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Historiography Physics

Noahs Fleet


Gilgamesh and the Narmer Monolith



Narmer’s Monolith


The history of Egypt from 4000 to Pharaoh Narmer aka the Scorpion King 3200 bce is on the extreme side of complex.

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In the graphic you can see the bottom right corner marks the time and space from which Noah arrived in Egypt.

Noah and his fleet arrive in Egypt and proceed to perform the actions described after the so called flood. The meaning of Laguz 34%20copy is “Flow”, not water, but the flow of water. example in a sporting event, when team x is clearly about to win.

Team x is way up on points, and is in perfect position to win the game.

Then in at least football team y obtains the ball and despite being on their own 5 yard line, they only need a touchdown and field goal to win.

The next sequence of events has been labeled “the hail Mary play”. Where the quarter back throws the ball as deep as possible, hoping the ball will be caught by a wide receiver.

Three of those plays if successful team y is within scoring range.

One or a couple more plays before game clock runs out.

That is at least a couple chances to place the football in the end zone for team y.

Before the snap of the ball in this described drive sequence, a sequence of plays is called a drive, drive to the endzone, or the area to score.

Football is absolutely a form of metaphoric war/combat. It allows different cities to get their blood lust out in a fictional format. To win this weeks battles or this weeks sequence of battles. It is blood sport minus the loss of life.

Thanks to broadcast tv and the internet, sports fanatics are able to watch dozens of games during football season. They can literally watch a game or two every day during the week, and from morning till night on the weekends. Some Americans do just that, they spend all of their free time watching sporting events. Investing their money in supporting their favorite teams and players.

The definition of laguz 34%20copy is team x was going to win the game, until team y did the “hail Mary” sequence of plays to end up in the end zone to win the game. Violence is an of course, to strike, to turn the tide of an event using either physical violence and or verbal persuasion. The tide of the game changed.

As the story goes, the Nephilum begin the chapter in Genesis. The first several sentences of that chapter are about the nephilum. The nephilum are considered to be half human and half angelic being.

The next part of that chapter deals directly with Noah and his order to build a fleet of ships.

He builds the ships, attends those ships, and loads those ships.

God sends the flood.

The bad people are removed while Noah and the Nephilum are transported from location A to location b mount arrarat. but what is missing are the next details, which when these events occurred both Sumerian and Hieroglyphics were not created yet. So the language used was Indo  European Language. This story would be restated, revised, edited, revised, through 2 language families before it would be in extreme brief translated into Hebrew by Moses who had not the slightest interest at all in telling any version of the stories of the Jews but which made himself and the philosophy of Esau look good. From 4000 bce to 1300 when the first inklings of Hebrew were starting, although the torah would not actually take shape till Babylon circa 500 bce, after the second temple of Levant Lands Jerusalem was destroyed. Zerubbabel would rebuild the temple, which about half a millennia later Emperor Vespasian would then dismantle the building again. But instead of just scattering the building materials around. Vespasian ordered that the temple pieces be brought to Rome and reassembled, the new building would be dedicated to performing human sacrifices in Rome for the next 300 to 400 years. The soul intent to the buildings moving, rebuilding, and religious performances was to place Jews and the new Christians into that building and kill them in different ways. Usually by blade, but also being eaten alive by wild animals.

Vespasian and the Roman Senate had been trying to deal with the Jewish and Christian problem for half a century 33 – 75 ce. They chose to take the concepts of Noah’s Flood story and apply it to the Jews and Christians. If you are truly great and divine, than these animals will not eat you, since those animals will recognize you are “the chosen” and they will become tame. Thus proving with a very inappropriate use of the scientific method that this new faith was nothing but fiction and fantasy. What is not depicted is that the animals were tortured, starved, drugged, etc. to make them come out of their holding cells below the floor and be so delusional with drugs, tortures, and starvation they would eat anything at all. To prove to the crowd of pushing 100,000 plus people that this new faith was not powerful at all. This new faith had no merit. To use the same “Laguz” to turn the citizens of Rome back into obedient to the roman deities and the rule of the Senate. To allow the Senate to rule without question, and to kill any and all who questioned the authority of the senate and its appended bodies.

What does after Noah arrived at Mount Arrarat have do with the Roman Senate post Vespasian. what was written out, is that NOha found B location and knew exactly how to get to location C from location B mount arrarat.

Location C is the temple of IWNW in Egypt.

Physical Evidence there is virtually no civilization within 100 miles of the currently named Mount Arrarat, however you cannot throw a stone in Egypt and not hit something which is at least 1000 years of if not several 1000-year-old civilization. The modern buildings are the 100s 1000s 10,000s structure built on that site.

The next sentence is clear, Noah and company used the Ark to rebuild civilization. Since there is no real civilization within 100 plus miles of that area of Turkey/the Anatolia Peninsula but 1000s of layers of civilization in Egypt. It is entirely obvious that Noah did not stop at location B but went on to Location C. C would be Egypt.

What would be location C, that would be the temple of IWNW which was by legend built by Adam himself. It was built as the Capital city of his (52  Tents) Tabernacle of Adam System. Which was a copy of the Tabernacle System at the center of the Garden of Eden.

The Above information is why the very real Thule Society formed in the first place. Although the Thule Society only existed from 1918 at the end of the year till 1933 when the NAZI party was finally able to rise in power enough to outlaw the Thule Society. The Thule Society itself simply did what it had done from 1806-present, every time they are outlawed they reform under a different name but keep going. There were 100s of names previous to 1918, and several names after. The current name is the Stille Group, headed by one of the descendants of Himmler. Himmler was actually a spy for the allies and was 100% in charge of the radio communications with the Third Reich. Himmler himself oversaw all radio communications using the enigma Machine. That machine was cracked by Alan Turing and Hedy Lamarr with no small amount of intentional help from Himmler building in repeat patter mistakes to help crack the code; Alan designed the Operating System, Hedy Lamarr designed the mechanical Quantum Frame which did the actual gears decryption processes. The gears needed to crunch the numbers. Himmler knew he was sending secrets to the allies and to Blechkly Park and once he knew it was up and operating, he sent as detailed and complex plans regarding what the NAZI’s were doing as possible. He did everything in his power to ensure that the allies were given every single advantage possible in their decryption and information dissemination procedures.  What research the Thule Society renamed to the 4-year plan which was in part renamed to the 1000-year plan they could gather was sent to the allies. Which despite being forced to take part in the mass murder/genocide of millions of people, the members of the Thule Society who survived the war were mostly acquitted of all charges.

Himmler his house was just feet from one of the gas chambers/cremation rooms. He was informed by Adolf and company, that if he did anything at all they did not like, his family would be tortured almost to death, placed in the gas chamber only feet away and then put into the crematory to be lost forever. Before being placed in the gas chambers his girls would be serviced by a large chunk of the guards and other soldiers present.

It appears WWII was only one aspect of a sequence of wars with a common goal. It can be defined that the Trojan War began at the Palace at Knossos and ended in Whatcom County WA state (well the Trojan British portion of the War); the Seven Years War (aka several other names), the American Revolutionary War, 1812, the American Civil War, WWI, WWII, and the Cold War are all part of the Trojan War. Although the main goal was to destroy the Trojan culture which occurred circa 1889 in Whatcom County. The fight over their technology which is based from the technology which the Nephilum possessed which was transported from location A to C which would be Heliopolis Egypt. Right before the Crucifixion Emperor Caligula ordered the city of Heliopolis and IWNW to be moved from Egypt to where the Vatican sits now. although that is extremely incorrect, since the land has been called Vatican since well before Agamemnon was born, the buildings were moved there and took on the name of the location Vatican. when in reality the buildings of the Vatican are what remains of Noah’s Fleet. The Temple of IWNW is itself or whatever remains of it were rebuild into the Sistine Chapel. 

Noah brought his fleet the Nephilum and the treasures of the Nephilum to Egypt. Most of the treasures were the library, said library provided the infrastructure for the citizens of Egypt to study and learn for the next several 1000 years till the library a couple times had to be removed in order to preserve it from being destroyed by later generations of bad people. It was removed circa 3600 bce when it became clear that the to be know in 2000 years Hyksos who invaded Egypt circa 3800 bce they first aimed at Heirakonopolis and specifically its library. The library was moved to first the city of Luz and Heliopolis.  From 3800-3600 the Hyksos slowly invaded farther and farther north, till they reached Luz in 1000 years renamed to Memphis, to honor Pharaoh Mem. Although the name Mem translates to “All father”, his name in Hebrew is Abraham. But the word Abraham would not exist for 2000 years, since the next language family and the one which followed which is the language family of Hebrew did not form till after 1500 bce. It is impossible for Abraham to have that name since it did not exist yet. At the same time the city of Heliopolis that name is Greek.

The city of Heliopolis at 3500 bce was name changed from IWNW to x (unknown) till 800 bce when Greek was invented and the Greeks named the city Heliopolis. 800 years later that city of Heliopolis and the temple of IWNW were moved from Egypt to the Vatican Valley to the west of the Vatican Hill. The Vatican Hill was erased from existence very  shortly after the Crucifixion of Jesus.

A location which was on the extreme side of well known immediately after the crucifixion its location was lost till the 21st century, when an examination of the geology of the area indicate exactly where the Vatican Hill was.

Currently the Vatican Hill has been almost exactly replaced minus the middle section which was turned into a Square. ST Peters Square to be exact, but previous it was a closed in and flat top hill which had a small hill to the east and a large temple to the west. Not unlike the Isnad of the City of Paris. In comparrision, Notre Dame and its used to be in existence sister building to the immediate north seperated by about 20 or so feet. That building to the north of Norte Dame was demolished and erased from most records sometimes between 1090 and 1470. So were the Temples and Palaces to the west side of the Island were also destroyed and mostly erased from existence.

At the same exact time Versailles phase one was being contrasted. 

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This is an extremely rough version of what the Temples in Paris could have semi-resembled.

Which would place the paris memoria of the location of the Mount of Zion between them. 

From 3500 to 3200  the not yet called Hyksos controed through military force large chunks of Egypt. although they did not have a large enough military to control all of it, they did control large chunks, but like all tyrannical militant govmenrst. Unless they have sufficient military and spy forces they cannot keep up on all decent within the citizens they have control over.

The future Pharaoh Narmer formed an army and began to attack the Hyksos from Thebes/Luxor. He attacked and began to slowly conquer. What the Hyksos failed to do from 3800 when they first invaded to 3200, Narmer did in a matter of a few years. He conquered all of Egypt and brought the entire area both upper and lower Egypt under his one singular control.

He ushered in the age of the Pharaohs.


Laguz 34%20copy can be considered to be done by violence, and or with strikes.

Strikes and or striker is the nickname of Pharaoh Narmer

His name is the scorpion king; which has the character of Laguz 34%20copy built in. 




The Flood in Indo European language is the Elder Futhark Symbol for Laguz  34%20copy which is


Pharaoh Narmer






















Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling