Document Equation

Document Table of Contents

Document Equation

Writing Equation 

Historiography Physics

AErdology UNESCO Compass

The Language of God


People Involved

Location Involved


UNESCO History

Every compass is divined into 360’ wedges.

There are 24 major wedges of 15’, which directly correspond with the 24 months of the earth’s orbit around the sun.

Each of the 15 little wedges are a direct representation of the 360 days of the year. The 5 and 6 days which make up the other 365.4 days of the year, those 5 and 6 days are “High Holy Days” which are not counted in the 360 normal days.

Those days are religious high holy days. Mathematically they are floating days which exist but only as they relate directly to the earths orbit around the sun. They fit in where they are according to the earth’s orbit around the sun.

Now this si where htings get a bit complex. Each of the 8 fixed points in the earths orbit around the sun.

The Solstices and Equinoxes each have their own compass.

What happens on any given day of the year is plus or minus x days from the last fixed point to the next fixed point of the 8. Also the Major fixed points of mid-summer and mid-winter. But those gears are the subject of much more complex mathematics which all numbers are letters in the Elder Futhark sequence.

However this is specific to the compass itself.

Each major wedge of 24 is divided into 15’ minor wedges.

But each minor wedge (which are the days of the year) is sub divined into 24 wedges, which are the hours of the day. Then minute, then second, then 10th of seconds.

On any given circular micro meter of the planet there are a stack of numbers depending on how many variables are brought in of anywhere between a few dozen to several million. Add a specific date, and you have 10’s of millions to trillions of numbers/letters.

For example; the Gun Fight at the OK Corral itself was literally an offshoot of a few dozen major events. Each of the following events lead those few hundred people to be in the City of Tombstone at that specific time, in that specific location. A location which as a settlement/town/city did not exist except for a possible native or Azteca camp site x number of times in the previous centuries. After 1860 those connected with the Civil War many of them headed west.

List of Cultures having an Impact on AZ

The list below are the cultures which had either a direct or a cascade direct impact onto the events which lead to the gunfight at the OK Corral. As I add in more and more compasses and their numbers/letters, depending on how many variables are added, the variables add up to a difficult to define/determine number of numbers/letters. All those letters will produce sequences of predictable characters in 2, 3, 4, etc combinations which are the very definition of words. Adding words together creates sentences, predictable sentences.

The Trojan War


The Samhain War





Maximilian of Mexico

The Confederacy

The Slave Trade

The Civil War

Westward Expansion











TR Welling