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Historiography Physics

Tarot Deck v 40 Approaches to Rome

The sequence of the cards comes from the way one can approach the Roman Forum.

Do you approach from any of the Valley’s between the 7 Hills of Rome. Or do you approach a given hill from key established Hierarchal routes up and over courtesy of prominent ruling Family building Estates. Each Family had their own entrances into Rome, each Valley provided a key “meaning” to enter Rome through. Those entrances provided the residence of the city of Rome a clear Hierarchical understanding of how important you and or your culture were. Also who you were aligned with, who you were aligned against. All kinds of cultural details could be created based on which entrance into the Roman Forum a person and or a civilization chose.


List of Valleys

·     the areas between the Hills of

o  Capitoline and Palatine

o  Palatine and Caelian

o  Caelian and Esquiline

o  Quarantine and Capitoline

o  The Velia Hill is inside the Forum and has a different internal to the Aett function. The Julii family owned and controlled all that occurred between their Palatine and the Velia Hills. The Commoners were allowed to use north of the Velia Hill. Of course that all changed after the fall of the Claudio Julii Empire, when the family were forced to evacuate Italy entirely when Nero came to power. Nero was a fake name deplume Julii, he used the name but he was not a Julii family member. Far from it.



Over the Hills

·     over which Hill Specifically; each estate/structure to go up and over into the Roman Forum has specific types of rules and regulations from which to enter the city. Each also has a specific compass information in direct association.

o  Capitoline Hill; was the main entrance to the city for all new visitors from the time of Romulus to about 35 ce, when the entire path of the Memento Mori Ceremony shifted from West to East to East to West. Which was in direct response to the Crucifixion of Jesus, which occurred literally using the Memento Mori Ceremony from Traitors Post to the Vatican Hill. Which was quarried and erased from existence about 5 minutes after the Crucifixion occurred. When Jesus crawled out of the Pitt of Hell aka the Pitt of Hades, aka the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, etc. about 100 other names including the Lapis Niger. When Jesus crawled out of the Pitt, all of Rome shifted paradigm. The Capitoline Hill when used for the Memento Mori Ceremony was literally the main entrance to the city.

o  The Other really important Estate people would pass through in order to arrive in the Roman Forum would be the Domus Julii. Which was a really interesting subject, since they had about 3 ways they could arrive. Depending on which exit from the building they choose.

§  Directly from the Julii Temple bypassing the Sky Bridge.

§  After the Sky Bridge before the Temple of Venus entrance

§  A couple of the Exits from the Temple of Venus.

·     You see the Julii Family had a network of connections more than 100 feet above the accepted ground level of the Roman Forum. They could easily go between the Domus Julii, the Sky Bridge to the Temple of Venus, to the sky Bridge to the Domus Aurea (which Nero used that same  name when he built his Palace on the ruins of the City of Pillars which had been in existence for millennia. He had that City of Pillars burned to the ground, used the refuse to fill in the water way, and built his Palace on it. 10 years later Vespasian tore down most of Nero’s Palace in order to construct his Coliseum using the materials from Nero’s Palace and other materials we shall go into later.), Sky Bridge to the Palace which used to be where Claudius built his Palace on the Caelian Hill, which had a Sky Bridge back to the Domus Julii. This Collection of buildings was a huge anger point and rage inducing  situation for the other Powerful families of Rome, since the entire middle and eastern portion of the Roman Forum belonged to the Julii family. They had a lock on power in that area, which was all but entirely unbreakable. That Infinity Loop is both the 10th Position in the Celtic Cross spread as well each of those buildings symbolically are literally and physically the embodiment of the 5.5 tarot seasons Suits. Venus = Cups/Shells, Coliseum = Swords, Emperor Claudius = Wands/Fasces (a bundle of Wands which symbolically represent the Cities of Pillars the Romans had conquered and absorbed), the sky Bridge = Dusk October 31 (feminine) aka the start of Pass Over, Domus Julii = Pentacles or Disks, Sky Bridge back to the Temple of Venus = Dawn (Masculine) the end of pass over Easter. That circle completes Ohm’s Law and is a closed circuit.

o  There are other Hill Estate entrances to Rome, but those are secondary entrances at best. There are other compasses with those other entrances, but they are hierarchal secondary to the ones already pointed out.

§  When working with the numbers/letters of the Tarot during a reading, when various cards come down. take that cards letter/number sequences, then add those to the suit/buildings position within the Julii infinity loop. Then add the compasses letters/numbers in hierarchical sequence.


Compass The Fehu is pointed at the “Entrance to Rome”

Since there are more than a few, that points to some very interesting ideas regarding the sequence of the Tarot Cards, as well as the AErdology Compass and its marked start positioning.

Card Sequence as it applies to the Entrance to Rome.

Each Entrance to Rome provides a different numbering system for the cards sequence.

If you enter from the Palatine Hill Domus Julii entrance, that is cups to swords, wands, tri feminine, pentacles, tri masculine, back to cups.

If you approach from the shoulders of Hercules south west entrance, that is from the Major Arcana. But that Major Arcana sequence is different form if you approach from the old main entrance to the city, or the Curia Julii entrance. YOU will encounter different Hebrew Sigles those 3 primary ways to enter the city not up and over the Palatine.

Although if you enter from the second main entrance to the Roman Forum the valley between the Palatine and Caelian Hills. That is Tri Feminine, Pentacles, Tri Masculine, then cups, swords, wands, then repeat tri feminine, then you enter Rome. But that is closer to the book sequence.

That book sequence is the books of.

Hypnermachia Philiphilo, to Dante’s, which that sequence kicks you out from the Temple of Venus/cups to enter the Forum with the Major Arcana Hebrew Shingles last. But then you approach the Hebrew singles from a different sequence than ify ou approach from the west side 3 entrances.


The First Compass; the original entrance to the Roman Forum.

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The Second primary entrance; this is where the Commanders would enter the Curia Julii as the Prisoners would enter the Capitoline Hill and be dispatched in a few ways. The Commanders would be given government honors and the like. Parading their opposite number defeated commanders of the army/culture just destroyed. They would be put on trial at Traitors Post (later renamed Umbilicus), then executed for being an enemy of the Roman Empire, and dumped into the Pit/Labyrinth/Hell/Hades directly to the East of the Post.

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The Hercules Entrance

This was labeled and defined by Socrates as the “Shoulders of Hercules”. Many people would use this as their primary entrance into the Forum provided they were regular residence of the city who lived on the south west side of the city.


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The Entrance through the Palatine Hill Domus Julii

This would be the Main Entrance for the Julii family and all of their respective power agents.

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The secondary main entrance to the City of Rome after the Memento Mori Ceremony was reinstated post 60 ce by Vespasian. The route was altered from the Vatican Hill to Traitors Post to The south east entrance to the Coliseum past the Temple of Venus to Traitors Post. Which radically disturbed the flow of how the city was designed to operation, but at least the Empire was able to hide as much of the evidence of the foundation of the Ministry of Jesus as they could.



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This is the east side of the city entrance the famous Appian Way Entrance. Hierarchical importance, relatively low. Cultural importance for this was one of the main roads used for graves/burials.  This is also the road to Pompeii


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Ok take those main entrance compasses

now add to those main entrance compasses, the orientation of the Hebrew characters.

Each character that are statistical guesses as to their connections with the main buildings of the Western Forum of the Roman Forum.

I connected the symbols with specific buildings. It could explain why those buildings are shaped and oriented the way they are.

Now match the mathematics of the entrance compass, with the Elder Futhark language circle with its Hebrew letters (like a Pentacle; 5 lines connecting 5 separate characters inside the Elder Futhark Circle) tunnel.

See how closely they match.

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr was a Legendary engineer scientist. Her list of achievements are longer than most famous engineers in history. But her achievements were not allowed to be publicized. A female (bad for misogynistic cultures period), Jew (academically bad for anti-Semitic cultures), eastern European (bad for Anglo Saxon cultures, pro KKK cultures like the Third Reich the American south etc, pro white supremacist cultures, etc), greater than a 170 IQ (bad for all those less smart but raging egos and arrogance about being smarter than all others around them, females infinitely so), Mechanical Protégé (bad for the mechanically not inclined like Richard Milhouse Nixon could hardly turn a screw, he had huge issues driving safely. Her being a mechanical engineer upset his arrogance beyond belief), Actor (considered one of the least important hierarchical jobs, second only to ditch digger, or other low end of low class jobs), an actor who had appeared nude in film (at the time considered pornography. A female who shows more than her ankles was considered xxx porn e.g. lower than lowest class of low), and she had the attitude of being a super genius (the worst of all possible cultural crimes. She had the attitude to go along with all the other things they hated about her). Put it all together she was lucky to have survived at all in the cultures she lived in. Austria, France, England, LA for decades, and then Orlando Florida.

She was incredibly lucky she lived at all.  The Austrians and French tried on many occasions to kill her before she evacuated to London then Los Angeles.

But she could read and write Hebrew.

Based on her time in Europe, did she learn about this Hebrew and Rome information and infrastructure. Courtesy of the writings and research of Leonardo Da Vinci in his created Polytechnic college of Versailles.

Did Hedy apply the lessons of the different disciplines of Physics which created these buildings, in this configuration, with all the huff and hassles involved. Did Hedy learn of them in Austria, Sorbonne, London, Bletchley Park (Enigma Machine, Christopher’s, which she spent the rest of her life building an internet network of 20 Christopher’s from LA to Virginia; from circa 1933-the end of her life in the 1990s. It is even possible that Hedy took Alan’s base equations and created the HTML code format from said, but she was still in 1960’s still not allowed to claim her inventions. So a young professor took credit for her inventions; he would be one of 10k prominent males whom took credit for Hedy’s inventions), etc. then apply that knowledge of this Tarot Deck Rome the XL DTTS as a foundation for the inventions she spent the rest of her life building?


Back to Hebrew

So, you have an Elder Futhark (Babylonian 360’ compass) Circle with letters/numbers identifying each Wedge.

The circles are basically attacked to the Walls of Rome.

Those walls of Rome allow for the Entrance Gate and the F wedge to line up.

But inside the Roman Forum West you have a much much smaller Elder Futhark Circle/compass which the same 15’ Wedges.

Which means you literally have a hierarchical structure of about 8 circles connected to the gates of Rome and specific estates that have their own gates to the outside. Then have smaller circles connected with the West side of the Roman Forum.


Hebrew Hedy Rome and Christopher’s


Did Hedy (the only engineer alive who could have built this network of computers; then link them together in some type or form of Hyper Text Machine Language. So all of the Christopher’s would literally work as a single machine across the entire US continent, then link to the Christopher’s Hedy and others had built in the US and eventually France, adding Germany and Italy over time when the Political tensions eased and the Fascists in the culture were slowly removed from power.) and or others but primarily Hedy Lamarr work from 1930s to the 1990s.

So did Hedy apply the Circles she might have learned about from the structure of Rome, the Hebrew Language, the Elder Futhark circle (year) language, and the infrastructure of Rome. Did Hedy make each circle (a given Christopher) a copy of the Circle areas of Rome.

The different areas of Rome have select and defined boundaries.

The Vatican is itself a large circle, but it has a few circles within its primary boundary.

The Castle of Angels, the same it is a Large circle, but it works with the Circle of the Vatican, but it has a few circles within its property boundary.

The Field of Mars; not only is it its own circle boundary, but it has dozens of little circles within its structure including but not limited to the Pantheon which has at least one circle built in. The three tracks of connection lines are equally important, that bisect the circles.

 The Capitoline Hill is itself a circle, with each building complex being its own circle.

The Roman Forum it itself a circle. Inside the hill boundaries of this larger Roman Forum are the boundary circles of each building, and each area.

Then there is the Roman Forum West, Central, and East. The Roman Forum is an oval, but it has within it 3 primary circles. Those circles have their own boundaries and their own counts.

Letters become Numbers, The counts are literally the date of how long ago that building was built, how long it served each owners purpose. How long it was owned by people, families, etc. How long it has been a ruin. There are many different counts in association with Rome. For that matter there are many different counts in direct association with close to every piece of specifically designed property of the entire planet.

In addition to the counts those numbers become letters (by using the Elder Futhark as a translation matrix, 1 = F, 2 = U, 3 = Th, etc. Previous to the invention of the language of Arabic, then the invention of the Arabic Number System, all western culture languages characters were Letters and Numbers depending on their use. Consequently, those counts; when was the Domus Julii building constructed, when was in rebuilt, when was it remodeled, after construction was done when did Julius Caesar become the head of the family and in effect own that land/building. How long did he own it, who did the title of the land shift to after his death (that is a subject of extreme debate since there are competing legal arguments to be made on that account. Since his assassination was state sanctioned, the state could make a claim that all Julii lands were property of the state. But the Julii still had access to more than half of the total army of the Roman Empire. Hard to enforce said ruling when your family have 3/1 troops of all your enemies combined. All experienced and battle hardened.  Did the estate fall to Octavian who would not have his appointed Pharaoh name of Augustus for another 15 years, did it fall to Caesar’s wife and Co Emperor Cleopatra. Did Caesarian inherit his father’s estate despite the fact he was about 4 at the time of his fathers assassination. Many competing claims so to whom owned what. Those competing claims make those counts even  more interesting. Just adds more and more letters/numbers to the already in existence foundation numbers/letters. Makes for lots and lots of really interesting sentences to be built from the structure of time. How long till the Julii family were forced to evacuate Rome or face genocidal mass murder. How long did the property they used to own lay fallow before someone came along and moved into the old Julii estates. Did Constantine have anything to do with the Julii estate since he was both Emperor and a member of the Julii family from his mothers side. Which makes those counts infinitely more complicated. Collect as many of those numbers/letters together and it will say some very interesting things.) and those letters collected into sequences make words. Words collected make sentences, sentences  make paragraphs.

So did Hedy design those Christopher’s into the first computer network to reflect the areas of the primary circles of Rome.


Field of Mars

Capitoline Hill

Roman Forum West

Roman Forum Central

Roman Forum East





Egypt Upper Egypt


Colorado NM



The Arch

Could the arch be part of Hedy’s Electro-Magnetic infrastructure


DC Virginia










Shoulders of Hercules

Could the Shoulders of Hercules mean the Palatine and Capitoline Hills?


the Green one is called "The Shoulders of Hercules.

no the entrance to that valley is guarded by the temple of Hercules

so in effect that temple is his head, and the hills to the immediate sides are his shoulders

which means based on "Socrates" words

works the Athenian name for ancient Rome was "Atlantis"


Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling