as “Sacred/Holy Hill”. Than you have the definition of Mount Olympus. Which is just feet away from the Temple of Hercules.








Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling