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Historiography Physics

Janus Palestine Israel



The Israel Palestine issue has been around since according to the mythology written by a man and a group who had no real interest in telling any version of the truth that did not make them look great and their Jewish enemy look super bad.

Ishmael and Isaac, the sons of Abrham and his wife and a slave/concubine female using the Mem ceremony to allow Abrham to be more powerful. Having an Mem offspring when it works good, is defined by the Greeks as a Demi God a Hercules of sorts. When it works the other way in an older (entirely unknown language, long ago erased by Moses and his people) language the product of said intimacy ceremony is a Demi Devil aka the Minotaur. The Minotaur has long been seen from the descendants of Esau as evil puppets that needed to be found and sent back to hell where they came from. The entire 3rd witchcraft Trial of Salem Mass circa 1690 (as apposed to the first two in 1642 <although it is interesting that an argument can be made that future Judge John Hathorne was a product of said Mem Ceremony since he was born just as those trials were ending in 1642.> and 1660 respectively. There are a large number of similarities between the Salem Witch trials and the anti-Jewish wars of Israel.) was not about finding Witches, it was about finding the surviving mem offspring, and sending them back to hell where they came from. The rest was only an excuse to find and kill the what the Puritans and Calvinists defined as Minotaur’s, half human and half Demi Devil. The more the “minotaur” convinced the Judges they were innocent of practicing witchcraft the more the judges were convinced they were Demi Devils and needed to be punished till their true evil side revealed itself which would justify their executions. Many of those that “knew” about the minotaur part, were actually shocked that the person hanged actually died and did not reveal their true minotaur nature and they actually did die at the end of said ropes. One of the reasons the Puritans allowed the relatives to come in and remove the bodies, instead of letting them hang and rot. How does this apply to when terrorists attack and brutalize what they consider to be minotaur’s, they are actually shocked that their true evil nature does not reveal itself and their inner “in some effect werewolf” side does not transform the body and continue to attack. In Arabic it is a “wow, it is not transforming, I am shocked” is not an uncommon comment heard on the terrorists propaganda films. But since the translators have no real understanding of the mem ceremony, the Greek Demi status from the Mem offspring who survive, and the connection to the Minotaur/were creature that part of the translation is entirely missed. Not unlike in English to Arabic the “oh no” can mean about 100 different things depending on the inflection in the voice and the situation those two simple words are said in.

After an extremely brief review of the available evidence, it is very obvious about 50 to 150 different cultures over the last 4500 years have been attacking the Jews in order to find and destroy the Minotaur’s among them. The words and meanings change, but the attacks are just as real. The shock by those that know or have been fed fiction propaganda about “oh my I just killed a human” is present, but then they go back to the other input from the imams, “any and all who do not accept Islam as the one and one only way to god are just as evil as the minotaur’s”.  

Noah’s Fleet this subject is a rather complicated one. The math's are more of a you find out after most of the equations are done about some oof the numbers you need for the start of the equation. It is a rather odd backwards equation format. Since so much has been removed, courtesy of about 5 major dark Ages where the descendants of Terah, Esau, Hyksos, Moses, Avaris, etc etc. by several 1000 names over the 3000 plus years since Moses, they like making dark Ages so that no one can question them about their inappropriate behaviors. Hiding the Nephilim and it was not one ship but a fleet of them. Which that fleet of ships was rebuilt as a reflection of actions by Jacob and his children including the future Pharoah King of Israel Judah, the 12th son of Jacob. The Pyramids of Egypt are a copy reflection of Noah’s fleet. The Janus comes in as part of the double spine of Janus which is the layout the Pyramids are constructed with.

But the important part is, the Pyramids are in effect Towers. A Tower a distance and a Tower. 16 Pyramids and Causeways, but 25 ziggurats. 15 days in the month 24 months in a year, plus the 1 for the extra high holy day/month. The extra high holy month is the entire next year as a projection.

Ziggurats a Ziggurate is a rather large tower. 1 of them was defined as the Tower of Babel by Moses.

Causeways a long stretch of parallel walls about 15 feet high which strentch from each Prymaid complex for about a mile or two, or at least did bfeofre they were destroyed to make room for other construction. Each Causeway points at a very specific either building or geographical location

Pyramids the Pyramids are a direct result of the plans being discussed at the end of Genesis. The next sentence jumps forward by more than 1200 years, from 2500 bce to 1300 bce.

Judge John Hathorne born in 1642 during the first Witchcraft Trial of Salem Mass. Which his great great grandson wrote a very successful book about “the scarlett letter”, pointing the ideas that the child born of the union between the priest and the young maiden was literally a Demi divine being. Defining his ancestor as a demi devil who sent people to the gallows for threatening to reveal his own status as a minotaur.

Nathaniel Hawthorne great-great-grandfather of Nathaniel Hawthorne (born "Hathorne”, the W was added shortly after Nathan finished school. His friends and the work he did helped to create the field of Gothic Horror. The list of his author friends, the list of his political friends including 1 POTUS.

Abrham to Jacob more like Terah to Judah is about the same generationally as Judge John Hawthorne to Nathaniel.

The Architecture of special note. The West Face of Janus as a Tower, a clearly between and the East face of Janus represented by a different tower .

 Capitoline Hill  Temple of Jupiter Tower/ axion / Temple off Juno Tower

 Ship of the Line  Ship of the line Forecastle /main deck/ back castle

 USA Capitol Hill 1 tower if the House 1 tower is the Senate

 Israel Tower Palestine Tower

 Jupiter the Forum Causeway the Coliseum

 College Campus Admin Building the Campus Square the Towers of the Different Disciplines  similar to the Mecca structures A college campus admin building ziggurat/ the square causeways / each subject a ziggurat.


 Ivy League Schools Ocean Versailles similar to the Mecca structures

 Mecca Structure  Rome forum the Capitoline hill the US Capital building, Juno house, Jupiter senate

Twin Spiral Minorts e.g. Mecca.





Numerous accounts of said architecture in real life,



apparently there is a hidden power dynastic between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac. Ishmael was a Mem son of Abraham and a Clergy of Janus Mem ceremony (most said offspring are dispatched shortly after birth, a double sacrifice for a missing better description. But these children are often times the result of the father being violently inappropriate with the mother, usually in those cases the female is both very young and untouched. Mem 1a taking her innocents, with the 1a spoiling her for any other man, another layer of the actual event being pretty violent, 1a followed by the shear utter society embarrassment of having a family member in effect kidnapped and treated like a common whore, just to get said layers and layers of violation energy as a gift to Janus in order to receive a good solid part 3 in return. This practice is still very much happening in the modern world just using different word descriptions. The offspring it is assumed based on the way they were conceived would turn out to be as the Greeks put it “Demi Devils” so they would be disposed of shortly after birth. Assuming the infant would be some form of Minotaur.) Hagar. Now whether Hagar was a willing Clergy with Abrham to perform the ceremony, or was a very much of a non willing participant. The child Ishmael survived, much to the offense to the culture, who then feared the child would become some form of Minotaur. Which the modern Islamic cultures do treat Palestinian’s as if they are some form of Minotaur (a half human e.g. from the Abrahamic line and half beast from either a non-Abrahamic line or from an enemy of said line be it Ishmael or Esau. Things become very complicated from here in history. Does not help that Abrham’s father Terah is chiefly responsible for the attack and destruction of the Ziggurat of Eridu aka the Tower of Babel.). which is actually what Allah Akbar is a direct reference to, much to the shock and surprise of the PC translators who say “god is great” is the translation. That is a fundamentally not accurate description. Yes the words do mean that, but the hidden or rune (which is in part why the Futhark was used by Moses to create the Hebrew characters from, a combination of a Janus line from the Pyramids and the Scaffolding of the Elder Futhark.) part of the description is they are announcing to Allah that they have disposed of an instrument of the devil and sending that evil puppet back to hell where it came from.

 Palestine the etymology itself is more than a little confusing since this word seems to be a compound word with several different languages in reference. From Phoenicia, to the descendants of Ishmael, and a few other less defined sources.

 Israel is actually a Hyksos combination of words; Isis, Ra, and El. Ra was added specifically by the Hksos post 2050 bce after the Yksos had gained a couple solid footholds in Egypt. Took more than 150 years but by 1900 the Hyksos took over ful lnad complete control over Egypt. Ending the “Old Kingdom” of Egypt which had built the pyramids and ushered in the “Middle kingdom”. A ultra radical educaiotn, technology, and population drop was the obvious result. Also the facts that within 100 miles of the Nile in both directions was an extremely intracute system of marches and channels to capture the niles flood waters and use said to grow vast amounts of crops. After more than 800 years of said careful agricutlal engineering, huge Red wood Oak Trees were growing and thriving in the soil. But within 200 years wihtouth proper education to tend to the crops and the infrastructure as well as cutting down the trees for building and fuel purposes. Most of the Nile returned to being shifting sands and the Sahara. The Hyksos had no want, need or desire to maintain the engineering. So it was lost to history. Not to mention imposing a rather harsh Dark Age on the south eastern Mediterranean. So what Jacob was called would not be Israel, that name is an invention of Moses and imposed on Jacob more than 1200 years after he died.

But this page is not about the above.

It is about how the Palestinians are in effect the West Face of Janus and the Jews are the East face. With the distance between the Towers/Capitals of the two peoples literally forming themselves into a form of Janus.














Previous To the Current

Situations and People who Led to the Construction

Construction Pre Production

Construction Begins

Construction Progression and Details

How Long since Construction Ended

Events of the Structure since Construction Ended

Building Modifications

Current Configuration


People Involved

Location Involved


Tree Writing format







































































Elder Futhark


Tree Writing format


TR Welling