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Historiography Physics

Tarot Deck v 40 Court Pentacles


The Younger Futhark 16 day Calendar


Pentacles the Part 2 Parade

The suit of Pentacles works entirely different from both the 3 standards of cups, swords, and wands. As well as different from the cut in half suit of Tri (which is an aspect of the FreeMasonic Brazen Pillars of J and B. The Brazen does not mean bronze, shiny, golden, etc. a far far better translation would be “pockmarked”. The Pockmarks are specifically for holding in effect Pearls or some spheres which represent either a day, or a sequence of days. How many in a sequence of days is an extremely good question, since how many days defines different lengths of measurable time. The suit of Tri is all about those spheres being applied to the measurement of time. Usually on the Larger Brazen Pillars a day, on the smaller ones the sequence of 15 days, etc.).

Pentacles is a in the middle infrastructure which works inside of the suit of Tri but outside of the parameters of the 3 major, spring, summer, and fall seasons.

The actions done in the other 4 suits has a direct cascade effect into the actions of this suit. That which is done over the course of the year can and will have an affect into how the lessons of your personal year lessons, the cultures lessons, and what you did in the last year since last winter, and previous years. They all cascade into this years winter as a in effect a time to rebuild neuropathways, to rebuilt thinking patterns. There is a built in (courtesy of what remains of the architecture of the “City of Pillars” design) way to take the functionality and structure of those lessons and during the tri seasons assemble in your life an in effect “landing gear” from your experiences, so that your as explained blow your LEM to land on in the suit of Pantacles. Then of course to lift off again leaving last years lessons behind you to build a new sequence of information, new events in the new year, to build a new landing gear next season of tri. As explained in further detail below. The suit of pentacles as well as the actions which occur in winter can most easily be defined and explained by the use of the term Psychology.

The study of the mind.

Actions occur because the creature forms synaptic connections in order to move the body. The body moves because the brain directs it to move. The creature thinks, the creature contemplates its past actions, the creature moves its body, the creature adjusts its motions based on what did not work in the past but might be able to move better with some adjustments. Adding muscle, or altering the way the motions are done could alter/improve the outcome.

The suit of Pentacles is all about this internal study of thinking to affect better motions in the present and the future. To try different body motions from different thinking patterns to improve ones life. Taking the key events from the past, be any distance of time in the past. Short, middle, or a long time ago and draw a line from that event to the current thinking. To then apply that current thinking to the future thinking which will then cascade into future actions being different and possibly have an improved outcome.

Another much more complex way to explain this.

The Apollo program had 3 separate machines working together to achieve goals.

The Service Modul which contained the necessities for long duration space flight, oxygen, water, back up power supplies, etc.

The Command Modul which contained half of the living spaces for the 3 man crew. A permanent living space for 1 person and the main living space for 2 others. In Psychological terminology, the 3 are.

The Ego, Super Ego, and the ID. All contained in the entire structure of the self.

Ego Commander

Super Ego the S

Cognition and the applications of the quantum field/Janus would be Mission control Huston and of course Kennedy. But Kennedy is more like your parents, once you clear the tower (adulthood) it is time to switch gears to Huston in order to allow for Huston to control the flight itself.

Of course there are two primary control rooms,

The CM control room where most to the majority of the important decisions are made for the entire flight of both vehicles when they are separated.

The LEM control room which handles the majority of the operations of the interactions with the lunar surface.

For a few days the 2 would also live in the LEM on the surface of the moon. But the Command Modul itself contained primary life support, batteries, water, oxygen, etc.

The Lunar Excursion Model or LEM which was a two part system designed for flying from the CM to the surface of the moon. Serving as a permanent Moon base. This permanent base landing gear and other technical information and tools used for that very temporary structure, that is your this is me this year base. It is not you as a whole self, it is you of that year. when applied to your life is the experiences of your life in the last year, and the course of your life.  A very temporary Living quarters which was also a return to the CM assent stage. The LEM had an upper half and a lower half. The Upper half was a mini space craft in itself, which was designed to be disposable. The lower half would be a permanent moon base with some supplies, and scientific equipment on board.

The lower half is of the only real concern. That lower half is what you the person construct the landing gears from your that years experiences. The other tools and technical equipment is the knowledge and experiences you have formulated through your life. But that LEM is to be left after your pentacles moon mission is over. That was then this is now. Those experiences from the past need to be left in the past. Not the memories of those experiences, but most absolutely definitely the as if they are still happening experiences in the future. The each year Landing Gear LEM are not supposed to carry you into the future. The suit of Tri is about construction of the LEM, Pentacle sis about learning as much as you can about your life through a review process, and then “blast off” using the other side of Tri the Masculine polarity to leave behind last year to embrace the new year. To fluff off/blast off from that which was you before to what is the new you of the coming year. To leave behind past junk, past mistakes, past things you no longer need, to built a new landing gear for the future.

Pantacles is about how to do what the tools of the Tri is focused on. Adding in the suit of Tri as a whole, then split it into its polarity format allows for the who am I now. What do I need to work on in the present in order to built a new me a new landing gear for the future me in next years spring, summer, fall. Using the tools built into the suit of pentacles and the other mathematical models apply them to building the best you lower section LEM you can.

In another way of looking at it.

Pentacles is a way to build a New Upper stage LEM the temporary crew quarters you need only for your Pentacles landing on the moon to rebuild you. The CM is your this year vehicle only. Your CM is a one use only this year only vehicle. To fly to the Moon, so you can rebuild you on the moon/pentacles to fly back home tri masculine to start a new life spring. In spring you are first building your new CM, then you build your new upper stage LEM. Through those experiences you build your lower stage LEM to land on the moon during your Tri feminine sequence going into Pentacles. The 3 seasons/suits are a more isolated and specific to one topic only series of information. But the Tri and Pentacles works as a codependent machine. Metaphorically the 3 stages of the apollo space craft can be most easily defined many symbolic ways. The SM the Tri feminine, CM pentacles, and the LEM Tri masculine.

Another Symbolic metaphor application of this structure apart from the Apollo program is the following information.

Hedy Lamarr was a founding engineer for both the Saturn (the Temple of Saturn Roman Forum west) 5 rocket and of course, and the entire apollo project. But she was completely disavowed and high treason charges applied if she tried to claim any connection to that work. It took more than half a century before the African females who were only acknowledged post the 2010s to be recognized for their contributions. Hedy was part of the initial designs with Van Braum, based on her work in the early days of the third reich (under slavery conditions). But being a female, Jewish, a genius, a mechanical protégé, Austrian, and as puritan culture at the time defined her as a porn star (for being 18 years old and doing a nude scene in a movie), and worse of all eastern European. Each one individually to WASP American culture an unforgivable sin. Collected together, to WASP culture she was not acknowledgeable as a human. However she worked with her own genius, added the legendary genius of Leonardo Da Vinci in some of his notebooks she was able to gain access to. Add some information from other similar sources and you can see the basic engineering of the Roman Forum from the west, central, and eastern as a base engineering concpet of the Apollo space crafts.

Roman forum in parts; Western would be the SM, central would be the CM, and Eastern would be the LEM. Upper section of the LEM would be the area between the eastern edge of the Velia Hill the lower section would be the Coliseum. The LEM Rocket being very similar in shape/design to the Bowl of the Coliseum. Huston would be the connected roads to the Circus Maximums.



To land the LEM on the moon requires extending the landing gear. By extending the landing gear the metal tubes would go from just being disconnected tubes connected by hinges and the like to being a solid 4 point in effect four pod. The tubes would lock into position and create a locked square based elevated platform from which the main body or lower section could rest comfortably, which would also allow for room for the rocket engine and other equipment contained in the lower section to come to rest on a stable square (pillars) not unlike the construction of Venice, London, Boston, Kaskaskia, and 5 cities of Whatcom County. Pillars driven into the watery loose soil then square platforms built on top of the pillars in a 4 square pod configuration.

The 4 square pod/bracing is the focus of the suit of Pentacles.

The bracing allows for input from the 3 primary suits of spring, summer, and fall to feed into the 4th which would be the transition up and down suit on the ladder to ascend and descend from the upper part of the LEM the disposable portion of the LEM which was built to be a temporary living quarters/storage for the items collected from the moon, then transform into an assent stage to link back up with the CM for the flight back to earth, and then at a safe distance from earth dispose of the upper portion of the LEM before reentry into the earth’s atmosphere to burn up. That burn up process is about leaving the lower LEM on the landing area of last year, that was last year. Leave it in the past. Learn, grow, and improve. But leave the junk behind. For the upper stage, allow that to turn up in the dawn of the new year in the first rays of the sun allow the upper LEM to burn up in the rays of the sun, the Electro Magnetics of the planet, and thickening atmosphere which causes friction. Allow those things to burn away the bad form last year and allow you to built a new this year. Just because you left bad behaviors in the past, does not mean you will leave the causes of you to repeat that those bad actions in the future. So part of your landing gear every year needs to be directed towards finding out why you perform bad or difficult actions and attack the problem from much higher up on the order of operations. For example if you know you are always 20 minutes late for work in the morning. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier, wake up correspondingly 30 minutes earlier, so you can do your morning routine 30 minutes earlier and hopefully allow you to arrive at work on time. This is in part tracking the sequence of events over the course of years so you can us the LEM/Tri and Pentacles knowledge to improve yourself over time.

But the 3 pillars/limbs (the symbolic spring, summer, and fall pillars/limbs. The fourth being the Ladder) of the lower LEM those legs are designed to have a tubes connected into not only a square platform for the main body to come to rest on. But they are also a collection of other tubes to support other weights, other tools, and equipment.

This is where the Pentacles applies. The Cross Tubes of the actual “5 pointed star” can be directly associated with both the field of Psychology and the events in a persons life take those events, dates, the column, the lessons of the mathematics of the Tarot itself (which is actually a form of Quantum Physics, Tarot is simply a French word for the Latin Quantum Physics). And apply those lessons.

In the suits of Tri take those days and review the lessons of the last 365.4 days. Pull the lessons from those days/event into a tube structure as you continue to review and reorient yourself from actions of spring, summer, fall and what you did not learn in the last pentacles into a new quad pod.

In a year, or collection of years, you take the events of your life and draw lines from those events into the rest times, the think times, the struggle times, winter, etc. and built your tubes/pillars network to find the connections with tri and quad square pods from which the larger pictures are being constructed in your life. Think of those tubes say a difficult event happened 4 months ago. Draw a line from 4 months ago to present. Another difficult event occurred about 8 months ago, draw a line from then to now. Now as you transition from fall into winter or wands into tri to pentacles, you need to in effect “lock the landing gear” or “lock the lines/tubes/pillars” so you have a foundation to built the new you from. Building the new you requires not only a review of what happened, but to clean up the emotional issues of what happened.


 but most humans are unaware of the larger lessons of their lives. So you need to look to those events to built the larger tri and quad pod stable structures of you life from which you can land your LEM on successfully.



1 Ability

2 Learning

3 Sphinx

4 Respect

5 Adapt

6 Discipline

7 Connection

8 Realize




Domus Julii , Heaven, the 10th position in the Celtic Cross Spread,

Past Grand Masters Domaine

Past Court Officials









77 A R   Pentacles 11  F

29 5 253-261’   Ability  12 F J   



78 A K   Pentacles 12  U

30 6 262-270’   Learning  11 F I   



79 A G   Pentacles 13  Th

31 7 271-279’   Sacred  10 F N   



80 A W   Pentacles 14  A

32 8 280-288’   Respect  9 F H   



81 A H   Pentacles 15  R

33 1 289-297’   Adapt  8 F W   



82 A N   Pentacles 16  K

34 2 298-306’   Discipline  7 F G   



83 A I   Pentacles 17  G

35 3 307-315’   Connection  6 F K   



84 A J   Pentacles 18  W

36 4 316-324’   Realize  5 F R   





Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved









































































Elder Futhark


TR Welling