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Historiography Physics
























I am starting to think about Alchemy different than what the heresy laws regarding said subject would allow. I became interested in the subject again after learning that Isaac Newton had spent 5 decades of his life studying and researching the sciences behind it. However, I strongly doubt the gold greedy Papacy/Protestant church was going to understand the transfiguration process of x substance to gold did not mean what they think it means. They could not see beyond gold and riches. However,

I strongly doubt alchemy is about that, I think it is a "new name" for an ancient Egyptian/Roman Ceremony which directly involves the function and structure of transfiguration, energy/electricity into divine gold/gifts.





a few years ago a former acquaintance had me on facetime and we toured the House of the 7 Gables. Me on the camera, that person taking the actual tour. I listened, and the tour guides made comments of a previous building which was lost in the Witch Trials of 1660, you read that correctly 1660, suggestion look them up. Very very difficult to find, but the evidence is present. The 1690 trials were a direct cascade effect from the 1660 trials which themselves were a cascade effect from the 1642 trials. Hawthorne wrote a very nice nice book about the 42 trials leaving out most of the bad stuff. THe point being, the 1642 trials were about trying to remove a school from Salem Mass. A school I knew existed for a variety of evidence, however it was not erased from existance till 1660. The children/grandchildren of those condemned in 60 were the object of the 1690 trials. What does this have to do with Alchemy, simple answer, that school which existed before 1660 one of its major focuses was Alchemy. The puritans treated said study as "bad" and sought to erase said from existance. Achieving most of the goal. But leaving enough evidence to trace it back. Tim Burton independently from me did his own research and found the court documents from said 60 trials and created his TV show "Wednesday" as a direct reflection of said trials. How did he find them, by using the clues left in Gothic Horror. Most of Gothic Horror is about attacking that school and erasing it from existance. Including Frankenstein, HP's work. Hocus Pocus, etc. too numerous to list off but most of those stories have a transformation element built into their story structure. That school one subject it taught was Alchemy. BUt the main purpose of the school was for British (not English mind you) but British, Loyalist French, and their allies to research and compose what would become the King James bible. Shocker puritan lie, wow how would have thunk it. Puritans lied about when they “conquered” founded the city, openly erasing any and all evidence of pre them history of the place. Have the puritans ever done that before, or since. Why yes, they have a huge habit of doing that exactly. Conquer a place, and erase as much of the before as possible in order to claim entire domination over said city/idea/location. A similar event happened 200 years later in Colorado their was a city were Old Colorado now sits post 1858, that city was legally erased from existence and all Land titles were either destroyed or simply tossed away. Much to the annoyance of people who had been living on that land for decades. But when Palmer and Davis Hayes family arrived they brought huge armies with them that were 1000% not interested in dealing with “locals”. “get off our land or else” became the motto of the Quakers and Confederates. Although King James forced extreme edits to what he was handed to please the Puritans. But as Newton Jr pointed out in 5 decades of research into his fathers papers, there is a Translation matrix in association with Hebrew. The Origins of the language ( I can prove with a single graphic) is not Aramaic, etc. it is the Elder Futhark. The language the Vikings used. That is the origin, but the Elder Futhark is at least 3 things. 1 a language, 2 a mathematics, 3 a collection of Calendars. Which means you have to use the math equations of transfiguration in order to start with Hebrew or English and work back to Hebrew then work back to Futhark then move forward with Arabic numbers, then move back into Futhark, then move back into a hidden form of Hebrew. I can prove most of this right now. Only a small % of the Kings James version of the Bible is through this translation matrix,  I am still working to show the math models. Converting more than 300,000 characters from Hebrew through the alchemy of etymology matrix takes time.






I was thinking about Coronado and Cibula. If you read the information about him, he reached what is now Northern New Mexico southern Colorado and had his people sort of sit there for a few weeks while he went on some type of solo mission with a very small number of his most trusted. THey were gone for a few weeks. Upon coming back, his orders were to shift suddenly due east and track into Kansas/Oklahoma, Texas then around back home to Mexico. Walking/horseback he was less than a day and a half from "The Garden of the Gods", which is not Cibula or "a city of gold" it is a city built from red/sand stone. In the 1500s there were at least 3 not small cities in that immediate area. a place literally called Garden of the Gods which was absorbed by Colorado Springs about 100 years ago. Old Colorado City which is its post 1858 name. and of course Manitou which has been a continuously occupied city for 1000 plus years. Technically there was supposedly a 4th city under what is now Colorado Springs Colorado. What does this matter, the timing of the "creation of Alchemy" and Coronado's expedition occurred in roughly the same almost identical time frame.

Apparently Paracelsus was removed from European history books 12 months before the expedition of Coronado finished. We all know all to well that the Spanish Inquisition, the Vatican, Papacy, Protestant Church, and the English (not british mind you) use propaganda to suppress what they do not like and exaggerate what they do like.

The two events literally happened at the same time, Paracelsus writing and talking about "Alchemy" and Coronado staging an expedition to find a City of Gold.

Coronado's expedition failed in its main purpose to find said gold. Alchemy failed to turn lead into gold, well in truth it is entirely possible to achieve said goal. But it requires modern science and technology, specifically extremely powerful electro magnetics in order to alter the chemical structure, to add the/subtract the necessary elements to lab create gold. Far too expensive to be practical.

The point is not real gold, the point is Alchemy and Cibula/City of Gold came into common understanding at almost the same year.

Which points to some very interesting other ideas regarding Isaac Newton jrs work on the language of Hebrew. He knew the Language of Hebrew had hidden codes in it, but did not have the resources to decode it. However if you apply some of the mathematics and chemical equations to turn lead into gold, and use them into etymology. You can create a translation matrix to find in effect some type of Quantum Bible. A bible hidden inside of the Torah. That process is difficult to explain. But the gold part is identical to the modern version of selling the "ultra turbo 2000 wizbanger" from  my generation if any of those words were used in a product name it was thought to be the next great thing. Most of them turned out to be nothing more than a product version of snake oil. It was a thing, but like a flying deloean mostly fantasy fiction. The delorean is a real car, not a reliable car but still a real car. The magic of movies and heavy lift cranes allows it to fly and travel through time. Alchemy/Cibula along with Versailles seem to be the same subject. The Versailles part gets politically inappropriately complicated. Versailles translates literally to Poly Technically College/University. It might have also been a hunting lodge but that was mostly OSS spy work cover story.

However the person who created that Poly Tech knew that the Prussian's were not far behind and would come with their full army. He was not wrong.

So instead of having just 1 Poly Tech institute within semi easy reach of the Enemy who literally want to conduct bone fires you get the idea. Creating a network of colleges on the other side of the Pond on the east coast, 1 1000 miles west of the east coast, a third at teh headwaters of the Arkansas River. The headwaters of the Arkansas river is directly mentioned above, Coronado during his couple weeks rest in southern Colorado was only about 50 miles south of said river. Lets see here, 50 miles away from said river, resting in that areas for 2 or 3 weeks. Very shortly after Alchemy is published, within 3 decades of a copy of Versailles being built in what was conquered and renamed "Old Colorado City" 300 years later. For direct physical evidence of said school in Colorado look up Bancroft School Colorado Springs Colorado. Which is directly next to the Michael Garmon Galleries which is literally across the street from Bancroft Park. That building was the first Capital of Colorado, Dr Gavin's cabin is pure propaganda fiction. That building was not within a mile of that park till circa 1970 when it was moved there. Having been moved from Glen Eyrie to the state capital in Denver to the Broadmore Golf course, then move to its current position in Bancroft Park. It was never ever used as a government building. That is pure wishful thinking on the part of Palmer and his friends. Not the first or the last thing they lied about.




you do realize that the ROmans looking for legitimacy coined the term Greek, to make themselves look better. There were no "greeks" previous to the Romans coining that phrase. They did not invent it, just used it as a term. Their were Athenians, Spartans, etc. by 1000s of cities. Each one a different city/state. Plus the people of the AEgean did not "create" a lot of what they had scholarly wise, they borrowed from other cultures by a huge amount. Borrowed then passed it off as their own. The library of Rhodes obtained lots of info from Egypt, eastern Med, and the old Phoenician cultures. Carthage being one of them. So things are not that clear when the word "Greek" is used. It refers to 50 separate languages from 800 bce to 200 ce. It refers to 1000 cultures who were in some ways very similar to other AEgean and in other ways could not be more different. Then their is the Ionian issues which is a whole can of worms all on its own. So scholastically speaking using the term "greek" is not unlike saying "car" today. Which make, model, year, type, etc. 2 stroke up to a formula 1. Huge differences between them. Then you have to add "the Classics" which the first 10 languages from 1335 with the Start of the Trojan War, at the city of Ilia to the 99% misunderstood Odyssey had to be translated from x to y, into Linear B, then z, the a, then b, then c, then into extremely proto Greek. 10 versions of Greek later and 300 years when Greek finally formalized about 400 bce. So the term "Greek" does not really describe much at all. it describes collections of disjointed information that is only related by land mass not the 1000 cultures present over 1000 years. More like 1500 years and some fo those centuries events took place in said land mass and also outside of it. The more variables present the less linear the evidence present it regarding the term Greek. Now add the highly insulting term Trojan, which is 4 languages collected into a single insult. "Children/Descendants of the Holder of the Foot". Which "Holder of the foot" is both a reference to the ATEN and Jacob. Jacob was named as a holder of the limb of the ATEN. There is ton of info left out of that part too.



Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved


Tree Writing format








































































Elder Futhark


Tree Writing format


TR Welling